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Comparing baseline characteristics between groups : an introduction to the CBCgrps package

A usual practice in observational studies is the comparison of baseline characteristics of participants between study groups. The overall population can be grouped by clinical outcome or exposure status. A combined table reporting baseline characteristics is usually displayed, for the overall population and then separately for each group. The last column usually gives the P value for the compariso

Development of scoring system for risk stratification in clinical medicine : a step-by-step tutorial

Risk scores play an important role in clinical medicine. With advances in information technology and availability of electronic healthcare record, scoring systems of less commonly seen diseases and population can be developed. The aim of the article is to provide a tutorial on how to develop and validate risk scores based on a virtual dataset by using R software. The dataset we generated including

Nomogram for survival analysis in the presence of competing risks

Clinical research usually involves time-to-event survival analysis, in which the presence of a competing event is prevalent. It is acceptable to use the conventional Cox proportional hazard regression to model cause-specific hazard. However, this cause-specific hazard cannot directly translate to the cumulative incidence function, and the latter is usually clinically relevant. The subdistribution

PNPLA3 rs738409 is associated with renal glomerular and tubular injury in NAFLD patients with persistently normal ALT levels

Background & Aims: Patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 (PNPLA3) rs738409 polymorphism is associated with NAFLD severity and the PNPLA3 gene is expressed in the kidneys, but whether PNPLA3 rs738409 polymorphism is also associated with renal tubular injury (RTI) is uncertain. We assessed the effect of PNPLA3 genotypes on biomarkers of RTI and glomerular function in subjects wi

Rainforest plots for the presentation of patient-subgroup analysis in clinical trials

While the conventional forest plot is useful to present results within subgroups of patients in clinical studies, it has been criticized for several reasons. First, small subgroups are visually overemphasized by long confidence interval lines, which is misleading. Second, the point estimates of large subgroups are difficult to discern because of the large box representing the precision of the esti

DGAT-onco : A differential analysis method to detect oncogenes by integrating functional information of mutations

It is a common strategy to predict oncogenes by differential analysis between somatic mutations and background mutations. Most previous methods only utilize mutations in the cancer population to model its background mutation, which have an obvious bias. A recent method, DiffMut, improves this issue by conducting differential mutational analysis with both mutations in the cancer population and the

Ett bortglömt brottsoffer - Om svårigheterna med bedömningen av en anstiftares ansvar vid gärningspersonens error in persona

Diskussionen gällande ett sedan länge omstritt juridiskt fenomen, aberratio ictus, nådde sin kulmen år 2022. Då beviljade HD prövningstillstånd i ett mål gällande just detta; en person hade förmått en eller flera skyttar att skjuta ihjäl en person varpå gärningsmannen sedan förväxlade måltavlan med en annan. För att ytterligare komplicera en av sin natur redan komplex fråga var personen som iställThe discussion regarding a long-debated legal phenomenon, aberratio ictus, reached its climax in the year of 2022. During that year, the Supreme Court granted leave to appeal in a case concerning just this; an individual had persuaded one or more shooters to kill a person, after which the perpetrator mistakenly confused the target with another person. To further complicate an already complex issue

Företagsförvärv i kris - Vad är egentligen tanken med doktrinen om räddningsförvärv?

Konkurrensrätten har precis som alla rättsområden en verklighet att förhålla sig till. Doktrinen om räddningsförvärv är ett exempel på hur regelverket har anpassats efter samhälleliga händelser. Den här uppsatsen analyserar doktrinen genom att undersöka regelverkets funktion och tillämpning. För att förstå ämnet på en fördjupad nivå kartlägger jag gällande rätt, rättspraxis och juridisk litteraturThe competition law has a reality to relate to in the same manner as every other branch of law. The failing firm defence is an example of how competition law has adapted to events in society. This paper analyses the rules relating to the failing firm defence by examining their function and application. In order to understand the rules on a deeper level I identify the established law, case law and

Rubberducking EU copyright law - Generative AI, machine learning and infringement

Huruvida generativ AI utgör intrång i upphovsrättsinnehavarens ekonomiska rättigheter är en normativ fråga som, på grund av rättssäkerhetsprincipen som är en viktig del av rättsstatsprincipen borde kunna besvaras. Ändå verkar det inte finnas något entydigt svar. Detta beror delvis på svårigheterna med att utföra analysen endast på en abstrakt nivå när det finns en betydligt stor variation av gWhether generative AI infringes copyright holders’ economic rights is a normative question that, due to the requirement of legal certainty inherent to the principle of rule of law should have an answer. And yet, it is not a clearcut case. This is partly because, due to the wide variety of generative AI tools available on the market or under development, an abstract analysis on the legality of a

