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Diverging cooperative prey capture strategies in convergently evolved social spiders

Sociality in spiders has evolved independently multiple times, resulting in convergently evolved cooperative breeding and prey capture. In all social spiders, prey is captured by only a subset of group members and then shared with other, non-attacking group members. However, spiders' propensity to attack prey may differ among species due to species-specific trade-offs between risks, costs and bene

(O)möjligheter : Den papperslösa diplomaten Carl Gyllenborgs agens 1715

Professionaliseringen av diplomatin skedde genom en lång process vars start ofta placeras vid slutet av den Westfaliska freden och 1700-talets slut. Denna professionaliseringsprocess var komplex eftersom den formades av de aktiva diplomaterna, deras livserfarenheter, och av tidsspecifika normer förankrade i ritualer och dokumentation, samt därtill av förändringar kopplade till allt tydligare socia

Between the Secular and Religious Authorities in Lebanon: The Controversy over Civil Code of Marriage and Divorce

Lebanon is witnessing a growing debate about the religious systems that govern the issues of marriage and divorce in this country. In light of religious and confessional diversity, religious institutions monopolized setting the provisions for marriage and divorce and defining the rights and duties of spouses, as these institutions are constitutionally empowered to regulate the personal status of t

Sociala hierarkier - Fördelaktigt eller skadligt?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan upplevda sociala hierarkier och de fyra arbetsmiljöaspekterna krav, kontroll, sociala samspel och socialt kapital hos gymnasielärare i Sverige. De två forskningsfrågorna var: 1. Samverkar närvaron och nivån inom upplevda sociala hierarkier med de självskattade aspekterna av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön för lärare på gymnasieskolor? 2. SamverkaThe purpose of the study was to examine the connection between experienced social hierarchies and the psychosocial work environment aspects demands, control, social interaction and social capital among high school teachers in Sweden. The two research questions were: 1. Does the presence and level within perceived social hierarchies interact with the self-assessed aspects of the psychosocial work e

Are We Really Feminists In Sports?: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Maternity Policy

This thesis is aiming to analyze the discourses of maternity leave policy amongst female elite athletes, which can be identified by using an interview of the New York Times of Alysia Montaño. This thesis is focused on aiming to understanding how power structures are entangled within the identity of ‘the mother’ and of the ‘elite athlete’. After analyzing these power structures, it will be analyzed

Samband mellan mening i livet, personlighetsfaktorer och livstillfredsställelse bland svenska studenter

Användningen av Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale möjliggör undersökning av mening i livet i form av ett tredelat konstrukt. Syftet med föreliggande examensarbete var att undersöka huruvida mening i livet respektive personlighetsfaktorer har samband till livstillfredsställelse. Vidare undersöktes om personlighet har betydelse för relationen mellan mening i livet och livstillfredsställelseThe application of the Multidimensional Existential Meaning Scale enables the assessment of meaning in life as a tripartite construct. The aim of this study was to examine how meaning in life and personality factors relate to life satisfaction. A second objective was to investigate whether personality had a significant impact on the relation between meaning in life and life satisfaction. A cross-s

Den konceptuella världen av personlighetspsykologi: Redundant eller relevant? En korrelationsstudie om överlappningen mellan Samvetsgrannhet, Self-Efficacy och Grit

Följande studie undersökte hur de personlighetspsykologiska begreppen samvetsgrannhet, self-efficacy och grit korrelerar med varandra. Målet med studien var att undersöka om det finns något gemensamt överlapp mellan mätningarna av dessa tre begrepp, då begreppen har mycket lika definitioner. Undersökningen utgjordes av en enkät som bestod av tre mätinstrument; Big Five Personality Inventory, SwediThe following study investigated how the different personality psychology concepts; conscientiousness, self-efficacy and grit correlate with each other. The goal of the study was to explore if there is any common overlap between the measurements of these three concepts, as the concepts have very similar definitions. The survey consisted of a questionnaire that included three measuring instruments;

Team resilience as an emergent phenomenon: an empirical study of the relationship between team resilient behaviors and IT project success

Organizations and societies are turning to Information Technology to help safeguard the future, yet most IT projects reportedly fail due to increasing complexity. Resilience research offers promising insights into how teams can influence their capacity to positively adapt to challenges and achieve greater project success. Definitional debate has extensively focused on individual-level abilities an

Wall Paintings from Gordion in their Anatolian Context

Excavations conducted by the University of Pennsylvania at Phrygian Gordion have so far only revealed wall paintings from one small building. This structure was prominently located between two large Middle Phrygian megara at the outer court of the citadel and dates to the beginning of the Achaemenid period (ca. 500–490 BCE). The building was unique regarding both its decoration and architectural f

Can journey mapping be used to visualize information sharing in home care?

This study investigates the use of journey mapping as a tool for visualizing theflow of information in home care. Journey mapping is a design method with the purpose of visualizing the interaction of a user and a product or service. It tries to encompass the whole user experience including actions and touch points between user and product, feelings and other related information. Hence, the visuali

Social Robots for Social Institutions : Scaling Up and Cutting Back on Cognition

Current technological change is rapid and far-reaching, more so than ever before in human history. It is transforming all dimensions of human life, leading to large-scale adaptation. Among the disruptive new technologies that are being introduced into society, social robots are distinguished by their hybrid existence between mere thing and mindful agent. They are physical machines capable of inter

Chinese Youth : Domestic Issues and Transnational Developments

The increasing investment in and emphasis on ideological andpolitical education at Chinese universities, and statements, including by Xi Jinping himself, and other policies related to youth and higher education, reveals a growing concern about youth. This article provides a brief overview of developments and policies affecting Chinese youth, including the emergence of new values among them.

Spatially Resolved Local Electronic Properties of 2D Lead Halide Perovskite Single Crystals Studied by X-Ray Photoemission Electron Microscopy

Recently, research on the edge states of 2D lead halide perovskites (LHPs) has been attracting much attention. The lower-energy edge state (LES) is believed to provide an efficient pathway for the dissociation of photoexcited excitons. However, the mechanism of the LES formation remains controversial, and studies that establish precisely the local electronic properties are lacking. Herein, the fir

Szegő Type Asymptotics for the Reproducing Kernel in Spaces of Full-Plane Weighted Polynomials

Consider the subspace Wn of L2(C, dA) consisting of all weighted polynomials W(z)=P(z)·e-12nQ(z), where P(z) is a holomorphic polynomial of degree at most n- 1 , Q(z) = Q(z, z¯) is a fixed, real-valued function called the “external potential”, and dA=12πidz¯∧dz is normalized Lebesgue measure in the complex plane C. We study large n asymptotics for the reproducing kernel Kn(z, w) of Wn; this depend

One God or two – the rationality behind Manuel I Komnenos’ attempted reform of the abjuration formula for converts from Islam

Abstract in Danish:En nærmere undersøgelse af baggrunden for de reformer, som Manuel I Komnenos (1118-80) forsøgte at indføre mod slutningen af sin regeringstid, viser at disse forsøg udsprang af en tidligere knæsat holdning i Byzans over for Islam. Hvad Manuel ønskede at gøre var at bringe sin religionspolitik i tråd hermed og med den der blev ført i det konkurrerende emirat i Ikonium (Konya), me