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Your search for "*" yielded 530930 hits

Can Universal Basic Income be a Sustainable Welfare instrument? A systematic literature review analysing implementations in eight countries and perceptions of Universal Basic Income since 2015

The current climate crisis together with growing global inequality requires a transformation of the economic systems. Sustainable Welfare is an emerging concept in which the welfare system seeks to meet everyone’s basic needs while staying within the planetary boundaries and decoupling the welfare-growth nexus. In this context, Universal Basic Income (UBI) is seen as one approach to support Sustai

CULTURE AS SOFT POWER IN THE EU : A Thematic Analysis of Creative Europe as A Tool of Soft Power to Increase Europeanness

In the following paper Creative Europe 2014-2020 becomes subject of study as a tool of soft power by using Thematic Analysis as the method to analyse three fundamental documents: the Regulation on Establishing Creative Europe, the Creative Europe Sub-programme 2014-2020 Guidelines and the Creative Europe 2014-2020 Mid-term Evaluation. The goal is studying how the program can help the development o

En rättssociologisk studie om sugardating och unga som säljer sex

The aim of this paper is to examine sugardating and youth selling sex in a digital context in Sweden. To achieve this, a study was carried out based on qualitative semi-structured interviews. These were conducted with actors from authorities and organisations who, in their profession, face these issues, concerning their view on affiliated social- and legal norms. The collected data was coded thema

“It would be easier for me to list those in my social circle that don’t knit” - A qualitative study of young women knitting in Denmark

Knitting is a craft that has existed for many years giving it a rich history. The popularity of knitting has never been steady and has risen and fallen throughout the years, albeit now readily associated with older generations. It is safe to say that knitting is currently going through a revival in Denmark, especially young women have picked it up, seemingly taking the popularity of knitting to ne

Hydropower Development and Resistance in Georgia: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Save the Rioni Valley Movement

This thesis investigates the movement resisting Namakhvani Hydropower Plant Cascade Project, the largest energy project envisioned in Georgia since the declaration of independence. A Critical Discourse Analysis is used to understand the motives behind the resistance, which encompass both invocations of traditional values such as defense of ancestral land and livelihood and liberal concepts such as

Pushing the boundaries of acoustic particle separation: achieving high-throughput, avoiding spillover effects, investigating the effects of the particle concentration, and measuring acoustic properties

Acoustophoresis, i.e., the contactless manipulation of small cells or particles via acoustic waves is a gentle and label-free method that can, amongst others, be used to isolate rare cells such as circulating tumor cells from blood. To isolate enough cells, a large amount of sample needs to be processed in a reasonable amount of time. In a clinical setting, usually around 10 mL of blood can be col

“It’s still a north to south relationship” - A critical discourse analysis on the power of evaluative research and representations of social change within Voluntary Sustainability Standards

Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSSs) build on market-based governance mechanisms to create fairer and more equitable terms of trade within smallholder-dominated agricultural value chains. Various frameworks and theoretical approaches have arisen to assess social impacts generated through VSSs; however, the findings are scattered and inconsistent. This thesis aims to contribute to a more nuanc

Oil Price Pass-Through in the EMU. An empirical study of the role of energy for oil price pass-through to inflation and inflation differentials

This paper examines the relationship between oil prices and its pass-through to inflation and inflation differentials in the European Monetary Union from the first quarter of 1999 to the last quarter of 2021. By using local projections to derive impulse response functions of an oil price shock, the pass-through to the inflation level is examined focusing on the role of energy-related transmission

Development of a subject specific 3D knee finite element model to estimate the effect of weight loss on cartilage biomechanics

Simulering av viktnedgång visar minskad belastning på brosket i knäleden Artros i knäleden är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till handikapp bland äldre och medför stora kostnader för samhället och sjukvårdssystem världen runt. Kostnaderna ökar dessutom. Bättre metoder för att tidigt upptäcka artros eftersöks för att kunna sätta in preventiv behandling. Att simulera knäledens biomekanik med beräkniOsteoarthritis (OA) is a common musculoskeletal disorder that degrades articular cartilage and is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Overweight has been considered a major risk factor of knee OA, and it is known that weight loss may reduce the risk of knee OA. The biomechanical mechanisms of how weight loss affects knee cartilage are however unknown. Evaluating the biomechanics of cartilage

