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Spinal cord mitochondria display lower calcium retention capacity compared with brain mitochondria without inherent differences in sensitivity to cyclophilin D inhibition

The mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) is a potential pathogenic mechanism in neurodegeneration. Varying sensitivity to calcium-induced mPT has been demonstrated for regions within the CNS possibly correlating with vulnerability following insults. The spinal cord is selectively vulnerable in e.g. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and increased mPT sensitivity of mitochondria derived from the

Coexisting wobbling and quasiparticle excitations in the triaxial potential well of Lu-163

High-spin states of the nucleus Lu-163 have been populated through the fusion-evaporation reaction La-139(Si-29, 5n) with a beam energy of 157 MeV. In addition to the two lowest excited triaxial strongly deformed (TSD) bands, recently interpreted as one- and two-phonon wobbling excitations, a third excited TSD band has been firmly established decaying to the yrast TSD band. The assignment of this

Radiographic joint destruction in postmenopausal rheumatoid arthritis is strongly associated with generalised osteoporosis.

Objectives: To investigate determinants of joint destruction and reduced bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) not treated with bisphosphonates or hormone replacement therapy and to evaluate if there are common markers of erosive disease and bone loss. Methods: BMD was measured using dual x ray absorptiometry and joint damage was examined by x ra

Quantum Chaos and Dissipation in Finite Fermi Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish We address the problem of the dissipative character of collective motion in finite Fermi systems. We study this problem from the point of view of chaotic features of the fermionic degrees of freedom of the many-body Fermi systems. Our main aim is of two kinds: first, we investigate how quantum chaos sets in in many-body systems and then, we try to relate quantum many-boWe address the problem of the dissipative character of collective motion in finite Fermi systems. We study this problem from the point of view of chaotic features of the fermionic degrees of freedom of the many-body Fermi systems. Our main aim is of two kinds: first, we investigate how quantum chaos sets in in many-body systems and then, we try to relate quantum many-body chaos of the intrinsic fe

Flux reduction of ultrafiltration membranes with different cut-off due to adsorption of a low-molecular-weight hydrophobic solute-correlation between flux decline and pore size

The flux of ultrafiltration membranes may be severely reduced when treating low-molecular-weight hydrophobic solutes even though the cut-off of the membrane is orders of magnitudes greater than the size of the solute molecules. In this investigation, the flux reduction was correlated to the membrane pore size using octanoic acid as a model substance. As a comparison, the pore size was also determi

Evaluating the effects of place marketing campaigns on interregional migration in Sweden

During the last few years, Swedish municipalities have become increasingly engaged in competition to attract in-migrants. An important element of these efforts has been the use of place- marketing campaigns and promotion. Very little is known, however, about these attempts in terms of the number of municipalities involved, economic efforts, ways of marketing, target groups, etc. Furthermore, and m

Ab initio MP2 and DFT study of the thermal Syn elimination reaction in ethyl formate

The thermal elimination reaction that appears in some polycarbonates has been studied by density functional theory (DFT) and ab initio methods of different levels. This work has been focused in the elimination process of ethyl formate, as a good model of this kind of reaction. Different minima and the transition state have been found to characterize the thermal elimination reaction, and the activa

Sustainable Development: Implementation in Urban Water Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hållbar utveckling är ett ofta använt begrepp, som många inte riktigt förstår eftersom det går på tvärs mot traditionella vetenskapliga begrepp som förutsägelse och styrning. Många vetenskapsmän har tolkat begreppet på sätt som gynnar den egna agendan. Dessa vantolkningar har lett till att begreppet inte kommit till användning i praktisk planering. Avhandlingen hävdar As Sustainable development, a widely used but poorly understood term, challenges traditional scientific values such as prediction and control, scientists have tried to manipulate the concept to promote their own particular agendas. Thus, it has suffered from misrepresentation which has prevented the concept from being fully implemented at a practical level. It is asserted that traditional fragmen

"Han bar de mångas skuld". Profetia och uppfyllelse utifrån Jes. 53

This article deals with the concept of vicarious suffering in Is 53 and its relevance for present theological reflection and understanding of Christian belief. The issue is raised against the background of traditional critique of this concept, that is, its (bad) implications for both theology (e.g. F. Nietzsche) and anthropology (e.g. I. Kant). The article wants to contribute to this discourse by

Frequency-Domain Analysis of Linear Time-Periodic Systems

In this paper we study how a system with a time-periodic impulse response may be expanded into a sum of modulated time-invariant systems. This allows us to define a linear frequency-response operator for periodic systems, called the harmonic transfer function (HTF). Similar frequency-response operators have been derived before for sampled-data systems and periodic finite-dimensional state-space sy

DNA-lipid systems. An amphiphile self-assembly and polymer-surfactant perspective

The interaction between DNA and oppositely charged surfactants has been investigated by several techniques, like fluorescence microscopy, electron microscopy, phase diagram determination, and ellipsometry. The phase behaviour is more strongly associative than that in previously studied systems. A precipitate is formed for very low amounts of surfactant and DNA. DNA compaction is a general phenomen

Carrier frequency effects on path loss

To study the carrier frequency effects on path loss, measurements have been conducted at four discrete frequencies in the range 460-5100 MHz. The transmitter was placed on the roof of a 36 meters tall building and the receive antennas were placed on the roof of a van. Both urban and suburban areas were included in the measurement campaign. The results show that there is a frequency dependency, in

Accelerated Monte Carlo models to simulate fluorescence spectra from layered tissues

Two efficient Monte Carlo models are described, facilitating predictions of complete time-resolved fluorescence spectra from a light-scattering and light-absorbing medium. These are compared with a third, conventional fluorescence Monte Carlo model in terms of accuracy, signal-to-noise statistics, and simulation time. The improved computation efficiency is achieved by means of a convolution techni

Complex karyotypic changes, including rearrangements of 12q13 and 14q24, in two leiomyosarcomas

Cytogenetic investigation of short-term cultures from two leiomyosarcomas revealed complex karyotypic changes in both cases. The first tumor, a subcutaneous leiomyosarcoma of the knee, had the karyotype 70-80,XY, +X, +Y, +1, +1, +2, +2, +3, +3, +4, +4, +7, +7, +8, +8, +9, +10, +15, +15, +16, +16, +18, +19, +20, +21, +21, +22, +22,t(?;5)(5;21)(?;q35p11;q11), t(?;5)(5;21)(?;q35p11;q11), +del(11)(q22

En värld av sten : stenhuggarnas organisation i medeltidens Östergötland

The dissertation deals with how fine-dressed stone can serve as a historical source material. The aim is to show how the working of stone can be used to study the organization of mason's during medieval ages in östergötland. The purpose has also been to put light on a historical source material threatened to disappear thorugh weathering.

Structural study of adsorption of isonicotinic acid and related molecules on rutile TiO2(110) II: XPS

The adsorption of monolayers of the pyridine-carboxylic acid monomers (isonicotinic acid, nicotinic acid, and picolinic acid) on rutile TiO2(1 1 0) has been studied by means of X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. An investigation of the O 1s spectra shows that the molecular carboxylic groups are deprotonated and, hence, that the molecules bind to the surface in a bidentate mode. Moreover, the bindin