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Comparing Homosexuality in India and Vietnam
Eye movements to “nothing” have an active role during visuospatial memory retrieval
Several studies have reported that spontaneous eye movements occur with visuospatial imagery and that they closely reflect content and spatial relations from an original picture or scene during episodic memory retrieval (e.g., Brandt& Stark, 1997; Johansson, et al., 2006). Nevertheless, the role for these eye movements to “nothing” is elusive and has been debated extensively in current researc
Exit Taxation, Commission infringement procedure against Sweden
Wastewater treatment plant influent disturbance models
What is drought? The scientific understanding of drought: the primary step towards resolving Iran's water crisis
Abstract in Uncoded languagesIn this article we discuss four basic approaches to characterising droughts namely meteorological, hydrological, agricultural, and socioeconomic. In the first three approaches, drought is defined and measured as a physical phenomenon primarily related to the precipitation shortfall. Socioeconomic drought, nonetheless, is described and determined as the 'supply' and 'de
Utredningen om frivillig jämställdhetsmärkning av produkter och tjänster (2002). Märk - värdig jämställdhet: slutbetänkande. Stockholm: Fritzes offentliga publikationer
Detection of water and gas migration in a bioreactor landfill using geoelectrical imaging and a tracer test
Development of vasogenic oedema on diffusion-and perfusion weighted MRI in a patient with hypertensive encephalopathy.
Self-control and frontal lobe function in psychosis.
GARD - Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection. A Testing Strategy for Assessment of Chemical Sensitizers
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi lever i en tid och i ett samhälle där kemikalier har blivit en naturlig del av vår industrialiserade vardag. Till stor del ligger kemikalieindustrin bakom flera av de stora tekniska framsteg som gör att västvärlden har den levnadsstandard den idag har. Tyvärr har den stora spridningen av icke naturligt förekommande kemikalier ibland också negativa effekter både på miThe modern world is increasingly dependent of the use of chemicals. The chemical industries have greatly contributed to the high standard of living in industrialised societies, and chemical compounds surround us in everyday life. Unfortunately, a vast number of chemicals cause adverse effects on the environment and human health. One such concern is chemical hypersensitivity, which is a state cause
Luftföroreningar vid svetsning: effekter
Molecularly imprinted polymer bead libraries.
Synthetic protein diversity and library technology for the development of carbohydrate-specific probes
Random Precision-Re-representing Berlin
Första året på LTH
Höstterminen 2002 började ca. 1000 studenter på något av LTH:s civilingenjörsprogram. Ett år senare hade 300 av dessa studenter missat studiemedelsgränsen. Denna artikel redovisar studieresultatet för de studenter som började läsa till civilingenjör på LTH förra hösten. Det visar sig att studieresultatet för de olika programmen skiljer sig åt väldigt mycket. Det finns inte heller någon större korr