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Cooperation, framing, and political attitudes
This paper shows that political attitudes are linked to cooperative behavior in an incentivized experiment with a large sample randomly drawn from the Danish population. However, this relationship depends on the way the experiment is framed. In the standard game in which subjects give to a public good, contributions are not linked to political attitudes. In an economically equivalent version, in w
Temperature and age effects on latitudinal growth dynamics of the commercially valuable gadoid Northeast Arctic saithe (Pollachius virens)
It is well known that marine fish dynamics relate with climate variability, and predicting future population developments have become increasingly urgent with on-going climate change. One approach in widespread populations is to study how individuals from different parts of the distribution area respond to climate, thereby testing for potential resilience in terms of local adaptions against enviro
Letter : different risks of venous thromboembolism in subsets of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases
2030: Twenty Thirty
Harnessing androgen receptor pathway activation for targeted alpha particle radioimmunotherapy of breast cancer
Purpose: The impact of androgen receptor (AR) activity Results: D-Norgestrel and DHT activated the AR pathway, in breast cancer biology is unclear. We characterized and while 17b-Estradiol did not. Competitive binding for AR tested a novel therapy to an AR-governed target in breast protein showed similar affinity between DHT and D-Norges-cancer. trel, indicating direct AR–ligand interaction. In vi
A genetic risk score for hypertension is associated with risk of thoracic aortic aneurysm
A genetic risk score (GRS) based on 29 single nucleotide polymorpysms (SNPs) associated with high blood pressure (BP) was prospectively associated with development of hypertension, stroke and cardiovascular events. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of this GRS on the incidence of aortic disease, including aortic dissection (AD), rupture or surgery of a thoracic (TAA) or abdom
Automatic identification of poorly performing substations and meter devices : The future of district heating
The district heating sector in Sweden is today facing several challenges due to competition from other heating alternativesas well as decreasing heat demand in buildings. To increase its competitiveness, the district heating companieshave to find ways to keep their production costs at a more or less constant level. One way of doing this is to increasethe efficiency of the district heating systems.The district heating sector in Sweden is today facing several challenges due to competition from other heating alterna-tives as well as decreasing heat demand in buildings. To increase its competitiveness, the district heating companieshave to find ways to keep their production costs at a more or less constant level. One way of doing this is to increasethe efficiency of the district heating system
Prehistoric Art in Scandinavia
Spherical nanocomposite particles prepared from mixed cellulose-chitosan solutions
Novel cellulose-chitosan nanocomposite particles with spherical shape were successfully prepared via mixing of aqueous biopolymer solutions in three different ways. Macroparticles with diameters in the millimeter range were produced by dripping cellulose dissolved in cold LiOH/urea into acidic chitosan solutions, inducing instant co-regeneration of the biopolymers. Two types of microspheres, chemi
Gamma- and Fast Neutron- Sensitivity of 10B- Based Neutron Detectors at ESS
The European Spallation Source (ESS), presently under construction in Lund, Sweden, is designed to be the world's brightest neutron source. When it will be in operation, ESS will deliver an instantaneous neutron flux on detectors that will be without precedent. A down side of the high brightness will be the increase of background, especially from gamma-rays and fast-neutrons.Considering that scatt
Utredningsarbetets institutionella villkor i en förändrad omvärld : tendenser och utmaningar
Konflikter i Västerns historia
Recension av Peter Skogsberg, Sökandet efter Sand Creek och andra essäer om relationen mellan indianer och vita i amerikansk historia
Domkyrkoentreprenaden : förspel, genomförande och avslutning
En berättelse om entreprenaden bakom byggandet av Lunds domkyrka. Den lokala aristokratins erfarenhet av entreprenader, anskaffandet av arbetskraft och Harald Blåtands första etablering i Lund inleder redogörelsen. Den första byggnaden på kyrkoplatsen, troligen ett kloster, får byggnadsmaterialet fråm Helsingborg- och Ystadstrakten. Den stående domkyrkans sten kommer från Hallaröd/Munkarp. En fyll
Physicochemical and structural properties of starch from five Andean crops grown in Bolivia
Three Andean grains - amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), canihua (Chenopodium pallidicaulle) - and two Andean roots starches - achira (Canna indica), maca (Lepidium meyenii) - were studied. Physicochemical properties such as granule size, crystallinity, pasting properties among other as well as structural properties such as root-mean-square radius (rrms), weight-average m
Partial safety factors for the anchorage capacity of corroded reinforcement bars in concrete
Many reinforced concrete bridges in Europe and around the world are damaged by reinforcement corrosion and the annual maintenance costs are enormous. It is therefore important to develop reliable methods to assess the structural capacity of corroded reinforced concrete structures and avoid unnecessary maintenance costs. Although there are advanced models for determining the load carrying capacity
Patchiness and compensatory growth in a fungus-Collembola system
The compensatory growth potential of a grazed fungal biomass was mathematically expressed as a function of patchiness in its distribution and demonstrated in an experiment using the fungivorous collembolan Onychiurus armatus and the soil fungi Verticillium bulbillosum and Penicillium spinulosum. The model addresses the regrowth potential in relation to patch fragmentation, travelling time and cons