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Örja- ingenmansland Storgård eller inte i byn utanför Landskrona?

This thesis is focusing on the church village of Örja just outside of Landskrona in the western part of Scania in Sweden. In Örja there are several prehistoric sites from the Neolithic and to the late Viking Age. Örja which has its foundation in the early Middle Ages still exists today. The thesis focuses on the 9-15th century. By using interdisciplinarity and a comparative method the aim is to in

Protecting the Unprotectable: Humanitarian Crisis and the International Community’s Kantian Responsibility to Protect in North Korea

The famine in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has once again reached a point of emergency wherein the international community has a moral duty to protect the population from their government. Although the member states of the United Nations have affirmed a global Responsibility to Protect, the ways in which that responsibility are carried out are often contradictory and help to sustain t

Ett leende på läpparna - stöd och strategier i bakfickan, En arbetsmiljöstudie på DSB First Sverige AB

Abstract Author: Emilie Premberg Title: “A smiling face – support and strategies up one`s sleeve” A work environment study at DSB First Sverige AB. Supervisor: Charlotta Zettervall Assessor: Hans Swärd The aim of this study has been to find different “healthy-factors” that helps trainmanagers at DSB First to handle their situation at work with threat, violence and other negative stressors. A fur

Modelling Retirement Determinants in Sweden on Qualitative Microdata

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the determinants of the retirement decisions in Sweden by using qualitative micro data from The Survey on Health and Retirement in probit models. The models investigate the change in job status between the first survey wave in year 2004 and the second survey wave in year 2006/2007 by adding background variables measured in years 2004. The study show that de

Medarbetarnas rättighet - chefens skyldighet. En studie om mellanchefers syn på medarbetarsamtalet.

Author: Nina Andersson Title: The employees right – The managers obligation. A study regarding midline managers view of performance reviews. [Translated title] Supervisor: Tove Harnett Assessor: Hans Swärd In Swedish municipalities all employees have the right to once a year have a private meeting with their manager. This meeting is meant to give feedback to the employee regarding their work eff

En kartläggande studie kring studenters uppfattning om nya normer på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka studenters, som blivande arbetstagares, inställning och syn på några av arbetsmarknadens nya normer. Genom förändringar i form av teknisk utveckling och globalisering har nya normer på arbetsmarknaden tagit form. I denna studie ligger fokus på de förändrade normerna kring anställningsform och konkurrens. Tidsbegränsade anställningar har blivit allt vanligare och k

Specificity of Innovative Gazelles

This study aims to present different factors influencing growth comparing Innovative Gazelles and other average SMEs. In addition, this study will investigate relevance of factors fostering innovation in high-growing SMEs in a cross-country perspective in order to show how Innovative Gazelles differ from SMEs in general. The study applies qualitative approach of multi case study, which will be con

Barns och föräldrars mänskliga rättigheter i förbindelse med palliativ vård av barn i hemmet

The purpose of the present essay is to describe what happens to the rights of parents and children when a child falls fatally ill. The method involves the comparison of scholarly literature, chiefly from Sweden, but also from Norway and the UK. Likewise dialogue has been carried out with the relevant parties in this matter, including personal contact with both physicians and Patientnämnden (the Sw

Miljöförändringar i Bangladesh : mänskliga rättigheter, staten och miljö - en undersökning av Johns Rawls och Peter Singers syn på global rättvisa kopplat till en förändrad miljösituation i Bangladesh

The essay aims to discuss the issue of climate change. I will focus on Bangladesh, a county vulnerable to environmental hazards due to its geographical location. I have clarified how climate change may affect a country like Bangladesh and how the environmental issues are connected to human rights violations. To problematize the issue of climate change further have I looked into the matter of justi

The innovation efficiency analysis between central regions and eastern regions in China based on DEA model and the development potential for central regions

As a transition economy, China faces the reality of shortage of innovation resources and unbalanced allocation of innovation resources among regions when operating innovation activities. In order to solve these two problems, China needs to make efforts in increasing innovation efficiency and narrowing disparities between eastern regions and other regions. Among them, central regions are the area t

User Experience A guide to competitive strategy in the Experience Economy

User Experience is a concept that recently has gained a lot of interest in the high-tech consumer products industry. While technology development has converged and is starting to become a commodity and, as markets mature and loyal customers become more important, User Experience has emerged as a way to gain a competitive advantage. By studying literature, cases and articles, as well as interviewin

Emerging Challenges of ICT in the Digital Era: The Problems with the Recognition and Protection of the Virtual Items as Real Property

This thesis is a submission for the new modern area of law that is intangible, immaterial and immovable. It can be called as virtual property or virtuality as such. Mainly due to globalization, the 21st century could be regarded as the beginning for a new digitalization era. Along with the expansion and generalization of the use of the Internet, digitalization has created a concept known as virtua

Man våldtar män. En analys av den manliga kroppen och manlighet vid sexualbrott mot män

Denna uppsats behandlar sexualbrott mot män. Uppsatsens främsta syfte är att med hjälp av diskursanalytisk metod undersöka hur den manliga kroppen och manlighet konstrueras i den svenska rättstillämpningen. Fem rättsfall, varav två bedömts som våldtäkt och tre som sexuellt tvång, är föremål för diskursanalys som visar hur den manliga kroppen och manlighet konstrueras i rättsfallen. Rättsläget vad

Whitman och fadersrollen

Uppsatsen visar på hur Walt Whitmans tre dikter "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking", "As I Ebb'd with the Ocean of Life" samt "On the Beach at Night" kan läsas som ett gestaltande av Whitmans utveckling som författare.