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Lokalt självstyre i Blekinge : Participation och representation i Mörrum och Backaryd ca 1770-1800: en undersökning av den politiska kulturen i två Blekingesocknar.

Uppsatsens huvudsyfte har varit att utröna om det fanns några skillnader ipolitisk kultur mellan de socknar som låg i Blekinge och de socknar som låg ide gammalsvenska delarna av Sverige. Frågan tar sin utgångspunkt i K.H. Johanssons klassiska avhandling om de svenska sockenstämmorna. Han drar slutsatsen att stämmorna var demokratiska institutioner, där alla församlingens medlemmar fick delta och The main aim of this study was to determine whether there were any differences in political culture between the parishes of Blekinge and parishes in the older parts of Sweden. The question has its point of departure in K. H. Johansson's now classic dissertation on the Swedish parish assernbles. He reaches the conclusion that the assemblies were democratic institutions, in which all the members of

Användning av krävande ballastmaterial vid betongtillverkning - En laborativ utvärdering av absorptionshämmande tillsatsmedel för att möjliggöra användning av glimmerrik bergkross och återvunnen betong som ballast

Detta examensarbete utvärderar ett absorptionshämmande tillsatsmedel för att möjliggöra användningen av krävande ballast vid betongtillverkning. Den huvudsakliga anledningen till att ballasten benämns som krävande är att den har ovanligt hög absorptionsförmåga. Studien undersöker hur betongens egenskaper påverkas av olika halter absorptionshämmare. Dels studerades glimmerrikt bergkrossmaterial, soThis master thesis evaluates an absorption-inhibiting admixture to enable the use of demanding aggregate materials in concrete production. This was achieved by investigating how the properties of concrete were affected by different levels of absorption inhibitor. Firstly, mica-rich aggre-gate material was studied, which, due to its high mica mineral content, has a high water absorption rate that i

Empowering the Taxpayer - How the Charter of Fundamental Rights Helps to Shape an Equitable European VAT System

C-617/10 Åkerberg Fransson is the landmark case of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) that dealt with the interpretation and application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Charter). In brief, the case concerned a Swedish national who was accused of tax evasion and faced criminal charges for failing to pay value added tax (VAT) on certain business transaction

Parasocial relationship building with AI influencers on Instagram

Parasocial relationships (PSR) are the driving forces in social media marketing and are, amongst other factors, the reason for social media influencers’ great success. However, in the last few years, a new form of social media influencer emerged, namely the artificial intelligence (AI) influencer. As the name suggests, these influ- encers are driven by AI programs and are therefore not real humans

The Phenomenology of Distressing Near-death Experiences and Their Aftereffects

The purpose of our study was to explore what it is like to have a distressing near-death experience (NDE) and the aftereffects that follow. Positive NDEs have previously been more extensively studied, whereas research about distressing NDEs is still lacking. There have only been a handful of studies that have used qualitative methods to study both distressing and positive NDEs. We accessed all dis

Colectomy in patients with ulcerative colitis is not associated to future diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis

Background: Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) is a hepatobiliary disease closely related to ulcerative colitis (UC). In PSC patients, colectomy has been linked to improved prognosis, especially following liver transplantation. This suggests an involvement of the gut-liver axis in PSC etiology. Objective: We aimed to investigate the association between colectomy and the risk of future PSC in an

Association Between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Spondyloarthritis : Findings from a Nationwide Study in Sweden

Background and Aims: Inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] has been associated with spondyloarthritis [SpA], but population-based estimates are scarce. Here we compare the occurrence of SpA before and after a diagnosis of IBD with the general population, overall and by IBD subtype and age. Methods: We used a nationwide register-based cohort study of 39 203 patients diagnosed with IBD during 2006-2016,

Interest Deduction Limitations in Sweden Post-Lexel: The Relevance of the Free Movement of Capital

In Lexel (Case C-484/19), the Swedish interest deduction limitation rules were found to be in breach of article 49 of the TFEU on the freedom of establishment, as they presumed abusive practices even in respect of arm’s length-based transactions. The present article puts the case into context and highlights follow-up issues raised before lower Swedish tax courts in the context of loan transactions


