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Managing healthcare organizations: challenges in a temporary agency worker context
Guiding technologists in México : testing theories of sustainable technological design development to create better design guidelines in a Mexican context
Technological development has been used to improve human conditions over time, but has in the process created detrimental impacts on the environment. As political forces shift the focus of technology to solve sustainability-related problems, much faith is put into that technologists will change the way they conduct their work so they create technologies that are more sustainable. Given the lack of
Användande av IKT i gymnasieskolan : Lärares användaracceptans av digitala läromedel
År 2016 presenterades skolverkets strategi för digitaliseringen av skolväsendet. Där fastslås att visionen för gymnasieskolan är att eleverna ska utveckla en digital kompetens och att skolan ska tillvarata digitaliseringens möjligheter. Trots visionerna så är användningen av digitala läromedel låg, i en undersökning från lärarnas riksförbund angav 59 procent av dem tillfrågade lärarna att de använ
Får det lova att vara ett leende? En studie om äkthetens betydelse vid tillämpning av sinnesmarknadsföring
Undersökningens syfte är att studera äkthetens betydelse samt konsumentbeteendet vid tillämpning av sinnesmarknadsföring inom hotellbranschen. Utifrån studiens syfte diskuteras tre forskningsfrågor: Hur upplever gäster sinnesmarknadsföring? Vilken påverkan har sinnesmarknadsföring på konsumentbeteendet? Hur viktigt är det för gäster att servicelandskapet uppfattas som äkta? Vår empiri består av ti
Strategic Sea Lines of Communication - China’s South China Sea policy and the Copenhagen School of Security Studies
The issue of Chinese assertiveness has become a big focus area for International Relations scholars in recent years due to China’s growing global and regional impact in Asia, which is increasingly challenging USA’s hard and soft power in the region. The purpose of this thesis is to nuance the realist interpretation of the Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea by applying a Copenhagen School
Innovation Management and Simulations - Early innovative product exploration with modern working methods and technical simulations
Förkortningen av ledtiden för utveckling av produkter påverkar kraftigt behovet av att ha ett strategiskt tillvägagångssätt för produktutvecklingsmetodik. Det är också av yttersta vikt att använda rätt verktyg och ha förståelse för digitaliseringen av industrin. I denna uppsats, som utförs efter en förfrågan från Scania, presenteras ett strategiskt tillvägagångssätt mot en modern produktkonceptutvThe shortening of the development lead time for products is heavily affecting the need for having a strategic approach to product development methodology. It is also of the utmost importance to use the right tools and have an understanding concerning the digitalization of the industry. Presented in this Master Thesis, conducted after an incitement from Scania, is a strategic approach towards a mod
Understanding Social Capital in Neighborhood Associations: An Explorative Study conducted in Sarıyer, Istanbul
Abstract Today, the reproduction of the spaces is mostly realized through urban transformation processes. These processes are in evidence around all over the world. Urban transformation is an ambiguous umbrella definition that includes different actors, different processes and different fields. Beyond spatial changes, these transformations also affect social relationships and networks, which are v
Bortom avsedda användningsområden - En fallstudie av vardaglig användning och konfliktområden på urbana kyrkogårdar i Malmö
Modern cities are becoming increasingly densified, which makes existing green areas of said cities more sought after by multiple demographics who desire open and recreational spaces close to them. One type of those green areas is urban cemeteries. This study aims to explore the everyday use of the urban cemetery and the possible areas of conflict that arises thereof. In order to study this phenome
Att slåss med drakar - En kvalitativ studie av hur två startups i Skåne arbetar med varumärkespositionering
Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur startups arbetar med varumärkespositionering. Metod: Studien är kvalitativ i sin karaktär, då forskningsfrågan har besvarats med hjälp av primärdata insamlad genom tre semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med representanter från två olika företag. Materialet har kompletterats med sekundärdata från webbplatser samt annan marknadskommunikation från företagen. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how startups work with brand positioning Methodology: The study is conducted through a qualitative research approach and the data collection was made through three semi-structured interviews with representatives from two different companies. Secondary data has been collected from the companies’ websites and marketing collateral. Theoretical perspe
