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Simulation of propionaldehyde production from glycerol

The rising prices of fossil fuel, combined with increasing glycerol availability, thanks to increasing biodiesel production, have made glycerol more economically interesting to use as a starting material in various processes. This article will present and evaluate a new process developed by Biofuel-solutions for production of propionaldehyde from glycerol via acrolein. Aspen Plus® is used to simul

Project CAD - Importance and Relevance of 3D CAD Based

Project CAD: Importance and Relevance of 3D CAD Based Education in Industrial Design Field – a Degree Project for Master of Fine Arts in Design This master’s degree project was carried out from January to October 2012. Project deadline was moved from the spring term to the autumn term as I needed more time to finish the research. The viewpoint of the research was to focus on the main issues in the

"Vafan har jag ställt till med!" Psykoterapeuter berättar om konflikter i det terapeutiska möte: En kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore what kinds of conflicts therapists and patients struggle with in a psychotherapeutic encounter. Eight experienced psychodynamic psychotherapists were interviewed using an open ended approach and a narrative method. The therapists were asked to tell about memories from their professional life as psychotherapists and memories from being patients i

Hur långt sträcker sig arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar? En analys av relationen mellan rehabilitering och uppsägning på grund av missbruk

Praxis från AD visar att även ett starkt alkoholberoende kan likställas med en kronisk alkoholism och därmed kan också dessa personer omfattas av det förstärkta anställningsskyddet som träder i kraft vid sjukdom. Osäkerheten kring sjukdomsdefinitionen gör det näst intill omöjligt att avgränsa arbetsgivarens rehabiliteringsansvar i situationer orsakade av alkoholmissbruk. En utgångspunkt är att arb

Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of the Late Silurian Lau Event, Gotland, Sweden

The positive δ13C excursion associated with the Late Silurian Lau Event (approximately 420 Ma) is recognized globally and considered to be one of the most prominent carbon isotope excursions of the Phanerozoic. Its maximum values are exceeded only by values from the Proterozoic. Over the last years the Lau Event has been studied in great detail on the island of Gotland, Sweden (Baltica palaeoconti

BVC-sjuksköterskans identifiering av och agerande vid övervikt och fetma hos barn

I västvärlden har övervikt och fetma bland barn ökat de senaste decennierna. Flera studier har visat att övervikt ofta följer individen genom livet och ökar riskerna för följdsjukdomar. Syftet med denna enkätstudie var att undersöka hur svenska BVC-sjuksköterskor (n=34) identifierar och agerar vid övervikt och fetma hos barn. Det framkom att barnövervikt och fetma i huvudsak ansågs vara ett geneti

The Dynamic Relationship between Foreign Direct Investments and Domestic Investment: A Multivaritae Analysis

China’s opening of reform in 1979 started the transition to a social market economy in 1992 and its accession to the WTO in 2001 are seen are pivotal moments in China’s recent history when assessing its economic growth and investment climate in the last 30 + years. Some theorists (Kokko 1994; Cave 1974) propose the positive spillover effects of FDI however its merits have been called into question

Inmatning av biogas utan propantillsats på Lunds Energis naturgasnät - en förstudie till smarta gasnät.

The use of natural gas is increasing globally. At the same time, the cheap and easily accessible resources are decreasing rapidly. Among other alternative gases, biogas is considered since it is a renewable resource. In order for biogas to really become a large scale alternative, it needs to be fully compatible with today’s infrastructure and gas applications. This report is evaluating the technic

APIVARIA - A Top Bar Bee Hive Concept

A concept for a bee, - and beekeeper friendly horizontal top bar beehive for northern climates, aiming to provide a platform for discussion and further development of bee keeping methods. An ergonomic alternative to the heavy handled traditionally used vertical hives, Apivaria aims to offer an older generation a possibility to postpone retirement from beekeeping, while introducing a new generation

En studie om hur Bonnier AB arbetar med internkommunikation avseende kärnvärden

Studien syftar till att, utifrån ett ledningsperspektiv, undersöka hur Bonnier AB arbetar med internkommunikation avseende koncernens gemensamma kärnvärden. Med stöd från intervjuer undersöker vi hur arbetet med kärnvärden genomförs och uppfattas av Bonnier AB:s ledning respektive chefer på dotterbolag i koncernen. Resultaten från intervjuerna visar att det finns god kunskap om koncernens gemensam

Går det att torka betongprover i mikrovågsugn?

The aim of this study was to investigate if it is possible to dry concrete samples in a microwave aven without damaging the concrete. This method could, if it is possible, fadilitate the work in many laboratories today. In the beginning of the work a theoretical study over the behavior of the microwaves is done. Same different areas in the construction business where it is possible to use microwav

Ramkonstruktioner av fanerträ.

This paper deals with 3-pinned frames of laminated veneer lumber. The fixed knees are made of plywood- or steelgussets. The design proeecture in accordance with the Swedish building code, "Nybyggnadsregler" is described. A number of practical experiments have been performed to check the stiffness and strength off the knee. The economy for this type of construction campared with glued lam