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A review of Sweden’s cyber security actors through the lens of Assemblage theory

Our entire society relies on technologies to function. Critical infrastructure like: water, power, transportation and communication systems amongst other things are technologies connected to the cyberspace. The cyber security is therefore to be considered a matter of national security, hence it also needs to be handle like a national security matter. Many states has come to the conclusion that pub

#Olagligt - Panoramafrihet på sociala medier

Till följd av högsta domstolens avgörande i Wikimedia-målet har farhågor uppkommit att avgörandet även kommer påverka privatpersoners publicerande av semesterbilder på sociala medier. Uppsatsen har därför undersökt panoramafriheten i svensk rätt och om den svenska lagstiftningen ger stöd för att på sociala medier publicera bilder av offentligt placerad konst och byggnader. Detta har gjorts i ljuseFollowing the Swedish Supreme Court’s judgement in the Wikimedia-case fears have arisen that it will also affect individual’s rights to post and share holiday pictures on social media platforms. Therefore, the thesis has examined the Freedom of Panorama in Swedish legislation and if Sweden’s legislation allows for individuals to post pictures on Social Media depicting artwork permanently placed in

Hållbar citylogistik - Där uteblivet samarbete skapar negativa konsekvenser

Denna fallstudie belyser hur ett ökat antal av godstransporter påverkar städers förmåga att skapa en hållbar citylogistik. Citylogistiken innefattar många olika intressenter som har olika mål vilket gör att utvecklandet av en hållbar citylogistik som gynnar alla blir komplext. Detta tillsammans med ökade godstransporter gör att städer står för en utmaning i att kunna tillgodose intressenterna behoThis case study highlights how a increasing amount of freight transport affects the citys ability to create an sustainable city logistics. The city logistics comprises multiple stakeholders with different visions which makes the development of an sustainable city logistics more complex. This along with a increased amount of transportations create a challenge in the ability to make the stakeholders

Dispersion management and characterization of ultrashort laser pulses for the optimization of parametric processes

This thesis set out to continue the development of a short-wave infrared (SWIR) optical parametric amplifier (OPA). The system is based on a Yb-ber chirped pulse amplification (CPA) laser delivering 400 fs long pulses, centered around 1030 nm, at 200 kHz repetition rate and 40 W average power. The thesis focuses on pulse characterization, through use of frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG), of

A new dawn for the Infringement Procedure - New possibilities to safeguard the rule of law under Article 258 TFEU

The 'rule of law crises' in Hungary and Poland have shown weaknesses in the European Union’s system of enforcing the values enshrined in Article 2 TEU after accession. Especially Article 7 TEU as well as the other enforcement procedures have proven to be incapable of forcing Member States back into compliance with the values enshrined in Article 2 TEU so far. However, this thesis contests

Knack knack. Vem där? Populism! - visuell analys på valfilmer från Sverigedemokraterna och Vänsterparitet inför valet 2018

Politiska partier använder sig av olika strategier för att få väljare att rösta på dem. Den tekniska utvecklingen har gjort att användandet av valfilmer inte längre är något som endast används i USA utan även används i Sverige. Denna studie fokuserar på konstruktionen av Sverigedemokraternas och Vänsterpartiets valfilmer inför valet 2018. Syftet är att studera och tolka hur visuella och retoriska Political parties use different strategies to get the voters to vote for them. The technological development has meant that the use of election movies no longer is something only used in The United States but also something used in Sweden. This study focuses on the construction of Sverigedemokraternas and Vänsterpartiets election movies prior to the 2018 election. The purpose of this study is to i

Pivot Point Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market - A Test for Market Efficiency

The foreign exchange (FX) market is today the world’s broadest, most active, financial market. One of many technical analysis techniques amongst professional FX traders, trying to narrow down the best entry and exit points in this market, is to utilize pivot points. The ability of this technique has, as far as we know, never been rigorously evaluated. In collaboration with the Malmö-based hedge fu

Systemutvecklarens förhållande till digital integritet efter GDPR: En studie om hur integritet behandlas i systemutvecklingen

När GDPR trädde i kraft i maj 2018 fördes också privacyfrågan upp på agendan. Bland forskare och akademiker har ämnet digital integritet fått mycket uppmärksamhet under förhållandevis lång tid, med ramverk som Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs) och Privacy by Design (PbD) samt diverse riktlinjer för hur dessa ska appliceras i verkligheten. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur utve