Study of Dark Matter Models in Astrophysics and Particle Physics
From astrophysical and cosmological observations, it is known that most of the matter in the Universe is dark. This matter could be explainable by new particles, not included in the Standard Model of Particle Physics. This work assumes that there exists an interaction between dark matter and Standard Model particles, and investigates if the present relic density of dark matter in the Universe coul
Machine Learning Based Modulation and Coding Scheme Selection
In wireless communication, resources like bandwidth and energy are scarce and extremely valuable, any system should serve as many users as possible while preserving high Quality of Service (QoS) for the best user experience. Accordingly, the Base Station (BS) has the responsibility to optimally schedule its resources to the users based on the available information. Consequently, the whole process
Propagandans makt: En komparativ kvalitativ textanalys av pressmeddelanden från Indien och Myanmar utifrån teori om propaganda
Muslimska, etniska minoriteter i Sydostasien har blivit mer och mer synbara i media samt från organisationer. Minoriteterna har blivit beskrivna som offer för stora nationers kontroll och människorättskränkningar. Samtidigt uttrycker nationerna att minoriteterna i fråga inte är medborgare i nationen och således behöver nationerna inte upprätthålla säkerheten för minoriteterna. Yttrandefrihet- och
Inventory management in a customer landscape with diverse requirements on flexibility - A case study at Atria Sweden AB
Abstract Title Inventory management in a customer landscape with diverse requirements on flexibility - A case study at Atria Sweden AB. Course Degree Project in Production Management – MIOM01. Authors Annika Fredriksson and Andreas Pettersson. Supervisor Johan Marklund. Background and Research Question Atria Sweden AB manufactures meat products towards both the Swedish and Danish markets. As a re
“Recoding Gender”: The intersectional experience of female immigrant programmers in the Swedish IT sector
Computer programming is historically constructed as a male domain, and the underrepresentation of women and other marginalised minorities is recognised as a global phenomenon in most countries of the world. However, limited attention has been paid to women who choose to enter this field. The lack of intersectional and cross-national analysis on the relationship between gender and technology remain
Socialt arbete under nationell utveckling : En kvalitativ studie om studenters syn på det sociala arbetets professionella utveckling i Azerbaijan
This study aims to examine the Azerbaijan social work students’ views of their professional role in relation to the prevailing environment of an FSU country. The main objective is to identify the students’ views of different key themes; professionalization, identity and knowledge frames of social work to appraise the relevance of these under the development of the profession and in particular for
The Effect of Domestic Violence on Women’s Health and Agricultural Activities in Otukpo Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria.
The aim of this thesis was to explore the effect of domestic violence against women Health’s and Agricultural Activities in Otukpo Benue State, Nigeria. The sampling techniques adopted for this study is both cluster and purposive sampling in selecting respondents to participate in the study. The study area is divided into four cluster representing the four major districts of the study area. These
Self-Service Business Intelligence: Data Governance riktlinjer
Användare av Business Intelligence system efterfrågar snabba resultat vilket har gjort Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) attraktivt. Genom att möjliggöra flexibilitet där användare kan skapa sitt eget innehåll utan att behöva vänta på IT-avdelningen, har analyseringsmöjligheterna och beslutsprocessen förbättrats och blivit snabbare. Denna flexibilitet kommer dock med potentiella risker gäl
Controlling the Space of Equal Opportunity: A framework for management control systems regarding anti-discrimination and diversity
Purpose: The purpose of this study was two-fold. First, we aimed to develop a framework concerning how to directly and indirectly control discrimination in the workplace using Man- agement Control Systems (MCS). Second, we wanted to examine whether this framework is practically applicable in multinational enterprises (MNE). Methodology: The first part of the purpose was achieved through conduc
Pulling up the Drawbridge: From Vote Leave to the Brexit White Paper
On 23th June 2016 the United Kingdom held a referendum on whether or not to leave the European Union. The results were 52% to 48% in favour of leaving. This was accomplished by Vote Leave, the designated campaign group in favour of leaving the European Union, convincing enough citizens to vote in their favour. This thesis examines how much of the Leave campaign’s rhetoric has permeated the White P