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Your search for "*" yielded 532906 hits

Increased uptake of 5-FU in experimental liver tumours by simultaneous infusion of norepinephrine

The effect of the simultaneous administration of norepinephrine and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) on the uptake of radiolabelled 5-FU by liver tumours was studied in rats. Three different concentrations of 5-FU were used (15, 1.5 and 0.15 microgram/g body weight). The drugs were infused over a 30 min period via the hepatic artery, following cannulation of the gastroduodenal artery. The radioactivity in li

The impact of the use of multiple risk indicators for fracture on case-finding strategies: a mathematical approach

The value of bone mineral density (BMD) measurements to stratify fracture probability can be enhanced in a case-finding strategy that combines BMD measurement with independent clinical risk indicators. Putative risk indicators include age and gender, BMI or weight, prior fracture, the use of corticosteroids, and possibly others. The aim of the present study was to develop a mathematical framework

Trains of attosecond electron wave packets

We study temporally localized electron wave packets, generated using a train of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) attosecond pulses to ionize the target atoms. Both the electron wave packets and the attosecond pulse train ( APT) are characterized using the same technique, based on interference of two-photon transitions in the continuum. We study, in particular, the energy transfer from a moderately strong

The effects of successful intervention on quality of life in patients with varying degrees of lower-limb ischaemia

OBJECTIVES: to assess the quality of life after successful intervention among patients with varying degrees of lower-limb ischaemia in comparison with healthy controls and the respondents>> degree of sense of coherence. MATERIALS AND METHODS: one hundred and twelve patients and 102 healthy controls were assessed for quality of life (Nottingham Health Profile) and sense of coherence. MAIN RESULTS:

Suitability of Gamma, Chi-square, Weibull, and Beta distributions as synthetic unit hydrographs

Most available methods for synthetic unit hydrograph (SUH) derivation involve manual, subjective fitting of a hydrograph through a few data points. Because of this tedious procedure, the generated unit hydrograph is often left unadjusted for unit runoff volume. During recent decades, use of probability distribution functions (pdfs) in developing SUH has received much attention because of its simil

The Fenyo-Lindberg scoring system for appendicitis increases positive predictive value in fertile women - A prospective study in 455 patients randomized to either laparoscopic or open appendectomy

Background: Suspected appendicitis is one of the most common indications for acute laparotomy or laparoscopy. The negative laparotomy and laparoscopy rates are high, often in the range of 15-30%, and especially high in some groups of patients such as women of child-bearing age and young patients. Different scoring systems have been introduced in order to improve diagnostic accuracy. The aim of the

The influence of nonionic surfactants on hydrophobic and hydrophilic ultrafiltration membranes

The influence of different types of surfactants on ultrafiltration membranes has been investigated. A basic approach to membrane-surfactant interactions is also presented. A nonionic (Triton X-100), two anionic (potassium oleate and sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate) and a cationic (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide) surfactant were investigated. The effects on commercial membranes of polysulphone,

Coping with complexity. multivariate analysis of tumor karyotypes.

Human cancers are characterized by chromosomal aberrations, and an increasing number of specific balanced rearrangements have been found among malignant hematologic disorders. Most solid tumors, however, exhibit a much more complex cytogenetic pattern. Although these chromosome changes show a nonrandom distribution, tumor-specific aberrations are uncommon, and the solid tumors often contain a larg

New spectroscopic information on Pd-98

Neutron deficient (98)pd nuclei were produced in the Cr-50(Ni-58,2p2 alpha)(98) Pd reaction at a beam energy of 261 MeV. A revision and extension of the level structure of (98)pd is proposed. About 40 new transitions have been assigned to, and placed in the level scheme of this nucleus. A sequence of states are candidates for the negative parity 4-quasiparticle states built on the pi g(9/2)(-3)pi

Att bli konstnär : Om identitet, subjektivitet och konstnärskap i det senmoderna samhället

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling ställs frågan varför unga människor vill bli konstnärer och vilken mening det konstnärliga skapandet kan tänkas ge dem. En grupp unga konstelever har intervjuats och för var och en av de intervjuade är konstens mening högst personlig samtidigt som mening också skapas i den konstnärliga gemenskap eleverna ingår i. Författaren vill försöka förstå både dThis dissertation explore young peoples will to become artists. A group of artstudents have been interviewed and severel questions are raised. How do the students perceive their artistry and their role as artists? In what way is artistic creation meaningful to them? What does the relationship between the individual project of becoming an artist and their societal participation look like? As artist

How to kick off system innovation: a Rotterdam case study of the transition to a fuel cell transport system

Fuel cells in combination with hydrogen are expected to play an important role in a future, sustainable transport system. Recent studies have provided insight into how technological transitions may come about and may be I managed. However, there is a lack of methodologies aimed at starting off transitions or system innovations, in practice. This paper addresses this issue by presenting a methodolo

A reusable capacitive immunosensor for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) detection using thiourea modified gold electrode

A capacitive immunosensor based on a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of thiourea on gold electrode has been developed. Anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (anti-CEA) was immobilized on a self-assembled thiourea monolayer (SATUM) via covalent coupling. Under optimum conditions, the decrease in capacitive signal when carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) standard was injected could be determined with a detection