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Computed tomography measurements of different dimensions of maxillary and frontal sinuses.

We have previously proposed the use of Doppler ultrasound to non-invasively stage sinus infection, as we showed that acoustic streaming could be generated in nonpurulent sinus secretions and helped to distinguish it from mucopurulent sinus secretions. In order to continue this development of a clinically applicable Doppler equipment, we need to determine different dimensions of the paranasal sinus

Circulating biomarkers for prostate cancer

Due to its significant applicability for early detection, risk prediction and follow-up evaluation, prostate specific antigen (PSA) has revolutionized our ability to treat prostate cancer patients. With the prevalent use of PSA for early detection during the last two decades, disease characteristics have been altered towards early detected, localized tumors with a high chance of cure following loc

Från "sancte Matthei dagh" till "21 september". Kalendariska tidsuttryck i nordiska under senmedeltid och reformationstid

During the 16th century, and thus late in a european perspective, the Scandinavian language usage went from normally giving dates according to the church year calendar (each day having a name of its own, mostly referring to a saint) to normally giving them according to our modern calendar (numbering the days within each named month). The present investigation shows how this transition more exactly

Tobit Maximum-likelihood estimation of Censored Pathloss Data

Pathloss is typically modeled using a log-distance power law with a large-scale fading term that is log-normal. However, the received signal is affected by the dynamic range and noise floor of the measurement system used to sound the channel, which can cause measurement samples to be truncated or censored. If the information about the censored samples are not included in the estimation method, as

Virtual talk as a communicative resource. Explorations in the field of gene technology.

In face-to-face conversation, participants often give the floor, or the voice, to non-present participants - virtual participants. These are made present in the conversation by actual speakers quoting them, voicing them or referring to their opinions. In this paper, we examine instances of such virtual talk. Data are drawn from focus group discussions and public meetings about genetically modified

Model processes in nonlinear prediction with application to detection and alarm

A level crossing predictor is a predictor process $Y(t)$, possibly multivariate, which can be used to predict whether a specified process $X(t)$ will cross a predetermined level or not. A natural criterion on how good a predictor is, can be the probability that a crossing is detected a sufficient time ahead, and the number of times the predictor makes a false alarm. If $X$ is Gaussian and the proc