Spatial and temporal diffusion of house prices in Sweden

In Sweden, both house prices and household debt have more than doubled over the last two decades. This rapid surge has generated concerns about a housing bubble and the economic consequences that may follow, resulting in a considerable body of research analysing the fundamentals of Swedish house prices. To assess how a bubble or a crisis would ripple over the housing market, it is key to also unde

Can securitization be just? A case study of the U.S securitization of bioterrorism post 9/11

This study investigates the morality of securitization. More specifically, it examines the possibility of a just securitization. Using Just Securitization Theory, developed by Rita Floyd, it analyzes the morality of a case of securitization. The selected case for testing Just Securitization Theory is the U.S securitization of bioterrorism after the incidents of 9/11 and the anthrax attacks in the

How a Democracy Survives

Benin, an impoverished nation in West Africa, has been consistently ranked as one of Africa’s best democracies. While countries in the region have seen major democratic backlashes, this study seeks to explain how it is that Benin’s democracy has survived since 1991. This thesis operationalises a theoretical framework of democratic consoli- dation based on three approaches — structures, attitudes

Attack, reträtt eller försvar? En studie av skånska kustkommuners klimatanpassningsstrategier inför stigande havsnivåer

Due to climate change, sea levels are rising exponentially on a global scale. It is threatening tocause a number of consequences, such as floodings and erosion, in coastal zones all over theworld. The coast of the swedish province of Skåne is especially threatened in comparison toother coastal zones in Sweden, and it is predicted that by the year 2100 the sea level will haveincreased with 1 meter

En kritisk studie av ekologisk hållbarhet i bostadssektorn - Med fokus på tekniska lösningar och delade boendeformer

This study is based on the reflections that society's activities have a negative impact on the climate and that there are planetary boundaries that need to be taken into account if ecological sustainability will have a chance to be achieved. Today the Swedish housing sector is quite resource intensive and contribute to about 20 percent of the Swedish emissions of carbon dioxide, which is about

‘Stakeholder’ Categorization and Power Dimensions within Evaluation Reports

Participation in the field of development is a highly debated subject, aiming to involve different stakeholder in various processes of cooperation. Currently, existing studies on power dimensions within development evaluations are insufficient and considerable reflection on issues of unequal influence is lacking. This thesis will attempt to fill the knowledge gap in current research by studying di

Utan folkmakt, ingen framtid: En ideologianalytisk studie av Hans Palmstiernas miljöpolitiska texter

Hans Palmstierna was a biochemist and writer on environmental issues who became the foremost public voice of the early environmental movement in Sweden during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The books he authored warning of escalating environmental concerns became bestsellers, and he wrote a large number of articles on matters of scientific progress, energy politics and pollution in Swedish newspa

”The majority of females are selfish and don’t want to help us lonely men out” : En netnografisk studie om män som är incels

“The majority of females are selfish and don’t want to help us lonely men out”- A netnographic study about men who are incels Incel, is short for and means “involuntary celibate”. The purpose of this study was to observe an Internet forum for incels and to examine incels self-images and social context in selected threads. Also, to see the men's perceived reality and how they describe themselv

Orsaker till och normer kring narkotika- och läkemedelsmissbruk bland högstadieelever i Lomma kommun

In this bachelor thesis, the causes and norms that has indicated an increase of drug abuse, both illicit and prescribed, for the past two years in the municipality of Lomma among middle school pupils, have been investigated. In order to understand this problem, student health staff’s, field workers’ and police’s point of views have been considered in three focus groups interviews. Qualitative data

Att förutspå förvärvsannonseringar – skicklighet eller bara tur?

Titel: Att förutspå förvärvsannonseringar – skicklighet eller bara tur? – En studie om riskarbitrage, marknadsrisk och överavkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden Seminariedatum: 2019-06-04 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15HP Författare: Sebastian Bechmann, William Brunius och Filip Nilsson Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur M&Title: Att förutspå förvärvsannonseringar – skicklighet eller bara tur? – En studie om riskarbitrage, marknadsrisk och överavkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden Seminar date: 2019-06-04 Course: FEKH89 Corporate Finance Degree Project, Undergraduate level, 15ECTS Authors: Sebastian Bechmann, William Brunius and Filip Nilsson Supervisor: Maria Gårdängen Purpose: The purpose of the study is to in

A City of Heathy Mobility. Mixed method case study on development of sustainable bicycle mobility in Warsaw.

The uncontrolled development of automotive transportation worldwide raised the urgency to promote sustainable transportation among European cities, whereas bicycle as the most sustainable alternative to cars has become a symbol of urban sustainability. The popularization of cycling trips is conducive to reducing congestion, noise, and pollution in cities. It also serves to promote a healthy lifest