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Physical Aspects of Thermotherapy - A study of heat transport with a view to treatment optimisation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Lokal behandling med målsättning att förstöra kroppsvävnad genom uppvärmning (termoterapi) kan i vissa fall vara ett alternativ eller komplement till kirurgi. I avhandlingen presenteras utrustning och metoder för att, utifrån en fysikalisk synvinkel, göra sådana behandlingar säkrare och effektivare. Genom att beräkna temperaturefördelningen m.h.a. datorsimuleringar kan Local treatment with the aim to destruct tissue by heating (thermotherapy) may in some cases be an alternative or complement to surgical methods, and has gained increased interest during the last decade. The major advantage of these, often minimally-invasive methods, is that the disease can be controlled with reduced treatment trauma and complications. The extent of thermal damage is a complex fun

Kyrkorum och bild i Brunnby kyrka

Ever since Brunnby Church was first erected it has been altered and it has crossed boundaries in terms of both religious and national affiliation - from a Catholic to a Lutheran place of worship and from being a Danish to being a Swedish church. The boundaries around and within the church itself have changed, and have become displaced as new forms of worship have been introduced. Boundaries and in

Alkaliphilic Bacillus species and an alkaline active lipolytic enzyme

The Great Rift Valley running through Eastern Africa contains a large number of soda lakes. These unique lakes constitute among the most stable alkaline environments with a dense and varied population of microorganisms. Such microorganisms are invariable alkaliphiles and are considered to be a promising source of enzymes with unique features. Some enzymes produced by alkaliphilic microorganisms ha

Clause-final subjects in English and Scandinavian

In English and in Scandinavian, presentational expletive constructions with clause-final subjects can be derived by moving the subject to a Spec position in the C-domain, and then raising the remainder of the clause across the subject to an even higher position. The discourse properties of the clause-final subjects then follow without further stipulations. Moreover, the view that the clause-final

Ströja kyrka – en aristokratisk medeltidskyrka

Today, Brahe Church mainly exhibits signs of the period of greatness of Visingsö island during the seventeenth century. However, there are also traces from much earlier periods. Ströja Church was built during the twelfth century, when the House of Erik and the House of Sverker contested for the title of king and the island of Visingsö had a prominent position in the new country of Sweden. We do no

PCR-based detection of microorganisms in complex biological samples

The detection of microorganisms by PCR can be divided into four steps: (1) sample collection, (2) sample preparation, (3) DNA amplification and (4) detection of PCR products. The major problem in developing PCR-based detection methods is the sample preparation step. This step is necessary to overcome problems caused by PCR inhibitors and it determines, to a large extent, the sensitivity of the PCR

Skall äldre särbehandlas?

Allt fler får uppleva sin 100-årsdag. I hela Sverige finns det drygt 2 000 personer som är 100 år eller äldre. På fyrtio år har antalet personer över 65 år ökat med 57 %, från 1,17 miljoner 1972 till 1,83 miljoner 2012 – detta samtidigt som den totala folkmängden bara ökat med 17 %. Vad innebär det att åldras i Sverige? Sverige är ett av de få länder som har en äldreomsorg som omfattar alla oavset