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Regional Cooperation in Peace and Conflict Studies: A Case Study of Southeast Asian Conflict Studies Network
Tonal parameters and their communicative roles in declarative utterances in Russian
Combinatorial knowledge bases: integrating cognitive, organizational and spatial dimensions in innovation studies and economic geography.
This paper has three aims. Firstly, to provide a critical review of previous conceptualizations of the knowledge base approach in the research fields of innovation studies and economic geography. Secondly, to propose a broadened interpretation of the knowledge base approach which allows for considering combinatorial knowledge bases within and across industries, regions and time periods and for ana
A New Version of Grain-128 with Authentication
A new version of the stream cipher Grain-128 is proposed. The new version, Grain-128a, is strengthened against all known attacks and observations on the original Grain-128, and has built-in support for authentication. The changes are modest, keeping the basic structure of Grain-128. This gives a high confidence in Grain-128a and allows for easy updating of existing implementations.
Chemical and pharmacological characterization of new ligands for the benzodiazepine-binding site in the GABAA receptor complex.
The mediating document in ethnographic interviews: Capturing value creating processes in tourism
Single leptons from heavy-flavor decays at RHIC
Anm av Livholts, Mona: Vanlig som vatten. Manlighet och normalitet i mediernas berättelser om våldtäkt
How do we make the best use of dynamic simulators to improve aeration system design?
Kort sammanfattande slutrapport till STEM
The venomous potential of photographic images
Determination of Characteristic Parameters of Human Posture Dynamics
Nanowires with Promise for High Efficiency Photovoltaics
Integral Action - A Disturbance Observer Approach
Integral action is required in many controllers inorder to solve real world problems. Modeling errors anddisturbances are examples of issues that can be dealtwith by using controllers with integral action. This paper exploresthe use of disturbance observers to introduce integral action intoan output feedback controller. In particular, theproposed solution is generalized to include the case of plan
Nyhetsbrev ProMatEn 2014-5
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Intervjuundersökning av opiatmissbrukande kvinnor: metoder och metodproblem
A New Strategy for Swinging Up an Inverted Pendulum
Designing simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation of lignocellulose for improved xylose conversion
Popular Abstract in Swedish Global uppvärmning, säkerhetspolitik och framtida minskad tillgång på fossila bränslen har de senaste åren skyndat på sökandet efter nya, förnyelse-bara drivmedel. Användningen av bioetanol har ökat avsevärt och är idag ett av de vanligaste biobränslena i världen. Idag framställs bioetanol vanligen genom jäsning av socker från socker-rör eller från stärkelse (från tillFuel ethanol from lignocellulose is one sustainable alternative to the fossil fuels of today. All sugars in the material must be utilized in order to achieve high overall ethanol yields. Baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been engineered to ferment the pentose sugar xylose from lignocellulose to ethanol. However, ethanol production from xylose is slow and often incomplete. In this work s