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Your search for "*" yielded 532180 hits

Towards critical white ice conditions in lakes under global warming

The quality of lake ice is of uppermost importance for ice safety and under-iceecology, but its temporal and spatial variability is largely unknown. Here weconducted a coordinated lake ice quality sampling campaign across theNorthern Hemisphere during one of the warmest winters since 1880 and showthat lake ice during 2020/2021 commonly consisted of unstable white ice, attimes contributing up to 10

Mosasaur (Reptilia, Mosasauridae) remains from the Upper Cretaceous of Colombia, including the first occurrence of the genus Globidens

Isolated mosasaur teeth and vertebrae recovered from beds of the Guadalupe Group of central Boyacá, Colombia, are reported. A partial tooth crown identified as Globidens sp., found in the Labor-Tierna Formation (Maastrichtian), represents the first report of this genus from northern South America and its most equatorial occurrence. A tooth crown recovered from the Plaeners Formation (upper Campani

Development of “clean label” gluten-free breads fortified with flaxseed slurry and sesame cake : Implications on batter rheology, bread quality and shelf life

Following the recently emerged trends for products without additives and valorization of food processing by-products, “clean label” gluten-free (GF) breads were developed using a flaxseed slurry (FS) at 3% or 4.5% level (flaxseed basis), instead of the commonly used structurant in GF doughs, methylcellulose, and 3 or 6% (flour mixture basis) sesame cake (SC) for further product nutritional improve

Prolactin's paradox : Friend, foe, or both in immune regulation?

Over 100 diseases have been recognized as autoimmune in nature, collectively affecting ∼20 % of the population in industrialized countries. These conditions are more prevalent among women of childbearing age, reflecting the potential association between alterations in the immune-neuroendocrine network, on the one hand, and autoimmune conditions, on the other. Prolactin (PRL), a polypeptide hormone

Myntstampsavtrycket från kv. Svartbröder och den tidiga myntningen i Lund

A piece of lead with imprints from a coin die and the early minting in Lund. At an archaeological excavation in central Lund in the early 1970s a very unusual find was retrieved: a piece of lead with several imprints from a coin die. The motif and the runic inscription on the lead plate indicate that the die derives from Sven Estridsen’s minting during his late years as king of Denmark. The find i

Exploring Patients' Experience with Clinicians Who Recognize Their Unmet Palliative Needs : An Inpatient Study

Background: Given the national shortage of palliative care specialists relative to the need for their services, engaging nonspecialists is important to ensure patients with serious illness have an opportunity to share their goals and values with their providers. Hospital medicine clinicians are well positioned to conduct these conversations given they care for many medically complex patients. Yet,

The Surprise Question Can Be Used to Identify Heart Failure Patients in the Emergency Department Who Would Benefit From Palliative Care

CONTEXT: Heart failure (HF) is associated with symptom exacerbations and risk of mortality after an emergency department (ED) visit. Although emergency physicians (EPs) treat symptoms of HF, often the opportunity to connect with palliative care is missed. The "surprise question" (SQ) "Would you be surprised if this patient died in the next 12 months?" is a simple tool to identify patients at risk

When a Patient Is Reluctant To Talk About It : A Dual Framework To Focus on Living Well and Tolerate the Possibility of Dying

Many patients with serious illness struggle to talk about the possibility of dying; yet basic prognostic awareness is crucial for informed decision making. In this article, we aim to help outpatient clinicians working with seriously ill patients ambivalent, uncomfortable, or fearful of further discussion about the future. We describe a dual framework that focuses on living well while acknowledging

Defining the Elements of Early Palliative Care That Are Associated With Patient-Reported Outcomes and the Delivery of End-of-Life Care

Purpose We describe the key elements of early palliative care (PC) across the illness trajectory and examine whether visit content was associated with patient-reported outcomes and end-of-life care. Methods We performed a secondary analysis of patients with newly diagnosed advanced lung or noncolorectal GI cancer (N = 171) who were randomly assigned to receive early PC. Participants attended at le

Easing the burden of surrogate decision making : the role of a do-not-escalate-treatment order

We present a case illustrating the common problem of a surrogate decision maker who is psychologically distressed over the medical team's recommendation to withdraw life-sustaining treatment. We suggest how a do-not-escalate-treatment (DNET) order can be helpful in such situations when the usual approaches to withholding or withdrawing care are not acceptable to the surrogate. We define a DNET ord

Helping patients with serious illness live well through the promotion of adaptive coping : a report from the improving outpatient palliative care (IPAL-OP) initiative

Continuity outpatient palliative care practice is characterized by long relationships between patients, families, and palliative care clinicians and by periods of relative stability when the disease and resultant symptoms are less active. Compared to inpatient palliative care, outpatient practice requires a greater focus on encouraging healthy coping and on helping patients to live well with serio

Misunderstandings about prognosis : an approach for palliative care consultants when the patient does not seem to understand what was said

Called in after discussions about prognosis between referring clinicians and patients, palliative care consultants sometimes find that the patient does not seem to understand what the referring clinician believes he or she explained. However, holding a more explicit discussion about prognosis may compromise the palliative care clinician's rapport with both the patient and the referring clinician.

Distriktssköterskans erfarenheter av att bemöta vårdcentralernas krav på ökad tillgänglighet

Bakgrund: Sveriges regering har ökat kraven på tillgänglighet inom primärvården, som avser att se till att patienten kan nå fram till vården, men även få den vård denne är i behov av inom en rimlig tid. Distriktssköterskan kan ställas inför en utmaning för att möta patienternas efterfrågan och vårdbehov. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa distriktssköterskans erfarenheter av att möta och hantera kraven

The Representation of Girls and Women in Corporate-Led Development: A Critical Discourse Analysis of The Girl Effect Campaign and The 5by20 Project

Abstract At face value, Nike’s Girl Effect campaign and Coke’s 5by20 project appear promising, with no potential complexities or ambiguities. However, analysts of corporate-led development have argued that such approaches to development draw on colonial stereotypes of girls and women as sexually and culturally constrained. This thesis aims to investigate these representations of girls and women inThis thesis addresses the representation of girls and women in Nike’s Girl Effect campaign and Coke’s 5by20 project. Though they seem promising, some sceptics believe that they rely on old-fashioned ideas about girls and women. The business case for women's economic empowerment promises to improve the lives of women and girls through job creation. However, despite this promise, most women and

Tracing Emergent Patterns of Urban Character within the City: Identification, Preservation and Reinforcement

With the persistent phenomenon of rapid urbanization, cities worldwide are in a constant state of change. This transformation extends to the underlying "urban fabric" that encompasses the distinct segments that collectively shape the identity and character of a city. These segments can be formally categorized as districts, boroughs, neighborhoods, or wards. However, at a deeper level fam

Many Maids Make Much Noise

The documented artistic research project (doctoral thesis), Many Maids Make Much Noise, comprises a series of artistic projects focused on the social history of the early twentieth-century British militant campaign for votes for women (known as the suffragette movement). The aim is to try out artistic and educational strategies used within that movement, as a means of ‘reading’ these practices and