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I am a Female Leader - A Critical Reflection on Gender Labelling Women in Leadership

The purpose of this paper is to critically examine how gender labelling leadership as female is perceived by women in leadership positions. We aim to establish a dialogue about this phenomenon in relation to women themselves to demonstrate that women play an integral role in leadership, not only secondarily but primarily - challenging the traditional discourse of leadership.

ESG-betyg och dess poängsättning

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate if reporting on sustainability holds the standard for various frameworks and what factors determine ESG-points. The relationship between companies' total sales and various environmental factors were also investigated in order to understand the driving factors for companies to report on ESG and sustainability. The thesis is limited to nordic countries

Barnrummets betydelse i staden - En fallstudie om planering, barn och platsskapande

This bachelor thesis aims to investigate how planning for children in a contemporary urban context can be understood in dialogue with entrepreneurial placemaking approaches. The thesis asks how planners consider children in the planning of the area of Brunnshög and what role the planning considering children has in the ‘placemaking’ of the area. To achieve the aim and to respond to the research qu

Exploring how public relations practitioners build visual frames in the broad social media environment

The notion of “visual framing” has become more sophisticated in the contemporary social media environment and has demonstrated its interrelation with public relations and strategic communication. Past researchers approached visual framing topics from the contents of the resulting frames themselves, ignoring the visual framing constructing processes of one of the frame constructors: public relation

Liveable Spaces for People - Improving Quality of Life for the Locals in the Tourism City of Macao

Many cities around the world are undergoing urbanisation, developing undeveloped land or redeveloping underused areas due to changing times. Such developments often focus on attracting new residents and building new communities, and their economic benefits, so those areas are actively developed by developers and municipalities. Also, the concept of compact cities is encouraged in such areas in ter

Experiences with restrictions: The impact of REACH regulations on tattoo artists

On January 4th, 2022, new restrictions under the Europe-wide REACH protocol on chemicals hit the tattooing industry when the content of inks came under regulation. This essay seeks to find out how this directly has impacted tattoo artists and their ability to work. To achieve this a phenomenological approach was used, and data was collected through six semi-structured, qualitative interviews with

Gentrifiering på Drottninghög? - Olika sätt att motverka gentrifiering i den utvecklande stadsdelen Drottninghög i Helsingborg

Drottninghög is a neighborhood in Helsingborg, Sweden that was almost entirely built during Miljonprogrammet, a housing project conducted between 1965-1975 in Sweden with the goal of building housing for a hundred thousand people each year during its ten year run. Drottninghög has for a longer period of time been in need of restoration and development. Hence, the municipality of Helsingborg as wel

Samarbete i digital kontext - En kvalitativ undersökning om videomötet i arbetsgrupper

Videomötet är på uppgång i verksamheterna men forskning visar att kommunikationen i dessa verktyg kan hindras. För projektgruppen kan detta innebära risker eftersom en god kommunikation är en förutsättning för projektets framgång. Syftet med studien är att identifiera vilka kommunikativa svårigheter som finns i videomötet och vad dessa kan innebära för arbetsgruppen. Studien utgår från tidigare fo

Semidispositivitet inom det grundläggande anställningsskyddet: en ulv i fårakläder? - En rättsdogmatisk analys av semidispositiviteten i 7 § LAS och dess förhållande till Sveriges föreningsrättsliga åtaganden och oorganiserade arbetstagares rätt till effektivt rättsmedel

I den politiska överenskommelsen januariavtalet ingick bland annat förslag om att den svenska arbetsrätten skulle förändras och moderniseras. Regeringen tillsatte först en egen utredning, SOU 2020:30. Därefter utarbetade arbetsmarknadens parter efter förhandlingar en egen principöverenskommelse om förändringar av arbetsrätten. I januari år 2020 tillsatte Regeringskansliet tre utredningar vars syftThe political agreement “januariavtalet” included a proposal to change and modernise Swedish labour law. The government first appointed its own enquiry, SOU 2020:30. Subsequently, the social partners negotiated and prepared their own agreement regarding changes to the labour law. In January 2020 the Swedish government offices appointed three enquiries whose purpose was to modernise the labour law

Röstar skåningar med fötterna? Om kommunal skatt och välfärds påverkan på bostadspriserna

This paper examines if individuals take local income taxes and public spending into account when choosing where to live. A hedonic price model is applied to a dataset containing 5545 sales in southern Skåne to used to analyze the effects of local tax and spending differences on the prices of privately-owned housing. The different effects for apartments and houses as well as the effect of municipal

Law Beyond Borders: Transnational Legal Pluralism Following Hong Kong’s New Reality

