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Spectroscopy along flerovium decay chains. II. Fine structure in odd-A 289Fl

Fifteen correlated α-decay chains starting from the odd-A superheavy nucleus 289Fl were observed following the fusion-evaporation reaction 48Ca+244Pu. The results call for at least two parallel α-decay sequences starting from at least two different states of 289Fl. This implies that close-lying levels in nuclei along these chains have quite different spin-parity assignments. Further, observed α-el

Temporal trends of 4-Hydroxychlorothalonil in maternal serum samples, 1997-2015

Trender av svampbekämpningsmedlet Klorotalonil i gravidas blod över en 18-årsperiod Bekämpningsmedlet Klorotalonil (CHT) har funnits länge och använts på en mängd olika typer av grönsaker, vilket är förbjudet i Sverige och även Europa idag. Ändå hittades det nyligen i gravida skånska kvinnor och har fortsatt upptäckts i gravida kvinnors blod kontinuerligt under de senaste 18 åren. Sannolikt finnsAgricultural fungicides are extensively used for infestation control, resulting in residues of these compounds in food. Human exposure to environmental contaminants might occur via different routes, such as inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion. Exposure to several pesticides has been associated with adverse human health outcomes. Our aim was to assess the stability as well as temporal trends of

Energy-efficient monitoring system for fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are a requirement for fire safety in every type of building today. The effectiveness of a fire extinguisher is however dependent on it not leaking and keeping the pressure. To assure that this is not the case, maintenance is recommended at regular intervals, by the owners themselves at monthly intervals, and once per year by professionals. This however leaves the fire extinguish

A review of machine learning and satellite imagery for poverty prediction: Implications for development research and applications

The field of artificial intelligence is seeing the increased application of satellite imagery to analyse poverty in its various manifestations. This nascent but rapidly growing intersection of scholarship holds the potential to help us better understand poverty by leveraging big data and recent advances in machine vision. In this study, we statistically analyse the literature in the expanding fiel

Quantitative In Vivo Imaging of the Androgen Receptor Axis Reveals Degree of Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy Response

Non-invasive biomarkers for androgen receptor (AR) pathway activation are urgently needed to better monitor patient response to prostate cancer (PCa) therapies. AR is a critical driver and mediator of resistance of PCa but currently available non-invasive PCa biomarkers to monitor AR activity are discordant with downstream AR pathway activity. External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) remains a common tre

Shirts for life and eternity in the grave of Bishop Peder Winstrup (1605–1679)

This article presents the investigation of two linen shirts which form part of the funerary dress of Bishop Peder Pedersen Winstrup (1605–1679), buried 1680 in Lund Cathedral, southern Sweden. When the grave was opened in 2013, it was discovered that the body had been naturally mummified, and that the funerary dress, including the linen, was well-preserved. Extant Early Modern linen garments are r

Strategic Campaigns

This chapter examines the emergence of strategic diplomatic campaigning under David Miliband, in which efforts to “normalise” public diplomacy saw diplomacy itself become more campaign based. This includes a case study of the early parts of the Olympics 2012 promotional strategy; a renewed emphasis on the digital platform as a tool of influence, including the rollout of ambassadorial blogging and

Transformative innovation policy–lessons from the innovation system literature

This paper criticizes attempts to present narrow perspectives on innovation policy as reflecting the use of the concept innovation system. While it is correct that innovation policy, at least until recently, has given higher priority to economic growth than to global challenges such as climate change and income inequality this is in no way immanent in the innovation system concept. To illustrate,

HPAEC-PAD analysis for determination of the amino acid profiles in protein fractions from oat flour combined with correction of amino acid loss during hydrolysis

Current derivatization-dependent approaches for amino acid composition analysis of cereal proteins have significant variability due to lack of direct analysis opportunities and loss of amino acids during protein-hydrolysis. To tackle these drawbacks, a novel direct, derivatization-free approach was successfully introduced, using HPAEC-PAD, and applied for analysis of hydrolyzed defatted oat flour

TOI-2285b : A 1.7 Earth-radius planet near the habitable zone around a nearby M dwarf

We report the discovery of TOI-2285b, a sub-Neptune-sized planet transiting a nearby (42 pc) M dwarf with a period of 27.3 d. We identified the transit signal from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite photometric data, which we confirmed with ground-based photometric observations using the multiband imagers MuSCAT2 and MuSCAT3. Combining these data with other follow-up observations including

Advocating access to justice: Facilitating or gatekeeping?

Advocacy is one of the central means for supporting access to justice. The social work profession has advocacy as one of its main courses of action. This discusses the components in actions that are considered as good practice for facilitating access to justice in its democratic aspects. More explicitly social workers advocacy for promoting the worth and dignity of human beings in society. Four di

Gluteal lymphoedema associated with lower extremity lymphoedema : A preliminary study with indocyanine green lymphography and magnetic resonance imaging

Introduction: Indocyanine green (ICG) lymphography studies have identified that one in three to five patients with cancer-related lower extremity lymphoedema (LEL) demonstrated dermal backflow extending to the gluteal region. This study aimed to further characterize gluteal lymphoedema using contemporaneous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Patients and methods: Twenty-eight patients with unilater

Product-related environmental information to guide consumer purchases - a review and analysis of research on perceptions, understanding and use among Nordic consumers

Informed product choices are a prerequisite for the greening of consumption. Nordic consumers are subject to an ever-growing amount of product-related environmental information that is available in a number o f formats. The degree to which they use information is disputed. This paper reviews Nordic research on consumer perceptions, understanding and use of product-related environmental information

Luminescence and radiocarbon dates from alluvial sediments, Podhale, Central Europe — A methods comparison

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon (14C) techniques were employed to investigate the absolute ages of alluvial sediments in Podhale in the West Carpathians, southern Poland. This is an approach to (i) testing the credibility of the above dating methods by their reciprocal age control and (ii) further implications to regional geochronology and to dating campaigns of alluvial se