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Landscape context affects the relationship between local and landscape species richness of butterflies in semi-natural habitats

Local species richness of butterflies can be expected to benefit from both local habitat properties as well as the availability of suitable habitats and source populations in the surrounding landscape. Whether local species richness is dependent on local or landscape factors can be assessed by examining the relationship between local and landscape species richness. Here we studied how local specie

Assessment of respiratory flow cycle morphology in patients with chronic heart failure

Breathing pattern as periodic breathing (PB) in chronic heart failure (CHF) is associated with poor prognosis and high mortality risk. This work investigates the significance of a number of time domain parameters for characterizing respiratory flow cycle morphology in patients with CHF. Thus, our primary goal is to detect PB pattern and identify patients at higher risk. In addition, differences in

Sovereignty and the Personality of the State

n international law, states are assumed to be persons by virtue of being bearers of rights and obligations. This chapter provides a brief genealogy of the person of the state. It shows how the concept of sovereignty — first understood as supreme and indivisible authority within a given polity — helped early modern authors to account for the temporal continuity of states, and also allowed them to a

Essays on Financial Risks and the Subprime Crisis

This thesis covers the impact of the financial crisis of 2007-2009, the non-linearity in the impact of bankruptcy risk on leverage and the effect of pessimism and doubt on the equity premium. It consists of four self-contained essays. The first essay develops a framework to investigate the impact of the financial crisis starting in 2007 and employs an extended GARCH model to test for spillover and

Alla tjänar på kortare arbestid

Författaren Birgitta Olsson menar stick i stäv med Konjunkturinstitutets utredare att det är genom produktivitetsförbättringarna i ekonomin, som vi kan klara kortare arbetstid. Förutsättningen är dock att den genomförs som en daglig förkortning av arbetstiden och i lite snabbare takt än KI:s alternativ. Forskning visar att kortare arbetsdagar innebär en förbättring av det sociala livet. Balansen m

Klassificeringssystem för kommunaltekniska investeringar

Inom den kommunaltekniska sektorn görs omfattande investeringar av olika slag. Strävan mot en effektiv resursanvändning gör uppföljningen av investeringarnas målsättningar angelägen. Att klassificera investeringar utifrån deras målsättningar förefaller därför vara en användbar utgångspunkt för uppföljning. Investeringslitteraturen visar att det finns olika sätt att klassificera investeringar

International Legal Hierarchy Revisited: The Status of Obligations Erga Omnes

Increasingly, international legal arguments exploit the peculiar nature of obligations erga omnes. This practice raises questions about the precise legal status of norms expressing such obligations relative to other norms of international law. According to an oft-made suggestion, whether a norm is part of the international jus cogens or not, when it expresses obligations erga omnes it is hierarchi

Show me the direction – how accurate does it have to be?

One factor which can be expected to influence performance in applications where the user is expected to point a device in some direction to obtain information is the angle interval in which the user gets feedback. The present study was performed in order to get a better understanding of the influence of this angle interval on navigation performance. Results indicate that users are able to handle q