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Slaget om pornografin - en analys av diskurser om pornografi i svenska dagstidningar mellan 2013-2017

Sexualitet har länge varit föremål för kontroll, kategorisering och reglering. I vårt nutida västerländska samhälle har vi lagar som reglerar vilka sexuella handlingar som är acceptabla och vilka som inte är det, och vissa typer av sexualitet är även sjukdomsklassade. De senaste åren har viss form av sex diskuterats intensivt i svenska nyhetsmedier; nämligen pornografi. Diskussionen berör frågor oThe aim of the study is to examine discourse on pornography in Swedish news media. The methodological point of departure is Critical Discourse Analysis, as presented by Fairclough. The empirical material consists of 69 articles, editorials and chronicles publicized in Swedish news media between July 2013 and March 2017. The primary theoretical point of departure of the study is Fairclough’s critic

Advancing Identities with YouTube

This thesis explores the ways in which the social media channel of YouTube is utilized in advancing consumer identity projects. Specifically, the focus is on understanding how the videos of successful and popular YouTubers help consumers in pursuing their identity projects. This thesis will therefore provide new insights to the existing literature on symbolic consumption and identity projects, by

Performance Persistence in the Swedish Fund Market

In this study, the performance persistence in the Swedish mutual fund market is investigated. The performance is measured by two different ratios. The ratios that we use are the Sharpe Ratio and the Reward-to-VaR ratio which are both measuring risk-adjusted returns. When the performance persistence is tested there are several periods of significant performance persistence. The proportion of period

Intranät 2.0 i IT-konsultbolag

För IT-konsulter, som spenderar mycket tid ute hos kund, är känslan av organisationstillhörighet inte självklar. Denna studie syftar därför till att undersöka hur en IT-konsult, som spenderar mycket tid ute hos kund, upplever att intranätets sociala funktioner kan främja organisationstillhörigheten den känner gentemot sitt konsultbolag. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats för att få en ökad förståels

Development of a program for building an atomic model of covalently bound polymer coating on a nanoparticle

Coating nanoparticles with polymers in medical applications has been extensively employed to prevent unspecific interaction with proteins and the immune system and to enhance their circulation time in the blood. The interaction between polymer chains affects the preferred conformational structure of the coating and is an important factor to understand for specific applications. In spite of this, t

Alla familjers bibliotek? En fallstudie kring hur folkbiblioteken i Malmö stad görs tillgängliga för spädbarn med flerspråkiga familjer

The aim of this master thesis is to investigate how the public libraries in the city of Malmö in Sweden, work with and towards babies under the age of one and their parents, with a specific focus on multilingual families. We also aim to investigate the awareness amongst the librarians in their meeting with this group. For this we use critical theory and an intersectional perspective using mainly t

'Schools need to adjust themselves toward the kid, not the kid adjusting themselves to the schools' - A social justice and capability approach exploring inclusion of dyslexic students and quality in primary education in Uganda.

The paper explores inclusion of dyslexic children in Uganda’s primary education system and aims to provide qualitative evidence on barriers and challenges impacting their educational attainments and social inclusion. The paper firstly examines scholarly research on dyslexia and inclusive education and establishes demographic patterns and development trends of inclusive primary education in Uganda.

Från Balkan till Bryssel

In terms of EU-accession, the seven countries that used to constitute the republic of Yugoslavia have developed very differently. While Slovenia was one of the countries absorbed during the EU:s eastward expansion of 2004 the other states have struggled in their EU-accession, Croatia being the only state to obtain full membership besides Slovenia. The purpose of this study is to shed a light on th

The first step to meeting the Paris Agreement? An analysis of Ireland’s fossil fuel divestment

This paper analyzes the policy process that resulted in Ireland becoming the first country in the world to divest its public funds from fossil fuels. Against a background of being a climate laggard, the Irish case presents an interesting outcome of introducing a novel measure to address climate change. By drawing on an extended version of the Multiple Streams framework encompassing both the stages

Memory Efficient Semantic Segmentation for Embedded Systems

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have made rapid progress in the last years and in fields, such as computer vision, they are considered state-of-the-art. However, CNNs are very computationally intensive. This makes them challenging to use in embedded devices such as smartphones, security cameras and cars. This thesis investigates different neural network compression techniques to see which wi

