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An Urban Nature Experience

An urban nature experience – an urban park where people can experience and improve the relationship between human and nature. This is an exhibition of nature in an urban environment. Here you can experience the nature with all of your senses; sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. Research has shown that the more people are exposed to nature, the more they appreciate it, and the more environmental

Is the time for leisure now? : The growth paradigm in the Finnish welfare debate

The government of Finland has the ambition of making Finland the first fossil-free welfare state in the world and reaching carbon neutrality in 2035. Simultaneously, worktime reduction and basic income have been matters of vivid political debate. Both worktime reduction and basic income are go-to solutions for post-growth scholars as ways to arrange welfare in a non-growing economy. These initiati

Generation of Model NiMo Hydrotreating Nano-catalyst via the Spark Discharge Technique

Katalysatorer är viktiga komponenter i den kemiska industrin. Deras användning tillåter kemiska processer att ske på ett ekonomiskt och miljövänligt sätt, förutsatt att de är stabila och har bra aktivitet i den kemiska miljön där de tillämpas. Ett viktigt steg vid implementeringen av nya kemiska processer är alltså att utveckla lämpliga katalysatorer. Processen att utveckla sådana kan vara väldigtEstablishing a technically practical method to generate representative model catalysts for the use in characterizations and testing prior to catalyst implementation in chemical process units would allow for a more sophisticated understanding of the underlying catalytic mechanisms. As a step towards establishing such a method, generating non-agglomerated, spherical NiMo nanoparticles, with diameter

Organisationsförändring under kriser : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av organisationsförändring under coronakrisen.

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the social workers’ experiences of the organizational change in social service caused by the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. This has in turn created a stressful and a demanding environment for the social workers. Thus, it is of highly importance to examine the social workers’ reactions and experiences to this change. The study has done so by mainl

The Effects of Gender Stereotypes on Female Professionals

The purpose of this thesis is to critically analyse women’s understanding of gender stereotypes and their perception of their career opportunities and organizational measures for gender equality at a consultancy, with the aim of the resulting in-depth insights contributing to organizations’ approach to enhance gender equality at top management levels. We found that there is a discrepancy of expli

Analysing the controls over DOM quality in two contrasting sub polar marine environments

In this study, Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) quality was analysed through its optical properties. Samples from the estuarine waters of the Beagle Channel and oceanic ones of the Burdwood Bank were examined in order to understand how DOM quality was changing. The focus of the study was to determine whether the environmental variables or the microbial community were the main driver in DOM compositi

Hysterektomi vid livmoderhalscancer: En litteraturstudie om kvinnors sexuella hälsa

Bakgrund: Varje år dör 150 personer av livmoderhalscancer i Sverige. En av de vanligaste behandlingarna vid livmoderhalscancer är en operation där delar eller hela livmodern tas bort, en så kallad hysterektomi. Syfte: Att undersöka hur kvinnor med livmoderhalscancer värderar sin sexuella hälsa efter en hysterektomi. Metod: En icke-systematisk litteraturstudie med en kvalitativ ansats genomfördes o

Tillägnelse av pantsatta aktier - Om skiljelinjen mellan tillåten tillägnelse och ogiltigt förverkande av pant

37 § i lagen (1915:218) om avtal och andra rättshandlingar på förmögenhetsrättens område (AvtL) stadgar att avtal om förverkande av pant är ogiltiga. Syftet med bestämmelsen är att skydda gäldenären mot situationer där maktobalansen mellan den presumtiva pantsättaren och panthavaren är väldigt stor. Direktiv 2002/47/EG om ställande av finansiell säkerhet (säkerhetsdirektivet) syftar till fastställAgreements on forfeiture of pledged property are void, according to 37 § of the Swedish Contracts Act (1915:218). The purpose of the prohibition is to protect the debtor from situations where the power imbalance between the future pledgor and pledgee are palpable. Directive 2002/47/EC on financial collateral arrangements, objects to ensure that the parties may freely agree to a method of enforceme

Poverty as an individual welfare : a quantitative study on the relationship between household poverty and individual poverty

Household wealth is the gold standard of measuring poverty, however, poor individuals are not necessarily found in poor households. If household wealth is used in a context where the household members are not equally poor, poverty statistics measured on a household level might be wrong. This research aims to test the proposition ‘poor individuals are mainly found in poor households’. The relations

“Ett leve för Sverige, vårt älskade fosterland”. En studie om hur den svenska monarkin väver in makt, genus och sexualitet i en nationell identitet.

The aim of this thesis has been to examine how marriage is weaved into the Swedish national identity in national speeches held by King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and how one could understand it through the monarchy's disciplinary power. The study has been inspired by a number of theories about gender, sexuality, power and nationalism. Those theories have then with help from Laclau & Mouffe&

Signal and Background Studies at 8 GeV for the Light Dark Matter eXperiment

Light dark matter is a hypothesized form of dark matter in the 1 MeV to 1 GeV mass range. The Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) is an upcoming experiment to test the existence of light dark matter, by colliding an electron beam with a tungsten target and assembling a set of events that potentially indicate the existence of light dark matter. The three main detector components of the LDMX are a s

Opportunities for sustainable water governance in Ranchi, Jharkhand, India : identifying localised solutions to water crises through a capabilities- and institutions-centred framework of strategic agency

Many citizens in Ranchi, Jharkhand, suffer from the consequences of contaminated drinking water. The city’s water governance system therefore urgently needs to find ways to bring safe drinking water to its people. Prevalent models in water governance however do not provide effective guidance for the necessary transition process. They lack heuristics that facilitate an in-depth understanding of con

Free Movement of Goods - Justifying Restrictions under the Derogations listed in Art. 36 TFEU and the Mandatory Requirements

Art. 36 TFEU is an exception clause which provides that quantitative restrictions or measures having equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions falling under Art. 34 and 35 TFEU may be justified under certain circumstances. If a national measure can be considered liable to hindering the trade between Member States, the national measure can be justified by one of the derogations listed in Art.