Sexköpslagen i Sverige respektive Finland: En komparativ studie ur ett moralfilosofiskt perspektiv

Uppsatsen behandlar hur köp av sexuella tjänster regleras i Norden, med ett särskilt fokus på komparationen av den svenska respektive finska lagstiftningen ur ett moralfilosofiskt perspektiv. Den svenska lagstiftningens bestämmelse återfinns i 6 kap. 11 § brottsbalken (BrB), vilken konstaterar att den som skaffar sig en tillfällig sexuell förbindelse mot ersättning som döms för köp av sexuell tjänThe essay discusses the regulation of the purchase of sexual services in the Nordic countries, with a particular focus on the comparison of Swedish legislation which is found in Chapter 6, paragraph 11 of the Swedish Penal Code (BrB), stating that anyone who engages in a temporary sexual connection for compensation is sentenced to a maximum of one year in prison for the purchase of sexual services

Lönetransparensdirektivet – blir det bra nu? En undersökning om lönetransparensdirektivets möjliga påverkan på den svenska modellen och den rättsliga prövningen vid lönediskriminering

Denna uppsats behandlar EU:s lönetransparensdirektiv och dess möjliga påverkan på den svenska arbetsmarknadsmodellen avseende kollektivavtal och lönebildning samt lönediskriminering och dess rättsliga prövning. Lönetransparensdirektivet antogs den 10 maj 2023 och den svenska utredningen kommer presenteras den 31 maj 2024. Den svenska arbetsmarknadsmodellen bygger på att arbetsmarknadens parter regThis paper addresses the European Union’s Pay Transparency Directive and its potential impact on the Swedish labour market model regarding collective agreement, wage formation, as well as wage discrimination and its judicial review. The Pay Transparency Directive was adopted on 10 May 2023 and the Swedish report on how to implement it will be presented on 31 May 2024. The Swedish labour market mod

Ersättning för rättegångskostnader i förvaltningsprocessrätt – En utredning om HFD 2022 ref. 10 strider mot rätten till en rättvis rättegång

Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda ersättningssystemet av rättegångskostnader i förvaltningsprocessen och hur väl det stämmer överens med rätten till en rätt-vis rättegång. Särskilt kommer avgörandet HFD 2022 ref. 10 att redogöras för och kritiseras. Arbetet tillämpar en kritisk rättsdogmatisk metod. I förvaltningsprocessen gäller som huvudregel kvittningsprincipen, som inne-bär att parterna bär siThe study’s ambition is to examine the order of reimbursement of legal costs in the administrative law procedure and how it compels to the right of a fair trial. In particular, the ruling by the Supreme administrative court (HFD 2022 ref. 10) will be exposed and criticized. The paper uses a critical legal dogmatic method. In the administrative procedure, the principle of set-off applies, which me

Urban AI och naturbaserade lösningar

I städer där betong ofta dominerar, i en värld där klimatförändringar ställer krav på handling, vänder sig allt fler till naturen för svar. Denna masteruppsats utforskar hur Naturbaserade lösningar (NbS) och Artificiell Intelligens (AI) kan integreras i samhällsplaneringen för att främja utvecklingen av grönare och mer motståndskraftiga urbana miljöer. NbS utnyttjar fördelarna med träd och grönomrAs our cities face the growing impacts of climate change, there is a pressing need to rethink urban development through innovative lenses. One approach is to venture into this change by transforming the functions of the cities to let nature assist in community tasks, thereby reducing the footprint of greenhouse gases. This study shows the integration of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) and Artificial

Fundamentals of Vacuum Physics and Technology

A good vacuum performance in particle accelerators is vital for their successful operation. The reasons why a good vacuum is needed, together with the basics of vacuum physics and technology and the main gas sources inside the vacuum system, are presented here.

Migration and Welfare: Differential Grievabilities in the Swedish Right-Wing Continuum

In this study, we examine the way access to welfare provision for migrants is articulated discursively among three right-of-center parties in Sweden. For this, we suggest two theoretical advances. First, deploying the concept of the right-wing continuum, we highlight the gradual and reciprocal alignment between mainstream right-of-center and radical-right populist parties. Second, by resorting to

Individual Differences Explain Psychosocial Work Environment: Untangling Personality from Workplace Questionnaires

Psychosocial work conditions influence employee well-being. How individual differences play a role in this relationship is limited. An individual differences perspective posits that personality also contributes to an individual's perception of their environment. Thus, it is essential to investigate to what extent psychosocial work environments assessed with questionnaires reflect individual di