Hong Kong is a region undergoing rapid social, political, and legal change as mainland China seeks to increase its control over the previously largely autonomous region with laws such as the national security law which asserts its jurisdiction beyond borders, complicating matters for Hong Kongers living abroad. The effects of law asserting its jurisdiction beyond borders is contingent on the relat

Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting the Age Distribution Parameters of H&M Product Customers

Over the past decade, the fashion industry has shifted towards dynamic product assortments with shorter life cycles. As a result, the role of the analysis of product sales has increased and become crucial for fashion retailers. Using H&M Group’s dataset on their product sales, I analyze and compare the performance of two machine learning algorithms in predicting the standard deviation and aver

Security Services and Authoritarian Stability - A Comparative Case Study of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria before the Arab Spring

This study tests the theory of Authoritarian Stability against the expectation that security services are essential for preventing the fall of the regime in Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in the lead up to the Arab Spring. A most similar comparative case study is used as method. Authoritarian stability is operationalised as the ruler maintaining the support from domestic elites and from external powers

Hemmiljöns betydelse under tidig återhämtning efter lindrig till måttlig stroke - En litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: I Sverige insjuknar årligen ett stort antal personer i stroke. Stroke är den vanligaste sjukdomsorsaken till bestående funktionsnedsättning och medför flest antal vårddagar på sjukhus. Tidig understödd utskrivning från sjukhus till hemmet (Early Supported Discharge) erbjuds enligt de nationella riktlinjerna för vård vid stroke för personer med lindrig till måttlig stroke. Syfte: Att karBackground: In Sweden a large number of people fall ill with stroke every year. Stroke is the most common cause of permanent disability and results in the largest number of hospital days. Early Supported Discharge is offered according to the national guidelines of mild to moderate stroke. Aim: To map how persons with mild to moderate stroke experienced the home environments significance for th

Möt gud och må bättre - en kvalitativ undersökning om psykedelikas effekter på välmående

Forskningen kring psykedelier och dess effekter på välmående och vid behandling av psykiska åkommor har under senare år ökat markant. Den kvantitativa forskningen har varit dominerande men den kvalitativa forskningen börjar komma ikapp. En kvalitativ meta-analys kom fram till fyra teman med tillhörande underteman: (1) upplevelsens fenomenologi; (2) perspektiv på behandlingen; (3) terapeutiska procThe research on psychedelics and their effects on well-being and as a treatment for mental illness is growing fast. The research has been mostly quantitative, but qualitative efforts are catching up. One qualitative meta-analysis synthesized four themes and their associated subthemes: (1) phenomenology of the experience; (2) perspectives on the intervention; (3) therapeutic processes and (4) outco

Räddningstjänstens arbete med Agenda 2030

År 2015 samlades världens ledare och antog 17 globala hållbarhetsmål för att bidra till en social, ekonomisk och miljömässigt hållbar utveckling. De 17 globala hållbarhetsmålen utgör Agenda 2030 och ansvaret för genomförandet av agendan vilar på medlemsländernas regeringar. För att uppnå agendan måste alla sektorer engagera sig. Det innebär att kommunal räddningstjänst som är en del av den kommunaThe importance of sustainability is constantly increasing in today’s society and 2015 the United Nations adopted 17 global sustainable development goals (SDGs), summarized as the “2030 Agenda”. To achieve the 2030 Agenda all sectors must become involved which means that the Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) must contribute to this sustainability work. It is therefore important to map how the Swedish

Trepanerad eller inte trepanerad, det är frågan - En osteologisk undersökning av tre skånska kranier

This essay will discuss three craniums from the neolithic and bronze age which each has an interpreted hole from a trepanation. The purpose of this text is to study whether these three craniums truly are trephined and if characteristics such as cut marks, linear fractures, signs of scraping or healing are visible. The aim is also to find which diagnostic characteristics have been used in earlier r

“Att finnas där människor finns” - En kvalitativ studie om socionomer i civilsamhället

The aim of this study was to examine how social workers in civil society experience their work, by using organizational theories. In addition the aim was to study how social workers in civil society look at their role as social workers, with the terms professional identity and professional role. The method that was used was qualitative and semistructured interviews with five social workers that wo

Att erkänna barn i familjehem- en kvalitativ studie där barns röster lyfts fram

The aim of the study was to examine what makes children in foster care experience participation in matters concerning themselves and their view on valuable relationships with birth family, social workers and foster family. To accomplish this we applied Axel Honneth's theory of recognition on four autobiographies written by adults who lived in foster homes in Sweden during their childhood. On t