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Particle induced x-ray emission analysis and complementary techniques for examination of aerosols in the environment of industrial workers
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On MIMO capacity of a dual multiband antenna prototype with user interactions
This paper presents an evaluation of single input single output (SISO), single input multiple output (SIMO) and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channel capacities for a dual antenna prototype in proximity of a user. The dual antenna prototype mimics today’s small mobile phone design in size and in comprising internal, compact, multi-band antennas. Four different user cases are evaluated by m
Victims of Fate, Victims of the State: (A-)Political Interpretations of Disability in Interwar Sweden and Germany
The Interface Between Urban Sub-Grid Emissions and Atmospheric Models: Aerosol Dynamic Modeling of the Particle Number Size Distribution
Ozonmätnätet i södra Sverige Marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljön i södra Sverige med hänsyn till ozonets variation i landskapet
Researching assessment – in the dividing line between tests and assignments, formal rules and regulations and the individual student’s examination process
The Democratic Qualities of Multiparty Elections: Participation, Competition and Legitimacy in Africa
An optimization model for communication networks resilient to partial multiple link failures
This submission is devoted to optimization of networks that permanently experience fluctuations of the capacity available on their links. This is an important and novel topic since limited link availability is a fundamental feature in wireless networks and yet majority of work in survivable network design is restricted to the total single link failures. We assume a given finite set of network stat
Does glyceryl nitrate prevent post-ERCP pancreatitis? A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter trial
Characteristics of a Multi-Jet Impactor with 50 Micrometer Diameter Nozzles for Deposition of Submicron Particles
The Department of English in Lund : Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 5
School Bullying and Social and Moral Orders
Theory and Practice of Adaptive Control
Study of J/psi production in root s(NN) = 200 GeV p+p and d+Au collisions in PHENIX..
Lower bounds on the estimation error in problems of distributed computation
Skattepengar ska inte gå till studiecoacher
Artikeln är ett debattinlägg om coaching i skolverksamhet
Implementation Strategy for an EBR-Solution
During the last decades, the level of automation has constantly increased in all types of manufacturing processes; discrete, continuous and batch. In addition to already existing automation systems, new and/or updated ones are being introduced at many production sites, e.g., various types of MES-systems. Today, the companies’ challenge is no longer to find the relevant automation/MES system, but r
Usama fungerar som en symbol i ett evigt krig
Exploration and exploitation as learning strategies among entrepreneurs: Examining associations with entrepreneurial knowledge
In this paper we examine how exploration and exploitation, as two alternative learning strategies of entrepreneurs, influence the acquisition and development of entrepreneurial knowledge from prior career experience. In line with expectations based on experiential learning theory we find significant and direct associations between entrepreneurs’ career experience and their entrepreneurial knowledg