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ROTEM and vitro reversal of warfarin with APCC

Background: Warfarin-treated patients with a prolonged Prothrombin Time (PT) can have a normal rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) clotting time (CT). A previous in vitro study found that activated prothrombin complex concentrates (APCC) could reverse an albumin-induced coagulopathy monitored with ROTEM, but that prothrombin complex concentrates (PCC) could not. The aim of this study was to inveBackground: Warfarin-treated patients with a prolonged Prothrombin Time (PT) can have a normal rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) clotting time (CT). A previous in vitro study found that activated prothrombin complex concentrates (APCC) could reverse an albumin-induced coagulopathy monitored with ROTEM, but that prothrombin complex concentrates (PCC) could not. The aim of this study was to inve

Between ideals and domestic practices: the micro-geographies and media technologies of home management : A Swedish case study

The home is constituted of materials, cultural meanings and practices (Blunt & Dowling 2006), which means, among other things, that we make home through our domestic practices (Hollows 2008). In an ongoing cultural historical project on home management we are studying practices of domestic paperwork during the 20th century in Sweden. Through interviews with people born before 1940, and the stu

Theory and practice - A case study of coordination and ownership in the Bangladesh health SWAp

Background: In the past decade the sector-wide approach (SWAp) model has been promoted by donors and adopted by governments in several countries. The purpose of this study is to look at how partners involved in the health SWAp in Bangladesh define ownership and coordination, in their daily work and to analyse the possible implications of these definitions. Methodology: The study object was a proce

Semifluorinated thiols in Langmuir monolayers - A study by nonlinear and linear vibrational spectroscopies

A series of semifluorinated thiols of the general formula CmF2 m +1CnH2 nSH (abbr. FmHnSH) have been synthesized and characterized in Langmuir monolayers with surface pressure-area isotherms, complemented with polarization-modulated reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) and sum-frequency generation (SFG) techniques. A comparative analysis was performed for compounds having the same length


A method for forming an aggregate of assembled aligned nanowires (20), wherein said nanowires comprise an elongate wire portion (21) and a head portion (23) at a first end of the elongate wire portion, comprising providing a fluid comprising a first liquid (11), a second liquid (12) and a plurality of nanowires, wherein the first and second liquids phase separate into a first phase, a second phase

Predictable, collaborative and safe: Healthcare provider experiences of introducing brief admissions by self-referral for self-harming and suicidal persons with a history of extensive psychiatric inpatient care

People with severe self-harming behavior and histories of lengthy psychiatric inpatient admissions can represent a challenge to care providers. This interview-based study illuminates healthcare provider experiences (n = 12) of Brief Admission (BA) among self-harming individuals, with >180 days of psychiatric admission the previous year. Qualitative content analysis revealed that providers experien

Bi-objective optimization of fenestration using an evolutionary algorithm approach

This study assesses the trade-offs between the conflicting objectives of reducing heating intensity and increasing daylight utilization in the context of Swedish residential spaces, specifically for a north oriented bedroom. The optimization process is conducted within the visual programming environment of Grasshopper, where the simulation engines of Energyplus, Radiance and Daysim are interconnec

The Preboreal oscillation around the Nordic Seas : Terrestrial and lacustrine responses

The occurrence of an early Preboreal climatic cooling/oscillation (PBO) in lacustrine and glacial records from northwest Europe, Iceland and Greenland is reviewed and documented. The often subtle response of the proxy records to this oscillation, in combination with its short duration, make it difficult to detect. Owing to its chronostratigraphic position between the 10000-9900 and 9600-9500 14C p

Green economy and related concepts : An overview

For the last ten years, the notion of a green economy has become increasingly attractive to policy makers. However, green economy covers a lot of diverse concepts and its links with sustainability are not always clear. In this article, we focus on definitions of green economy and related concepts and an evaluation of these concepts against the criterion of strong and weak sustainability. The artic

Variations in the carbon isotope composition of late-Holocene plant macrofossils : A comparison of whole-leaf and cellulose trends

Stable carbon isotope measurements (δ13C) made on Quaternary sequences of terrestrial plant subfossils are frequently used to infer palaeoclimatic trends. However, differential decomposition of individual constituents during incorporation of plant material into lake sediments could influence these interpretations. Therefore, we investigated down-core variations in the carbon isotope composition (δ

The theory of dynamical random surfaces with extrinsic curvature

We analyse numerically the critical properties of a two-dimensional discretized random surface with extrinsic curvature embedded in a three-dimensional space. The use of the toroidal topology enables us to enforce the non-zero external extension without the necessity of defining a boundary and allows us to measure directly the string tension. We show that a phase transition from the crumpled phase

Scaling properties at the crumpling transition

We investigate numerically a dynamically triangulated random surface with extrinsic curvature embedded in a three-dimensional space. Toroidal topology is used, to allow for string tension measurements by a new method. A high statistics test of the finite-size scaling of the specific heat is performed.

Numerical evidence for a mass gap in three-dimensional SU(2)

Numerical evidence for a nonvanishing 0++ glueball mass in three-dimensional SU(2) is presented. By using a long-distance correlation Monte Carlo method we obtain m0++ = (4.7±1.2)√σ in the β-range 4.0-6.5. The measurements are consistent with 1/β-scaling. The relevance of this result for SU(2) in four dimensions at finite temperature is briefly discussed.