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Your search for "*" yielded 531657 hits

Konsumtion och motstånd: Att förändra ett ekonomiskt system

Författare: Jonas Bååth Titel: Konsumtion och motstånd – att förändra ett ekonomiskt system Kandidatuppsats: SOCK01, 15hp Handledare: Carl-Göran Heidegren Sociologiska institutionen, HT09 Problem/Bakgrund: Den fråga som uppsatsen behandlar är hur motstånd mot ett konsumtionsbaserat ekonomiskt system kan se ut. Syfte: Syftet är att skapa idealtyper av motståndet, utifrån Max Webers analysmodell.

Vilken roll spelar pianot i countrymusiken? - En undersökning riktad till pianister, pianopedagoger och klasslärare i musik

Title: What part does the piano play in country music? – A study intended for pianists, piano pedagogues and class teachers in music Author: Elisabet Johansson The purpose of this essay is to find out what part the piano plays in country music. The research includes an interview with an artist from Texas and an analysis of five chosen music examples. The research question is: What part does the pi

Ingående av avtal enligt Avtalslagen, CISG del II, UniP och PECL - en komparativ studie

Internationaliseringen av svensk rätt och framförallt svenskt näringsliv ökar ständigt och därmed ökar behovet av internationell rättsenhet även på det avtalsrättsliga området. Trots detta står avtalslagen kvar i princip oförändrad sedan 1915 och Sverige har dessutom valt att inte tillträda den avtalsrättsliga delen av CISG (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Good

Lika barn leka bäst - En diskursanalys av recensentens roll i stereotypiserandet av genrer inom musikjournalistik

Recensenten spelar en avgörande roll i spridningen av populärkulturellt material. Hon är dock inte fri att uttrycka sig hur hon vill utan måste hålla sig inom musikgenrens diskursiva ramar. Eftersom recensenten måste hålla sig inom diskursen blir hon delaktig i att förstärka samt befästa genretypiska stereotyper. Diskursen kräver dessutom en särpräglad lingvistik vilket gör att texten kan vara svå

The role of the print media in the fight against HIV/AIDS amongst the women in Cameroon: Case of the Cameroon Post newspaper

HIV/AIDS has been a serious challenge which has plagued the world at large especially Africa. This thesis; The role of the print media in the fight against HIV/AIDS amongst the women of Cameroon; Case of the Cameroon Post newspaper investigates the strategies and techniques that have been used by the Cameroon post newspaper in the fight against HIV/AIDS amongst the women in Cameroon. This work als

Traditionell klämdhet eller möjligheternas platå? - En studie kring mellanchefers upplevda arbetssituation

The purpose of this study was to examine how middle managers within the social service experience and perceive their own role and work situation. It was also my intention to investigate what kind of demands and expectations were attributed to their role. Furthermore, I aimed to investigate how they experience their possibilities to fulfill or match these demands and expectations. I have read artic

Gender-roles in magazine advertisements: A comparison between Egypt and Sweden

Middle Eastern countries are highlighted by media today and people all over the world are getting more interested in the Middle Eastern cultures. Egypt is one of the more liberal and west influenced countries in the Middle East but despite that only one survey has been done of Egyptian media contexts trying to examine the construction of men and women and its effects and reflection of the society.

Building or burning bridges? Examining cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis over water scarcity at the Jordan River Basin.

Water scarcity is an important and complex issue to study. However, in an era when the world faces climate change, migration and globalization, cooperation is increasingly important. Water scarcity is especially noticeable in the Middle East in general and at Jordan River Basin in particular. This dissertation is a case study of the possibilities and obstacles of cooperation over Jordan River Basi

"... de är så charmerande individer..." -Om Barnahus, samverkan och barnets rätt att bli lyssnad på.

Abstract Author: Annelie Paulsson Title: They are so charming individuals – About Children’s Advocacy centres (”Barnahus”), collaboration and the child’s right to be listen to. Supervisor: Claes Levin Assessor: Staffan Blomberg The purpose of this study was to examine how children are treated, to what extent they are allowed a voice of their own, and whether or not this voice is heard in the proce

Kreativitet i instrumentalundervisning - Hur kan man som instrumentalpedagog skapa förutsättningar för eleven att utveckla sin musikaliska kreativitet?

Title in English: Creativity in instrumental teaching - How can the instrumental teacher create the necessary conditions for pupils to develop their musical creativity? This paper seeks to answer the question: How can the instrumental teacher create the conditions for pupils to develop their musical creativity? The study is based on qualitative interviews with three people who are both professiona

"It's a strange world" - David Lynch och den postmoderna filmen

The purpose of this essay is to find out how director David Lynchs films can be described as a part of the postmodern film theory. Is David Lynch a director who is style-forming for postmodern film, or has he in fact adapted his film-making to the style as it has progressed? Relying on the works of Fredric Jameson and Linda Hutcheon, I first give a brief summary of the postmodern esthetics. Then u

Det kom ett barn : en studie om Sveriges åtagande att garantera ensamkommande barns rättigheter i enlighet med barnkonventionen

In the year of 2009, the debate on unaccompanied children in Sweden was intense. The number of unaccompanied children in Sweden has increased and the Swedish Migration Board estimates that during 2010, approximately 2400 children will arrive. Under the second article of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) the state is required to ensure all children, within its jurisdiction, the ri

Sociala normer vid insamlingar av skadestånd och dagsböter

The main purpose with this essay is to understand the motivation behind norms concerning collection of fee and compensation to victims from a group of people to pay convicted persons fee and compensation to victims. In this essay I assume that the motivation in the norm is that the judgement is wrong. By using the method trial and error I will test the assumption. I will also try to explain what c

Kvinna och intagen - En studie av kriminalvårdares normer om kvinnliga intagna

The purpose with this essay was to investigate which kind of norms prison warders have about female inmates in a Swedish prison for women. I also examined where norms about female inmates cause from. The study is based on a survey that I have made with nine prison warders. Michel Foucaults theory of power and discipline, gender theories by Frances Heidensohn, Simone De Beauvoir, Ingrid Lander and

"Perversa konsekvenser"- En studie om socialarbetares inställning till underhållsbehandling

The purpose of this study was to examine how professionals within the social services who work with drug abuse think and feel about methadone and subutex as a treatment against heroin addiction. I have used qualitative interviews to receive information about the respondent’s experiences, views and attitudes. I have interviewed three social workers from different municipalities. The municipalities

Elektronisk signatur jämförd med en traditionell namnteckning

Electronic signatures allow software at the end of an electronic transaction to confirm the identity of the party initiating the transaction and to verify the integrity of the information received. The use of an electronic signature will begin a new era in the transition from old-fashioned pen-on-paper signatures to those that can be electronically created and stored. The Electronic Signatures Act

Fallet SEB - En studie av hur kommunikativ praktik kan orsaka förtroendekris

Syftet med denna studie är att analysera vilka kommunikativa strategier som används i kriskommunikation samt hur användandet av dessa strategier kan påverka förtroendet för sändaren. Fallet med SEBs förtroendekris under våren 2009 intresserade oss särskilt eftersom banker generellt är beroende av omgivningens förtroende. Vi kunde inte förstå varför en så stor aktör, med mycket medievana och goda r

Hot eller offer? - En analys av hur klimatflyktingar framställs i svensk media

Studies have shown that refugees have been described in Swedish media as either victims or threats. Those stereotypical images affect how people understand refugees. It has also an impact on how professional social workers act when they meet them. We were interested in studying the discourse around a new phenomenon: climate refugees. Climate refugees have been a topic in Swedish media for the last