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Assessing risk for preclinical β-amyloid pathology with APOE, cognitive, and demographic information
Introduction Clinical trials in Alzheimer's disease are aimed at early stages of disease, including preclinical Alzheimer's disease. The high cost and time required to screen large numbers of participants for Aβ pathology impede the development of novel drugs. This study's objective was to evaluate the extent to which inexpensive and easily obtainable information can reduce the number of screen fa
Perturbations of embedded eigenvalues for a magnetic Schrödinger operator on a cylinder
Perturbation problems for operators with embedded eigenvalues are generally challenging since the embedded eigenvalues cannot be separated from the rest of the spectrum. In this paper, we study a perturbation problem for embedded eigenvalues for a magnetic Schrödinger operator, when the underlying domain is a cylinder. The magnetic potential is C2 with an algebraic decay rate as the unbounded vari
Salience invariance with divisive normalization in higher-order insect neurons
We present a biologically inspired model for estimating the position of a moving target that is invariant to the target's contrast. Our model produces a monotonic relationship between position and output activity using a divisive normalization between the 'receptive fields' of two overlapping, wide-field, small-target motion detector (STMD) neurons. These visual neurons found in flying insects, li
Svensk succes med Individual Placement and Support
Sectoral co-movements of employment growth at regional level
This paper presents a comprehensive study of sectoral co-movements of employment growth in the entire Dutch economy. We construct different macro typologies according to manufacturing versus services, innovativeness, labour skills and position in the value chain, thus expanding the list of potential logics of sectoral interrelations. Using a vector autoregression model, we assess whether and how g
Transverse coupled-bunch instability thresholds in the presence of a harmonic-cavity-flattened rf potential
A small vacuum chamber aperture is a present trend in the design of future synchrotron light sources. This leads to a large resistive-wall impedance that can drive coupled-bunch instabilities. Another trend is the use of passively driven cavities at a harmonic of the main radio frequency to lengthen the electron bunches in order to increase the Touschek lifetime and reduce emittance blowup due to
Review and Benchmarking of Alternative Fuels in Conventional and Advanced Engine Concepts with Emphasis on Efficiency, CO2, and Regulated Emissions
Alternative fuels have been proposed as a means for future energy-secure and environmentally sustainable transportation. This review and benchmarking show that several of the alternative fuels (e.g. methanol, ethanol, higher alcohols, RME, HVO, DME, and biogas/CNG) work well with several different engine concepts such as conventional SI, DICI, and dual fuel, and with the emerging concepts HCCI, RC
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Exceptional overproduction of a functional human membrane protein
Eukaryotic-especially human-membrane protein overproduction remains a major challenge in biochemistry. Heterologously overproduced and purified proteins provide a starting point for further biochemical, biophysical and structural studies, and the lack of sufficient quantities of functional membrane proteins is frequently a bottleneck hindering this. Here, we report exceptionally high production le
The geography and structure of Global Innovation Networks : global scope and regional embeddedness
The chapter discusses the spatial aspects of the increased globalization of innovation, analysing both the region’s role in influencing the propensity of actors to engage and to play different roles in global innovation networks (GINs). Until now, different concepts such as global value chain (GVC), global production network (GPN) and GIN have been used to explain the increase globalization of inn
Ideological friction and political crisis : Queen Luise Ulrike of Sweden and a failed coup d’état
The Chandra Deep Field-South Survey : 7 Ms Source Catalogs
We present X-ray source catalogs for the ≈7 Ms exposure of the Chandra Deep Field-South (CDF-S), which covers a total area of 484.2 arcmin2. Utilizing wavdetect for initial source detection and ACIS Extract for photometric extraction and significance assessment, we create a main source catalog containing 1008 sources that are detected in up to three X-ray bands: 0.5-7.0 keV, 0.5-2.0 keV, and 2-7 k
To the editor
Mellan systerskap och behandling : Omförhandlingar inom ett förändrat stödfält för våldsutsatta kvinnor
Stöd till våldsutsatta kvinnor har historiskt sett varit en uppgift för ideellt arbetande kvinnor på kvinnojourer. De senaste två decennierna har kommunernas ansvar för våldsutsatta kvinnor och barn som bevittnat våld förtydligats. Runt om i landet har kommuner gjort satsningar för att höja kompetensen kring våld i nära relationer och för att förbättra samverkan. I vissa fall har personer med ett In Sweden, support for abused women has historically been a task for female volunteers in women’s shelters. However, due to amendments in the Social Services Act, some local municipalities have in recent years initiated services for people with experience of violence in intimate relationships, often women and men, abused as well as abusers. These specialised public sector units have an approach to
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Heartbeat. Hjertets pulserende rytme, åndedrættets tilhørende kadence, musikken inden for og uden for vores hoveder – lyde sætter spor og strukturerer vores liv indefra og ud, udefra og ind. Anri Sala skaber filmværker, der udfolder denne sammenhæng mellem liv, lyd og billeder. Det indbyrdes samspil kan opleves på Louisiana i en opsætning af fire film, der indgår i en dialog med hinanden og udstil
High performance emission spectrometer at Balder/MAX IV beamline
The emission spectrometer at Balder/MAX IV beamline is presented. Its unique features are described. Comparison is given with other types of curved crystals analyzers.
Susceptibility to urinary tract infection : Benefits and hazards of the antibacterial host response
A paradigm shift is needed to improve and personalize the diagnosis of infectious disease and to select appropriate therapies. For many years, only the most severe and complicated bacterial infections received more detailed diagnostic and therapeutic attention as the efficiency of antibiotic therapy has guaranteed efficient treatment of patients suffering from the most common infections. Indeed, t
Osteopontin affects insulin vesicle localization and Ca2+ homeostasis in pancreatic beta cells from female mice
Type 2 diabetic patients suffer from insulin resistance and reduced insulin secretion. Osteopontin (OPN), a versatile protein expressed in several tissues throughout the body including the islets of Langerhans, has previously been implicated in the development of insulin resistance. Here we have investigated the role of OPN in insulin secretion using an OPN knock out mouse model (OPN-/-). Ultra-st