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Association of polypharmacy, fall-risk-increasing drugs, and cardiovascular drugs with loneliness and social isolation among older adults

BackgroundPolypharmacy has been linked with social isolation and loneliness among older people. The roles of different medication groups to this association are unclear. The aim of this study was to examine associations of fall-risk-increasing drugs (FRIDs) and cardiovascular drugs with loneliness and social isolation.MethodsThis cross-sectional study included 6714 adults aged 60 years and above l

Mapping Sentinel Vessels in Uveal Melanomas Using Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging

Introduction: Sentinel vessels provide an important early indication of underlying ocular neoplasm. To date, there is no noninvasive technique available for imaging and mapping of their vascular supply, which remains largely unstudied. We aimed to map sentinel vessels in uveal melanomas noninvasively by laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI). Case Presentations: This report describes a case series

Premium or penalty? Occupations and earnings of Ottoman immigrants and their offspring in the United States, 1900–1940

We study the economic integration of immigrants from Ottoman Syria and Turkey and their offspring in the United States using full count census data from 1900 to 1940. Immigrants initially achieved occupational premiums due to their selection into high-reward industries, but 1940 earnings data reveals significant and growing disadvantages over time, partly due to lower educational attainment. In co

Baseline Characteristics from Evoke and Evoke+ : Two Phase 3 Randomized Placebo-controlled Trials of Oral Semaglutide in Patients with Early Alzheimer's Disease (P11-9.013)

OBJECTIVE: We report the preliminary baseline characteristics in the ongoing phase 3 evoke and evoke+ trials investigating the safety and efficacy of oral semaglutide for early AD.BACKGROUND: Semaglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1RA), is approved for use in type 2 diabetes (T2D) or obesity.DESIGN/METHODS: evoke (NCT04777396) and evoke+ (NCT04777409) are multicenter, randomi

Comparison of Airborne SARS-CoV-2 Omicron and Pre-Delta Variants Around Infected Patients

Transmissibility has increased during the evolution of SARS-CoV-2, possibly by improved airborne transmission. An increased transmission was noted also in many hospitals. We analyzed SARS-CoV-2 in room air of hospitalized Omicron infected patients and compared results with previous findings with pre-Delta variants to study if SARS-CoV-2 was more prevalent in patient rooms after the introduction of

Quantum Control and Feedback in Qubit Systems

This thesis examines the behavior of a single-qubit quantum system controlled by feedback. Key parameters such as coupling strength, dissipation, and detuning are explored to improve quantum coherence and stability. Based on the results, practical methods for controlling quantum systems are proposed to better understand quantum control techniques and then improve the performance and stability of q

Spot with paths, and interactive diagram with a low complexity isovist algorithm

In an often quoted sentence of his 1976 book "The Architecture of Form", Lionel March drew a clear distinction between science, interested in extant forms, and design, which initiates novel forms. The theories, methods, measures and diagrams of space syntax have often developed following this first more scientific scheme, and they have been concerned with the analysis of existing or projected buil

A computational method for generating convex maps using the medial axis transform

Convex maps were first introduced by Hillier and Hanson in "The social logic of space", and have since become a standard diagram of space syntax, particularly in the analysis of interior of buildings. Despite of their extensive use, the computer generation of convex maps turns out to be quite difficult. An algorithmic description of the process would afford an objective form of reproducing analysi

Feminist Agroecology: Towards Gender-Equal and Sustainable Food Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa

Agriculture is pivotal in the global economy but is challenged by unsustainable practices that harm the environment and aggravate social inequalities, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Women, making up half the agricultural workforce, often do not benefit equitably from their labour due to systemic gender inequalities. Applying a Feminist Political Ecology (FPE) lens reveals the unequal ge

Isolation and crystallization of copper resistance protein B (CopB) from Acinetobacter baumannii

Acinetobacter baumannii (A. baumannii) is an opportunistic, Gram-negative human pathogen, which is predominantly found in hospital patients. Its antimicrobial resistance is escalating, leading to less efficient treatments, and an increasing interest in identifying new therapeutic drugs. Metals as antimicrobials are vital in healthcare and agriculture, and copper-containing surfaces are known to re

Lipid nanoparticle properties explored using online asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation coupled with small angle X-ray scattering : Beyond average characterisation

This study employs asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation online coupled with small angle X-ray scattering at a synchrotron beamline, along with multiple downstream detectors, including multi-angle light scattering, dual wavelength UV and dRI. This setup enables size-resolved characterization of lipid nanoparticles, allowing for a detailed comparison between empty and cargo-loaded lipid nanopart

Evaluating intermediate crops for biogas production – Effects of nitrogen fertilization and harvest timing on biomass yield, methane output and economic viability

Intermediate crops (ICs) are grown on large areas in Sweden and elsewhere for their function as cover or catch crops and to increase soil fertility, and they are usually soil-incorporated. The aim of this study was to investigate if aboveground biomass from ICs can be a sustainable source of biofuel feedstock. For that, the biomass yield of fertilized and unfertilized ICs was studied in field expe

Multi-modality Imaging of a relapsing Mycotic post-infarction left ventricular pseudoaneurysm after surgical repair

Mycotic left ventricular pseudoaneurysm (LVP) is an uncommon life-threatening condition, resulting from myocardial rupture contained by the pericardium or scar tissue. Myocardial infarction is the leading cause of LVP, followed by cardiac surgery, previous chest trauma and infections. We present a case of a 69-year-old woman who developed a relapsing post-infarction LVP arising from mid infero-sep

Data-Driven Exploration of SiC MOSFET Aging Using Symbolic Regression

Tänk dig en typisk morgon, du vaknar och med en simpel blick låser du upp din telefon, din resväg planerar du med Google Maps och i bilen lyssnar du på musik som är noggrant utvald för just dig. Så länge det fungerar, behöver du inte fundera över hur det går till. Men vetenskapsmän nöjer sig inte med att det bara fungerar – de vill förstå. Denna rapport undersöker hur AI kan användas för att hittaThis study explores the relationships between voltage, temperature, and consumed life in silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs using symbolic regression as a data-driven tool for deriving interpretable equations. The data comes from an accelerated life-time test performed by RISE. The symbolic regression model was implemented using the open source program ”PySR”. Since real experimental data were used, cl

Mats Edén & Guro Kvifte Nesheim

Två generationer spelmän med en samstämmig inställning till det muskaliskaarvet som ett mycket personligt och glädjefyllt uttryck, möts över rungandehardingfeletoner och bjuder på utforskande lekfullhet och driv. Mats med sin djupa förankring i den värmländska musiken är en trogen gäst i Ransäter, och även Guro har setts här förr. I år även med sitt band GKN5.