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Using a Theory of Change Approach for Inclusive and Resilient Urban Food Systems in Uganda

We explore how the Resilient Urban Food Systems (RUFS) project applied a theory of change approach to raise awareness of the importance of smallholder farmers and to bring them into decision making processes, as key players working towards a sustainable and resilient food system in Kasese Municipality and Mbale City in Uganda. Critical inputs from using a theory of change approach included: consta

Did Grandmothers Enhance Reproductive Success in Historic Populations? : Testing Evolutionary Theories on Historical Demographic Data in Scandinavia and North America

Human reproductive success requires both producing children and making investments in the development of offspring. To a large extent these investments are made by the parents of the child, but researchers are now looking beyond the nuclear family to understand how extended kin, notably grandmothers, enhance reproductive success by making transfers to progeny of different kinds. The extent to whic

Immunological biomarkers in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, an exploratory longitudinal Swedish study

Objectives: There is a need for more specific biomarkers to diagnose and predict disease course in patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). This study aimed to study immunological plasma biomarkers at different time-points in radiographic (r)-axSpA patients overall and stratified by sex and compare these biomarker patterns in r-axSpA patients concerning disease phenotypes and disease activit

Treating shock with norepinephrine administered in midline catheters in an intermediary care unit : A retrospective cohort study

Objectives A rising incidence of septic shock as well as recommendations for early vasopressor initiation has increased the number of patients eligible for norepinephrine (NE). Traditionally, NE has been administered through central lines, in intensive care units, due to the risk of extravasation in peripheral lines. The aim of the current study is to determine the rate of complications and patien

GARCH-Informed Neural Networks for Volatility Prediction in Financial Markets

Volatility, which indicates the dispersion of returns, is a crucial measure of risk and is hence used extensively for pricing and discriminating between different financial investments. As a result, accurate volatility prediction receives extensive attention. The Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model and its succeeding variants are well established models for stoc

Predicting troponin biomarker elevation from electrocardiograms using a deep neural network

Background Elevated troponin levels are a sensitive biomarker for cardiac injury. The quick and reliable prediction of troponin elevation for patients with chest pain from readily available ECGs may pose a valuable time-saving diagnostic tool during decision-making concerning this patient population. Methods and results The data used included 15 856 ECGs from patients presenting to the emergency r

Effectiveness of nutritional education intervention during pregnancy on birth outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa : a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

Introduction Nutritional education intervention during pregnancy is the process of teaching pregnant women about the importance of a healthy diet and how to make healthy food choices. It is an important part of public health and vital to preventing adverse birth outcomes. Therefore, synthesising available evidence on the effect of nutritional education intervention on birth outcomes is essential f

Use of 4 Open-Ended Text Responses to Help Identify People at Risk of Gaming Disorder : Preregistered Development and Usability Study Using Natural Language Processing

Background: Words are a natural way to describe mental states in humans, while numerical values are a convenient and effective way to carry out quantitative psychological research. With the growing interest of researchers in gaming disorder, the number of screening tools is growing. However, they all require self-quantification of mental states. The rapid development of natural language processing

Chalcogen Impurities in Silicon

If an atom of the host lattice in silicon is replaced by an atom belonging to the fifth group in the periodic table, the potential binding the extra electron to the impurity atom can, in most cases, be approximated by a hydrogen-like potential. 1 This gives rise not only to an energy level in the band gap for the impurity ground state, but, in addition, also to a series of excited states. In silic

Elevated Galectin-3 levels in the tumor microenvironment of ovarian cancer – implication of ROS mediated suppression of NK cell antitumor response via tumor-associated neutrophils

Introduction: Ovarian cancer is a lethal disease with low survival rates for women diagnosed in advanced stages. Current cancer immunotherapies are not efficient in ovarian cancer, and there is therefore a significant need for novel treatment options. The β-galactoside-binding lectin, Galectin-3, is involved in different immune processes and has been associated with poor outcome in various cancer

Connected Autonomous Driving Using Reconfigurable Intelligent Metasurfaces

Beyond 5G/6G communication systems promise to significantly impact the development of a New Generation of CCAM. Reconfigurable Intelligent Metasurfaces (RIM) are by now established as a key enabling technology for 6G Systems. They have been extensively investigated the last few years, as they possess exotic properties allowing for precise control over any aspect of an impinging wave. As such, they

The legal position of academic staff in a changing university landscape : A comparative analysis of Finland, Norway, and Sweden

The higher education system has since the 2000s changed fundamentally in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. One reason behind this is so-called managerialism as a part of NPM, which means a shift towards more managerial forms of leadership, business-oriented aspects, and neoliberal university policies. Managerialism in all the Nordic countries conflicts with decades of collegial institutional tradition.

Trace elements and APOE polymorphisms in pregnant women and their new-borns

We investigated the relationship between lipid binding glycoprotein apolipoprotein E (apoE; gene APOE) polymorphisms (ε4 allele carriers versus no carriers = ε4+/ε4−) and trace elements (TEs) (e.g., (methyl)mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, selenium, manganese, copper, and zinc) in mothers (N = 223) and their new-borns (N = 213) exposed to potentially toxic metal(loid)s from seafood consumption. Th

Fragmentation in Collisions of Snow with Graupel/Hail : New Formulation from Field Observations

Secondary ice production (SIP) has been attributed to the generation of most ice particles observed in precipitating clouds with cloud tops warmer than 2368C, from various aircraft- and ground-based field observations across the globe. One of the known SIP mechanisms is fragmentation during collisions among ice particles. It has been studied with our theoretical formulation, which has been applied

ALAD and APOE polymorphisms are associated with lead and mercury levels in Italian pregnant women and their newborns with adequate nutritional status of zinc and selenium

The impacts of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ALAD and VDR genes on Pb health effects and/or kinetics are inconclusive at low exposure levels, while studies including APOE SNPs are rare. In this study, we examined the associations of ALAD, VDR and APOE SNPs with exposure biomarkers of Pb and other trace elements (TEs) in Italian pregnant women (N = 873, aged 18–44 years) and their newbo