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Involving professionals in research. In the field of ageing and health.

Involving professionals in research can ensure the acquisition of knowledge, that is relevant, applicable and sustainable. Professionals are people who work in health systems, or organisations that contribute to health systems, such as practitioners, managers or other decision-makers. They have context-specific knowledge which the researchers often lack. Therefore, when they are involved in resear

Är ekologisk odling bättre för miljön

Sverige har ambitiösa mål för att öka den ekologiskt odlade jordbruksmarken. Samtidigt är det inte självklart att ekologisk odling är bättre för miljön. Här sammanställer vi kunskap om skillnader mellan ekologisk och konventionell odling i Sverige. De miljöfaktorer vi tittar på är biologisk mångfald, näringsläckage och utsläpp av växthusgaser. Sammanställningen tyder på att när miljöpåverkan mäts

Pathogenesis, Symptomatology, and Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through analysis of Viral Genomics and Structure

The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which emerged in late 2019, has since spread around the world infecting tens of millions of people with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). While this viral species was unknown prior to January 2020, its similarity to other coronaviruses that infect humans has allowed for rapid insight into the mechanisms that it uses to infect human hosts, as well as the ways in

Correction of FLASH-based MT saturation in human brain for residual bias of B1-inhomogeneity at 3T

Background: Magnetization transfer (MT) saturation reflects the additional saturation of the MRI signal imposed by an MT pulse and is largely driven by the saturation of the bound pool. This reduction of the bound polarization by the MT pulse is less efficient than predicted by the differential B1-square law of absorption. Thus, B1 inhomogeneities lead to a residual bias in the MT saturation maps.

PROTEIN HC A low molecular weight plasma protein

Protein HC or alpha-1-microglobulin is a human glycoproteinof low molecular weight (25-30,000) present in plasma, urine and cerebrospinal fluid. It also occurs in association with the surface of various human cell types.The protein, containing only one polypeptide chain, is heterogeneous in charge, even when desialylated, has a marked tendency to form complexes with other plasma proteins, e.g., Ig

En policys färd : Undersökandet av implementeringen av en utbildningspolicy inom högre utbildning

This paper is a part of a larger project where we longitudinally (over seven years) analyze the implementation process of a policy instigating written assessment criteria for all courses in a traditional university faculty. The overarching question is: How does educational policy influence educational practice? The project adhere to a complex perspective on implementation (Gornitzka et al., 2005) This paper is a part of a larger project where we longitudinally (over seven years) analyze the implementation process of a policy instigating written assessment criteria for all courses in a traditional university faculty. The overarching question is: How does educational policy influence educational practice?The project adhere to a complex perspective on implementation (Gornitzka et al., 2005) a

Risk-Based Evaluation of Improvements in DrinkingWaterTreatment Using Cost-Benefit Analysis

Reliable and safe drinking water supply requires adequate risk management. Decisionsupport models can aid decisionmakers to effectively evaluate risk mitigation measures and allocatesocietal resources. Here, a Swedish case study illustrates how the installation of ultrafiltrationmembranes can be evaluated by combining risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis. Quantitativemicrobial risk assessment

The use of molecular methods in studies of avian haemosporidians

During the last two decades, molecular methods to study mitochondrial DNA sequence variation have become an important part in the studies of avian haemosporidians. Up until recently, these methods have primarily been used for identification of the parasites and for tentative phylogenetic reconstructions, allowing researchers not trained in traditional parasitology to compare data across the globe.During the last two decades, molecular methods to study mitochondrial DNA sequence variation have become an important part in the studies of avian haemosporidians. Up until recently, these methods have primarily been used for identification of the parasites and for tentative phylogenetic reconstructions, allowing researchers not trained in traditional parasitology to compare data across the globe.

Accurate Correction of the "bulk Response" in Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensing Provides New Insights on Interactions Involving Lysozyme and Poly(ethylene glycol)

Surface plasmon resonance is a very well-established surface sensitive technique for label-free analysis of biomolecular interactions, generating thousands of publications each year. An inconvenient effect that complicates interpretation of SPR results is the "bulk response" from molecules in solution, which generate signals without really binding to the surface. Here we present a physical model f

Sustainable Urban Transformation and the Green Urban Economy

This chapter explores the connections between the concepts of sustainable urban transformation and the green urban economy, proposes a framework for understanding how these concepts ‘fit’ together, and makes some practical suggestions for local governments and for national and international policy.

The association between preexisting conditions and osteoarthritis development in peripheral joints: A population based nested case-control study

AimTo study the risk of receiving a new (incident) osteoarthritis (OA) diagnosis in different joint sites based on conditions diagnosed in the 20 years prior the OA diagnosis.MethodsWe used register data for the entire population of the Skåne region (Sweden) to perform a nested case-control study. The outcome was newly diagnosed (incident) OA in peripheral joints, i.e. knee (ICD-10 code M17), hip

A healthy dietary metabolic signature is associated with a lower risk for type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease

Background: The global burden of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes could be decreased by improving dietary factors, but identification of groups suitable for interventional approaches can be difficult. Reporting of dietary intake is prone to errors, and measuring of metabolites has shown promise in determining habitual dietary intake. Our aim is to create a metabolic signature that is ass

Cis Women and Trans and Non-binary Individuals as “The Others” within Drug Studies – Remedying Epistemic Injustice

In this presentation I will discuss the potential of narrative methods to remedy the epistemic injustice that drug users experience within the drug-averse Swedish context, departing from my work with drug-involved women in Sweden. Drug users and, more generally, drug-active individuals have been traditionally considered as unreliable sources of information, requiring the researcher to spend consid

Ett begrepp blir lönsamt : Hållbarhet, legitimeringsstrategier och svenska storföretags miljöarbete 1996–2007

Begreppet hållbarhet har vuxit fram och etablerats sedan 90-talet. Eftersom näringslivet står för lejonparten av teknologiutvecklingen och investeringarna i ekonomin sägs ofta att företagens hållbarhetsarbete är centralt för att minska klimatpåverkan och för att kunna uppnå FN:s miljömål. I denna studie undersöks hur representationer av hållbarhet vuxit fram i svenska företag genom analyser av års