The Arka is a new re-constructed rocking chair that brings a more aesthetic piece of furniture to your home, at the same time reducing stress, anxiety, pain and discomfort. Since the outbreak of Covid-19 we were forced to work from home, this meant that all of our stress from work/ school were now in our safe and calming home. This trend is still shown today. The main focus of this bachel

Nya resmönster efter Covid-19 – Ett nytt sätt för visionärt transportområde?: En litteraturstudie om pandemins långsiktiga påverkan på resande

Studiens syfte har varit att genom en litteratursammanställning ta reda på hur forskningsområdet har sett att Covid-19-pandemin kan bidra till varaktiga förändringar i resande och transporter. Flera trender etablerades eller förstärktes under pandemin, men det är svårt att med säkerhet avgöra om de kommer hålla i sig. Ett problem som vi har sett är att det finns för lite data för att utveckla nya

Free PSA and Clinically Significant and Fatal Prostate Cancer in the PLCO Screening Trial

INTRODUCTION: We studied whether adding percent free prostate-specific antigen (%fPSA) to total PSA improves prediction of clinically significant prostate cancer (csPCa) and fatal PCa.METHODS: 6727 men within the intervention arm of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Trial had baseline %fPSA. Of this cohort, 475 had csPCa and 98 had fatal PCa. Cumulative incidence and Cox analyses were con

Shelf-life study of rice pudding: Differences in assorted rice varieties and how they change in texture over time

This master thesis was performed in collaboration with Orkla Foods Sweden AB. The aim of the study was to investigate rice pudding and how storage time affects the texture properties of the rice grains inside the pudding, and if this could be related to some of the properties of the raw rice. Rice pudding is produced by Orkla Foods under the label Risifrutti and is a popular in-between meal snack

“Pardon me if I don't weep for your victimhood” : examining the aftermath of deplatformization through influential far-right activists’ framing and alliance-building on Telegram

This thesis examines the social unfolding of the recent deplatformization of the far-right extremes on Telegram. Leaving prior approaches to moderation behind, this study asks questions around how moderation imprints itself on the complex terrain of meaning and practice, interacts with intensified reflexiveness of the social agents, and leaves affected collectivities changed in unanticipated ways.

Evaporation from an active, uncovered landfill

The effect on evaporation of the presence of biodegradation heat in an uncovered biocell under operational conditions is elucidated. The contribution of the heat of biodegradation was investigated by measuring the temperature gradient in the top layer of a landfill. The evaporation was calculated by combining the energy budget with an expression for sensible heat flux, and taking the atmospheric s

Concurrent measurement of perfusion parameters related to small blood vessels and cerebrospinal fluid circulation in the human brain using dynamic dual-spin-echo perfusion MRI

Accumulating evidence from recent studies has indicated the importance of studying the interaction between the microvascular and lymphatic systems in the brain. To date, most imaging methods can only measure blood or lymphatic vessels separately, such as dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI for blood vessels and DSC MRI-in-the-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (cDSC MRI) for lymphatic vessels. An app

”Att ta en för laget” - En studie om yrkesarbetares subjektiva klassidentitet

Som ett led i Sveriges bidrag till en minskad klimatpåverkan ska miljarder investeras i gröna industrisatsningar i Norrland. Samhällsomvandlingen kräver att invånarantalet ökar och att det byggs mer. Och för byggnationer krävs det yrkesarbetare i form av bland annat snickare, betongare, murare som det redan idag är en brist på marknaden. Yrkesarbetaryrket måste vara ett attraktivt val för dagens u

AI-sammanfattade klagomål på hälso- och sjukvård

Detta examensarbete utfördes i samarbete med Patientnämnden Skåne, som är en av Region Skånes fristående förvaltningar. Patientnämnden ansvarar bland annat för hantering av patienters klagomål om hälso- och sjukvård som tillhör Region Skåne. Att sammanfatta klagomål är en av uppgifterna inom hanteringen av klagomål. Patientnämnden står inför två utmaningar med denna uppgift. För det första är uppgThis thesis was conducted in collaboration with the Patients’ Advisory Committee, which is one of the independent administrations of Region Skåne. Patients’ Advisory Committee is responsible, among other things, for handling patient complaints regarding healthcare services belonging to Region Skåne. Summarizing complaints is one of the tasks within the complaint handling process. The Patients’ Adv