Simulation of Colorless Distributed Combustion

Colorless distributed combustion (CDC) is a promising novel technology to reduce emissions of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides in gas turbine combustors. CDC features a different flame regime than conventional gas turbine combustors, associated with a distributed reaction zone and low and uniform temperatures due to dilution of combustion air with exhaust gases. In this thesis, an attempt has b

Isolation and genomic characterization of three PHA degrading bacteria from the marine environment

The broader goal of this project was to investigate what kind of effects the accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) in the marine environment might have on the microbial world. Bacteria were isolated from biofilms fouling PHA pellets placed in the sediment-water interface; the goal was to isolate PHA degraders that were also sulphate reducers. Eleven strains were isolated and for three of the

Top Income Shares and Regional Inequality - Long-term patterns, 1900-2010

After decades of convergence, income inequality has increased substantially in many European countries, as well as in the US. Additionally, a similar pattern has been observed for regional income disparities as well. This thesis examines the extent to which the top income shares and regional income disparities have moved in tandem on a national level during the 1900-2010 period, in both Europe and

Storytelling and employee engagement from the CCO perspective: A case study in a nonprofit organization

Employee engagement has become more of an important issue for nonprofit organizations as they have to maintain an unprofitable social mission with often stringent resources. This study problematizes that most research about employee engagement is from a managerial approach, while research from the “communication constitutes organization” (CCO) perspective recognizes the close link between communic

Är det möjligt att med dagens förutsättningar förlänga hållbarheten från 24 h till 48 h på butikspackad blandfärs?

Kort hållbarhet på malet kött förpackat utan modifierad atmosfär kan leda till svinn i butiker. När denna förpackningsmodell används sätts ofta hållbarheten till 24 h vilket innebär en begränsad period för försäljning. Om hållbarheten förlängs till 48 h för att minska svinnet krävs det att den mikrobiologiska säkerheten bibehålls samt att den upplevda kvaliteten (doft och utseende) fortsatt är god

Prisutvecklingen på bostäder i Malmö - En statistisk jämförelse med Stockholm och Göteborg

Bostäder består antingen av hela fastigheter eller av delar av fastigheter. Fastigheter och deras priser är intressanta i förhållande till andra varor då de är knutna till en precis lokalisering. Priset på en fastighet säger mycket om värdet av den lokalisering som fastigheten har. För en stad är prisutvecklingen en slags temperaturmätare och speglar en förändring i attraktivitet för ett visst lägReal estate and its prices are interesting in relation to other goods due to the strong linkage to a precise location. The price of a property says a lot about the value of its location. For a city, price development is a strong indicator and reflects a change in attractiveness for a particular location. The purpose of this Master Thesis is to explain the deviation in price development on dwellin

Trade Facilitation and trade policy

There have been many studies made which measure the effects of trade facilitation on trade flows, and it is has been established that there are large gains from improving inefficient and cumbersome trade procedures that act as a barrier to trade. Still there are differences between countries and their level of trade facilitation. With a framework defining resources indicator and protectionist indi

Elliptic Flow Studies using Event Shape Engineering in Pb-Pb Collisions at ALICE

Denna avhandlingen presenterar en experimental studie till ett materietillstånd som existerade under de först mikrosekunderna efter Big Bang. Detta tillstånd kallas för Kvark-Gluon-Plasma och har lyckats bli återskapat i laboratorier genom att kollidera tunga atomkärnor med varandra. En sådan kollision uppnås genom att använda den stora partikelacceleratorer Large Hadron Collider (LHC) vid CERN soInn ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, QCD matter undergoes a phase transition to a strongly interacting Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) where quarks and gluons are deconfined. The expansion of this plasma is well described by ideal hydrodynamics, suggesting that it behaves like a perfect, reversible, liquid. The particles emerging from the expansion are then highly correlated, showing collective b

No title

The paper describes the development of the Danish writing primers through 300 years from 1579 to 1880. The theoretical and methodological basis for the description is, in particular, Robert Darnton's communication circuit and analytical bibliography. The oldest Danish specimen books are the so-called Schreibmeisterbücher, addressed to people who need to work professionally with writing. Howeve

Gårdstensbostäders utveckling av Gårdsten år 1997 - 2025 - Grannskapseffekter, Policy och Segregering

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the municipal housing company Gårdstensbostäder has developed the area of Gårdsten over time. It looks at what kind of actions that have been made to develop the area since Gårdstensbostäder was founded in 1997 up until today (2019). It also examines a future vision for the area that reach to year 2025. Theoretically the thesis is based in Segregation and p