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Who can I rely on? Reliance on different sources of trust in Business Angel investing
Technical results from Manus user trials
Eight users have tried the Manus arm at the Department of Rehabilitation at Lund University Hospital. The user trials were carried out in close co-operation with Certec at Lund University. After the trials one of the users, Ms Eva Gerdé, decided to buy a Manus arm, and she received her Manus arm in November 1998. The main objective of the user trials was to find out how robot technology could
Anm. av Prost, Mario: The Concept of Unity in Public International Law
Decreasing energy use of industrially produced multi family dwellings in Sweden
Building as many houses as possible in a factory environment seems like an effective way to systematically reduce productivity costs and improve quality in the building process. Based on this idea, a Swedish company has manufactured modules consisting of one or several rooms that were transported and assembled into multi family dwellings onsite. This paper analyses different improvements regarding
Children’s visual attention to Internet adverts depends on individual level of oculomotor control
Parents Romantic Attachment Style and Relationship Characteristics and their Representations of Parental Caregiving
Hobbes och Locke - Två perspektiv på suveränitet och rättigheter i EG
Anm. av Egelund Olsen, Birgitte & Engsig Sørensen, Karsten: Regulation in the EU
Prefab Music – The Recycled Sounds of Digital Media
Application of the SASW-technique in geotechnical in-situ testing
Popular Abstract in Swedish Med syftet att utvärdera tillämpbarheten av den ytvågsseismiska tekniken Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW), vilken används för bestämning av skjuvmodulen (Gmax), har fyra olika tillämpningsområden studerats. De fyra områdena har varit lokaler med naturliga jordförhållanden, lokaler där enbart icke-förstörande metoder normalt är möjliga att använda, test av vägbaWith the main aim to test the applicability of the surface wave seismic technique Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW), used for determination of the shear stiffness (shear modulus - Gmax), four areas of applications have been studied. The four areas have been sites with natural geological conditions, sites where non destructive testing is necessary, pavement testing and multichannel testing.
IM support for informal synchronous e-collaboration
The Verb Phrase
De guldglänsande ryttarna : C-brakteaternas ikonografi i ny belysning
The gold-bracteates from the migration period are circular medallion like objects with a diameter of about 5 cm. The production began at approximately AD 450 and came to an end at about AD 550. Thus the bracteates were in use for a period of a hundred years. This dissertation focuses on the iconography of the so called C-bracteates. The motifs of the C-bracteates depicts a human head over four leg
Funktionskrav mot brandgasspridning mellan brandceller via ventilationssystem - en förstudie med principexempel
A new low mass for the Hercules dSph: The end of a common mass scale for the dwarfs?
From teleology to eschatology: The katechon and the political theology of the international law of belligerent occupation
While contemporary international law is often understood as teleological, encompassing notions such as progress, development, and prosperity for all of human kind, in this essay the field of the international law of belligerent occupation is read as katechonic, as embodying the figure of the katechon within international law’s eschatology. The essay considers Carl Schmitt’s political theology thro
Abstract in Undetermined Att skriva kandidatuppsats innebär en stor och spännande utmaning för de flesta studenter. Det är under arbetet med denna som man förväntas ta det sista steget till att bli en självständig kunskapsproducent och belönas med en filosofie kan- didatexamen. Därmed framstår den såväl som det mest krävande som lärorika momentet på grundutbildningen. I den här boken görs en grun
In the best interest of the child: dispute solving mechanisms or collaboration?
Laser-induced thermal stress and the heat shock response in neural cells
Background The Ho: YAG laser is used extensively in orthopedic surgery. It offers a minimally invasive method of ablating tissue with precision. Previous studies have explored the effects of laser use on temperature during experimental foraminoplasty. To date, there has been limited work on the effects of thermal stress on cells in this context. Material and methods Cells were exposed either to h