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Your search for "*" yielded 525580 hits

The use of lectures : effective pedagogy or seeds scattered on the wind?

This case study of large-class teaching at a UK university focuses on the place of large-scale lectures in academics’ approaches to teaching, their use by students in their studies, and their relationship to institutional quality assurance policies. The case is a second-year module comprised of 180 students, and it includes two-hour lectures as the primary mode of teaching. The data is drawn from

Conceptualising the Cosmos : Development and Validation of the Cosmology Concept Inventory for High School

Cosmology concepts encompass complex spatial and temporal relations that are counterintuitive. Cosmology findings, because of their intrinsic interest, are often reported in the public domain with enthusiasm, and students come to cosmology with a range of conceptions some aligned and some at variance with the current science. This makes cosmology concepts challenging to teach, and also challenging

Greater pQCT Calf Muscle Density Is Associated with Lower Fracture Risk, Independent of FRAX, Falls and BMD : A Meta-Analysis in the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study

We investigated the predictive performance of peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) measures of both calf muscle density (an established surrogate for muscle adiposity, with higher values indicating lower muscle adiposity and higher muscle quality) and size (cross-sectional area [CSA]) for incident fracture. pQCT (Stratec XCT2000/3000) measurements at the tibia were undertaken in Oste

Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens (o)förmåga att våga fråga? - en analys av förhandsavgörandeinstitutets ställning på det direkta beskattningsområdet i Sverige

Skyldigheten att begära förhandsavgörande har under senare år aktualiserats i en rad avgöranden från EU-domstolen. Samtidigt som domstolen för första gången har fällt en medlemsstat för att inte uppfylla nämnda skyldighet i Kommissionen mot Frankrike (mål C-416/17) har EU-domstolen delvis lättat de krav som ställs på nationella domstolar genom den s.k. Cilfit-doktrinen. I en rykande färsk artikel,

Introduction : “Formulas of Betrayal”—Traitors, Collaborators and Deserters in Contemporary European Politics of Memory

Basing their study on conceptualizations current in anthropology, history, memory studies, and cultural sociology, Eleonora Narvselius and Gelinada Grinchenko offer a new, complex approach to understanding the violations of loyalty and trust that constitute betrayal, as well as their present-day revisions. Acts of betrayal and their subsequent reinterpretations are viewed through the prism of powe

Hybrid modelling of water resource recovery facilities : status and opportunities

Mathematical modelling is an indispensable tool to support water resource recovery facility (WRRF) operators and engineers with the ambition of creating a truly circular economy and assuring a sustainable future. Despite the successful application of mechanistic models in the water sector, they show some important limitations and do not fully profit from the increasing digitalisation of systems an