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Att erkänna barn i familjehem- en kvalitativ studie där barns röster lyfts fram

The aim of the study was to examine what makes children in foster care experience participation in matters concerning themselves and their view on valuable relationships with birth family, social workers and foster family. To accomplish this we applied Axel Honneth's theory of recognition on four autobiographies written by adults who lived in foster homes in Sweden during their childhood. On t

Eat your greens

Why do people, to such a large extent, waste fruits and vegetables? In design, it’s essential to develop systems and ways to help people help themselves make more sustainable choices. In- terviews, surveys, and past research show that to reduce food waste, planning and storage are essential, as well as knowledge of fruits and veg- etables. In a more globalized world, fewer people have this k

Sveriges roligaste arbetsplats?

A strong employer brand is what determines whether people choose to look for work at the organization or not. Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult for organizations to stay in the labor market as competition increases. There is an abundance of information that makes it difficult to get a good idea of ​​what it is like to work in an organization. The hospitality industry is an industry that

The Relationship Between Vertical Integration and Risk. A Statistical Analysis of Changes in Vertical Integration within Industries Affected by the Global Semiconductor Shortage

Succeeding a brief discussion of what vertical integration (VI) is, its interaction with risk and uncertainty, and the context of this study, namely the COVID-19 pandemic and its simultaneous semiconductor shortages, the purpose of this paper is outlined to fill a research gap regarding an empirically supported relationship between vertical integration and systemic risk. The aim and contribution h

Who Are 'We' in 'Us and Them'? – The Varieties of Identification

Organizational change due to digitalization trends puts established organizations under pressure to constantly adapt in order to compete in today’s markets. The disruptive nature of such transformational changes significantly impacts what organizations stand for and, thus, how organizational members relate to their organization. Taking an interpretivist stance, the aim of this study is to understa

How does the degree of rurality affect different determinants of economic growth?

The heterogeneity in regional growth rates within the European Union has been subject to a vast array of studies and research. However, there exists surprisingly little literature focusing on the impact of regional structural development on the economic growth processes. Given that the treaty on the functioning of the European Union emphasises the strengthening of the economic and social cohesion

Attract, Select, Retain: A qualitative study on how startup accelerators attract, select and retain mentors that support the development of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Given the rise of new startups and the challenges amplified by events like the Covid-19, it is critical to address the notion of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem which, in turn, facilitates the development of new ventures. One of the actors within this ecosystem is startup accelerators, which provide networking opportunities, financial and mentoring assistance to new ventures. Previous research on ac

Gångvänliga gator - Fotgängares upplevelse av walkability på centrala gator i Malmö

In one way or another, everyone is a pedestrian. The planning for walkable cities has received more and more attention over the years. Researchers in the fields of transportation, the health sciences, urban design, and environmental psychology have all contributed to the walkability research by focusing on different aspects of walking. Walkability can be defined as factors related to the planning-

Intellectual Property and Sustainability in the EU - Trademarks in the Age of Circular Economy and the European Green Deal

The European Green Deal and the subsequent action plans, including the “Action Plan on Circular Economy” and “A new Industrial Strategy for a globally competitive, green and digital Europe”, recently adopted by the European Commission, indicate that sustainability and environmental concerns, among others, are becoming more and more important in the eyes of the legislator. Sustainable development i

Upprätthållande av ett säkert flöde över en sterilbarriär under vattenlinjen för ex vivo organperfusion

Ex vivo organ perfusion is a technique that aims to increase the amount of organ donors by treating an otherwise nonfunctional organ with a perfusion fluid outside of the body to restore its function. UGLK Science is an ex vivo organ perfusion company outside of Lund specializing in kidney transplantation. The organ is perfused in a machine which restores kidney function, allowing the organ to sur

The Interplay of EU Data Protection Roles within Groups of Undertakings

The GDPR is the EU’s latest instalment in the attempt to establish a harmonised data protection regime across the Union, something that started over 25 years ago with the Data Protection Directive. And although a milestone in European legislation for placing the respect for fundamental rights of individuals above the interests of powerful economic groups, it still has left some aspects not fully r