En veterinärbesiktnings betydelse för felbedömning vid hästköp

Hästnäringen i Sverige fortsätter att växa. Ridsporten är en av de mest populära sporterna i Sverige med utövande från nybörjarnivå upp till världseliten. Vid en mätning som gjordes 2016 uppmättes antalet hästar i Sverige till cirka 355 500 stycken. Med många utövande och många hästar i landet kommer en bred handel, en handel som i takt med sportens utveckling också borde öka. Idag omfattas hästThe horse industry in Sweden continues to grow. The equestrian sport is one of the most popular sports in Sweden with performers from beginners level to riders in the world cup. The number of horses in Sweden was in a survey made in 2016 counted to approximately 355 500. With many performers and a lot of horses comes a wide market, a market that should be growing in pace with the development of th

Processuella överenskommelser och avtalsviten – En analys av vilken rättsverkan ett avtalsvite kopplat till ett avstående från domstolsprövning kan tillerkännas

Varje enskild skall vara berättigad att få tvister om sina materiella rättigheter och skyldigheter prövade i domstol. Mot bakgrund därom kan enbart lagstadgade undantag medge parter att, med bindande verkan, avtala om rättegångshinder. Detta anses ge uttryck för den processuella ogiltighetsprincipen, med innebörden att processuella överenskommelser enbart är giltiga om det finns lagstöd. Att brytaEvery individual shall be entitled the right to have disputes regarding his civil rights and obligations brought before a court. Therefore, a statutory exemption is required for agreements waiving the right of access to a court. The requirement is expressed through the procedural nullity principle, i.e. procedural agreements are only acceptable if there is a statutory exemption thereof. However, a

En exkluderande rätt till självförsvar? - Nödvärnsrätten ur ett genusperspektiv

I 24 kap 1§ Brb stadgas rätten till nödvärn. Nödvärnsrätten är en rättfärdigande omständighet inom ramen för vilken en person som befinner sig i en nödvärnssituation har rätt att bruka våld för att försvara sig. Nödvärnsrätten har dock kritiserats för att ha utformats efter jämbördiga parter, varpå kvinnor som utsätts för våld av närstående män osynliggjorts. Kritiken har framförallt lyft behovet The right to self defence can be found in the 24 chapter 1§ of the swedish penal code and grants everyone the right to self defence when being subjected to a situation in which it is required to defend oneself by the use of force. However the right to self defence has been criticised for being constructed only to accommodate situations in which the parties have the same abilities to defend themsel

Bör medlemskap i terroristorganisationer kriminaliseras? - En redogörelse för terroristmedlemmars föreningsfrihet

Sveriges terrorhotnivå ligger på en fortsatt förhöjd risk enligt Nationellt centrum för terrorhotbedömning (NCT). Terrorism och terroristorganisationer upplevs som ett hot mot samhället och den svenska regeringen vill motverka terrorismen genom att motverka terroristorganisationernas organisationsrätt. Uppsatsen avser att redogöra för föreningsfriheten för terroristmedlemmar i Sverige genom att stSweden’s National center of terrorist threat assessment group (NCT) states that the threat of terrorism against Sweden is still increased. Terrorism and terrorist organizations pose a threat to the democratic society and the government of Sweden aims to protect its country from terrorist organizations by limiting their freedom of association. This essay aims to describe the extent and limits of f

Addressing Aggressive Tax Planning through Unitary Tax or Self-Regulation- A Study on the Possible Need for an International Tax Reform

Regelverk på nationell och internationell nivå som syftar till att uppmuntra och underlätta internationella investeringar och handel möjliggör idag för multinationella företag att verka transnationellt genom användning av filialer och dotterbolag. När det kommer till företagsbeskattning har avsaknaden av ett globalt och universellt skattesystem för att reglera internationella skattefrågor dock möjDomestic and international regulations aiming to facilitate international trade and investment today enable multinational corporations (MNCs) to operate transnationally through the use of branches or subsidiary companies. Within the field of corporate taxation, the lack of a global and universal tax system regulating international tax matters however allows MNCs to exploit gaps and loopholes withi

Queering a Fascist Heritage

In this thesis I have tried to understand this great complexity in architecture, when an oppressive architecture can be considered an architectural masterpiece. This conflict is embodied by Palazzo della Civiltà. Italiana. A monument built with the intentions to host an exhibition celebrating 20 years of fascism, is now 80 years later, rented by the luxury fashion house Fendi due to its mesmerizin

Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att arbeta inom professionen En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Tidigare kunskap visar på att nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor (NS) upplever ett glapp i hur teorin överförs till praktiken. Vidare upplever NS behov av stöd under deras första tid. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa upplevelsen av att arbeta som nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska och dess inverkan på patientrelationen. Metod: Studien var en icke-systematisk litteraturstudie med