The Effects of Skilled Emigration on Economic Growth - An Empirical Analysis

This paper analyses the impact of skilled migration on economic growth in the origin country – a phenomenon often referred to as brain drain. Specifically, this paper aims to contribute to the scant empirical literature of the direct effect on GDP per capita growth following emigration of skilled. To study this dependence, a in depth literature review of the assumed channel that are interrelated w

Jag upplever att det är en problematik vi inte kommer ifrån - En kvalitativ studie utifrån yrkesverksammas perspektiv på styrkor och svagheter med läkemedelsassisterad behandling vid opioidberoende (LARO)

LARO is a treatment method with strong scientific support, among things it is included in being considered "best practice" according to the EU's EMCDDA. However, despite the scientific support, the treatment is perceived as controversial and has received much criticism. The aim of this study was to research what professionals within LARO themselves consider to be the strengths and we

Encapsulation of probiotic bacteria in an oleogel

Probiotiska bakterier som administreras oralt syftar oftast att nå tarmen levande och behöver skydd för att kunna överleva den mänskliga mag-tarmkanalen. Etylcellulosa är ett livsmedelsklassat material som kan användas med olja för att bilda en oleogel. En oleogel kan kapsla in probiotika och ge fysiskt skydd. Det här projektet fokuserar på att analysera olika oleogelformuleringar, som är gjorProbiotic bacteria administered orally that aim to reach the intestine alive need protection to be able to survive the human gastrointestinal tract. Ethyl cellulose is one food-grade material that can be used with oil to form an oleogel. This oleogel can encapsulate probiotics and provide physical protection. This project focuses on analysing different oleogel formulations, which are made with

Digital Empowerment during COVID-19: Examining the role of digitalization in enhancing women’s entrepreneurship in rural Bangladesh

Entrepreneurship is critical to a country's economic development and industrial growth. This paper examines whether there is a direct relationship between the use of digital devices and economic and business growth for rural women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. Data collected from eight rural women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh show that mobile phones have enabled rural women entrepreneurs to feel

"Jag hade älskat att veta vem jag är tidigare, men jag älskar att veta vem jag är nu" En studie om att leva utan ord för sin könsidentitet i en cisnormativ värld

The field of trans studies is a growing, yet still small field within the Nordic context. There is a big gap in research regarding non-binary* lives, and research aimed at the intersection between age and gender identities beyond or between the gender binary is close to non-existent in Sweden. The aim of this study is to investigate experiences of not having a language to describe and communicate

Intervallträning hos unga manliga elitsatsande fotbollsspelare – en jämförelse av puls, upplevd ansträngning och upplevd lustfylldhet vid löpintervaller och smålagsspel

Bakgrund: Smålagsspel (SLS) har på senare år kommit att till stor del ersätta renodlade löpintervaller för många elitsatsande ungdomsfotbollslag. Kombinationen av högintensivt arbete och fotbollsspecifika inslag har i studier visats erbjuda ett konditionsmässigt likvärdigt men mer fotbollsspecifikt träningsupplägg jämfört med ett upplägg präglat av löpträning utan boll. Syfte/frågeställningar: Syf

Wetter, Hotter Weather - Adaptation to climate challenges in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Climate change is happening, right now. Its effects will become more pervasive in our daily lives, and it is part of our task as urban designers to explore how to adapt our cities and communities. One of the places which has been at the forefront of climate resilience from centuries until nowadays is the Netherlands, especially regarding water management, sea level rise and flooding. In fact, Ams

En effektutvärdering av regeringens förändringar av lönetaken för subventionerade anställningar år 2017

For many decades, Sweden has been famous for its ambitious investments in active labour market policy programs, particularly in different types of wage subsidies/subsidy programs. There are important characteristics distinguishing the programs, but they have in common that the hiring company receives a substantial subsidy from the Public Employment Service (PES) for hiring either long-term unemplo

Frivillighet och engagemang – Räddningsvärnets framtid i Sverige

The purpose of this report is to provide knowledge about what factors that contribute to the recruitment and retention of people among volunteer firefighters in small rural communities. The report also aims to provide ideas of how to promote a sustainable retention of volunteers in rural rescue services. The factors have been identified through various study methods with data obtained from a liter