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Gamow -Teller Beta Decay in Drip Line Nuclei

Before radioactive ion beams became available, the Gamow-Teller (GT) giant resonance was studied using charge-exchange reactions such as (p,n) and (He,t). In beta-stable nuclei, which can be used as targets, the GT giant resonance lies above the ground state of the mother nucleus. In this thesis the GT strength distribution is studied for deformed proton drip line nuclei with 28 < Z < 72. For thes

The butterfly plant arms-race escalated by gene and genome duplications

Coevolutionary interactions are thought to have spurred the evolution of key innovations and driven the diversification of much of life on Earth. However, the genetic and evolutionary basis of the innovations that facilitate such interactions remains poorly understood. We examined the coevolutionary interactions between plants (Brassicales) and butterflies (Pieridae), and uncovered evidence for an

Numerical Methods for Conceptual Structural Design

Conceptual design is the first phase in the design process in which all the requirements and design objectives are synthesized into conceptual alternatives. In practice today, major decisions regarding the buildings geometry, massing, and overall form are usually made during the first phase. Considering structural performance requirements during conceptual design enhances interdisciplinary interac

Comorbidity in rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory condition, which is associated with an increased risk of comorbidity from other diseases. RA disease severity is a major predictor of development of cardiovascular disease, serious infections and malignant lymphoma. This reflects the role of chronic inflammation in the underlying pathology. Recent surveys indicate that although clinical outcomes

Environmental cadmium and lead exposure and anti-Müllerian hormone in pregnant women

BACKGROUND: Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) has been suggested as a marker for ovarian function. Cadmium and lead have been suggested to reduce female fecundity. In this study we aimed to investigate whether environmental exposure to cadmium and lead was associated with alterations in serum-AMH.MATERIALS AND METHOD: The associations between serum-AMH and whole blood cadmium or lead were investigated

Do Associations Between Perceived Environmental and Individual Characteristics and Walking Limitations Depend on Lower Extremity Performance Level?

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze whether the associations between perceived environmental and individual characteristics and perceived walking limitations in older people differ between those with intact and those with poorer lower extremity performance.METHOD: Persons aged 75 to 90 (N= 834) participated in interviews and performance tests in their homes. Standard questionnaires wer

Från påskdop till vardagsdop : Om en obemärkt revolution

The codification of canon law in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries occurred at the same time as important changes in pastoral practice. This article deals with changes in the practice of baptism that are tied to changes in canonical regulations.Canon law makes a fundamental distinction between solemn baptism and emergency baptism. While emergency baptisms could take place anywhere and at any ti

An Experimental Investigation on Inclined Negatively Buoyant Jets

An experimental study was performed to investigate the behavior of inclined negatively buoyant jets. Such jets arise when brine is discharged from desalination plants. A turbulent jet with a specific salinity was discharged through a circular nozzle at an angle to the horizontal into a tank with fresh water and the spatial evolution of the jet was recorded. Four different initial jet parameters we


Organisation är en grundläggande lärobok i organisationsteori. Boken behandlar centrala områden inom organisationsteorin, bland annat arbete, personal, design, teknologi, makt, kultur, identitet och ledarskap. Ämnet ramas in och presenteras i tre delar – Människan, Struktur och Styrning – med begreppet effektivitet som genomgående tema. Boken har tre övergripande syften:1. Att presentera organisat