Unseeing Surveillance: On Making Efforts to Wilfully Ignore Surveillance in Everyday Life

During the last decade, an increasing number of technological developments have occurred that utilise surveillance for functionality. Much of modern means of communication and socialising now firmly rest on surveillance technology. Whereas most scholarly work aims to interpret the effects of surveillance on individuals through an aggregated perspective, this thesis explores a more grounded approac

'Science done right' : Öppen vetenskap i samtid och framtid

In the wake of digital development, the ease with which knowledge can be distributed has drastically changed the scientific climate and the view of how science and social science should be practiced regarding the sharing of knowledge production. A new paradigm in the production and sharing of scientific data, based around the idea of openness as the way to lead and further engage society through s

Narrative Power

This study builds on the assumptions of the bureaucratic politics model, and examines how security services create and exploit narratives to increase their power in the domestic context. The study adopts a framework of 'narrative power'. The level of narrative power dictates the service's ability 'to structure and exercise influence over the subsequent discussion of issues as well

Einár - en unge med extra energi : SVTs rapportering om våldsidealet inom rap och konsekvenserna av framställningen

Vår undersökning har följt den svenske rapartisten Einár genom hans karriär. Vi har observerat olika händelser som han har uppmärksammats för, som att han har vunnit pris, att han har blivit kidnappad och rånad, och att han slutligen har blivit skjuten och avled till följd av en skottlossning. Källorna som används är diverse artiklar från SVT Nyheter (som finansieras av public service). I vår anal

Omplacering - En analys av rättsliga begränsningar för arbetsgivarens möjligheter att omplacera arbetstagare

I den här uppsatsen undersöks de rättsliga begränsningar som finns för arbetsgivarens möjlighet att omplacera arbetstagare inom ramen för anställningen. Fokus har lagts på redogörelsen och analysen av de skillnader som identifierats mellan den offentliga och den privata sektorn avseende arbetsskyldighet och begränsning av arbetsledningsrätten. Detta har gjorts genom användning av den rättsdogmatisIn this essay the legal limitations of the employer’s possibilities to relocate employees within the framework of the employment are examined and analyzed. The focus point of the essay is the analysis of the identified differences between the public and private sectors of the labour market in respect to the employee’s work obligation and the limitations to the employer’s management right. In the e

Folkbiblioteket - ett rum för socialt arbete? En kvalitativ studie om platsens betydelse för socialt arbete

The aim of this study was to examine how a change in public space is reflected in the everyday work and routines of the public library and to see what role social work has in this new environment. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the manager who made the decision to hire a social worker at the library as well as with the, as of writing, only library based social worker in Sweden. Obs

Vad avgör tysk kapitalstruktur? En empirisk studie om pecking order, trade-off teorin och bestämmande bakomliggande faktorer.

Sammanfattning Titel: Vad avgör tysk kapitalstruktur? En empirisk studie om pecking order, trade-off teorin och bestämmande bakomliggande faktorer. Seminariedatum: 13/1-22 Kurs: FEKH89 Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Nyckelord: Kapitalstruktur, Tyskland, Trade-off teorin, Pecking order teorin, Skuldsättning Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka hur olika variabler påverkar valet av kapitalstruktur hos tyska Abstract Title: What determines German capital structure? An empirical study about pecking order theory, trade off theory and determining factors for capital structure. Seminar date: 13/1-22 Course: FEKH89 Supervisor: Maria Gårdängen Keywords: Capital structure, Germany, Trade-off theory, Pecking order theory, Debt Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate which factors influence the ch

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av smärtlindring vid palliativ vård.

Bakgrund: Smärta är det vanligaste och mest fruktade symtomet inom palliativ vård. Livskvaliteten påverkas negativt av smärta och smärtan ökar över tid i relation till sjukdomsprogression. Djupare förståelse för sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av smärtlindring kan minska lidandet för patienter i livets slutskede. Syfte: Beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av smärtlindring vid palliativ vård. Metod: