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GRB 030227 : The first multiwavelength afterglow of an INTEGRAL GRB

We present multiwavelength observations of a gamma-ray burst detected byINTEGRAL (GRB 030227) between 5.3 hours and ~ 1.7days after the event. Here we report the discovery of a dim opticalafterglow (OA) that would not have been detected by many previoussearches due to its faintess (R ~ 23). This OA was seen to declinefollowing a power law decay with index alpha R = -0.95 +/-0.16. The spectral inde

Search for excited leptons in e(+)e(-) collisions at root s=189-209 GeV

A search for excited lepton production in e(+)e(-) collisions was performed using the data collected by the DELPHI detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies ranging from 189 GeV to 209 GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 600 pb(-1). No evidence for excited lepton production was found. In searches for pair-produced excited leptons, lower mass limits were established in

High order singular rank one perturbations of a positive operator

In this paper self-adjoint realizations in Hilbert and Pontryagin spaces of the formal expression L-alpha = L + psi are discussed and compared. Here L is a positive self-adjoint operator in a Hilbert space H with inner product , a is a real parameter, and p in the rank one perturbation is a singular element belonging to H-nH-n+1 with n >= 3, where {H-s}(s=-infinity)(infinity) is the scale of Hilbe

On the macro- and microphase separation of compatibilizers in immiscible polymer blends

Macro- and microphase separation of compatibilizing graft copolymers in melt-mixed polystyrene/polyamide-6 blends was studied by transmission electron microscopy and thermal analysis. Three different graft copolymers with main chains of polystyrene and side chains of poly(ethylene oxide) were used as additives at various concentrations. The polyamide-6 domain sizes decreased with increasing amount

Pure motor stroke from presumed lacunar infarct - Long-term prognosis for survival and risk of recurrent stroke

Background and Purpose-A low risk of recurrent stroke and death after lacunar infarction has previously been reported, but follow-up has been limited to less than or equal to5 years. Methods-One hundred eighty patients with pure motor stroke, collected between 1983 and 1986 from a hospital-based stroke registry, were followed up until at least 10 years after the index stroke. Two patients were los

Mastarbete i kyla

En fältstudie på åtta mastarbetare utfördes under februari i Svealand och Norrland. Mastarbetarnas aktiviteter observerades under en vanlig arbetsdag i masten och hudtemperaturen på sju ställen på kroppen, kroppstemperatur och hjärtfrekvens registrerades kontinuerligt. De fick också skatta sin temperaturupplevelse och ansträngningsgrad flera gånger under dagen. Lufttemperaturen varierade mellan -1Désirée Gavhed, Kalev Kuklane, Ingvar Holmér. Work on masts in cold conditions. Arbetslivsrapport 1999:22. Eight tower operators were studied in February during their ordinary duties in masts in four regions of Sweden. The activities of the workers were observed during a full working day and the skin temperature at seven spots, body temperature and heart rate were measured continuously. They also

Comparison of some different methods for analysis of thyroid autoantibodies: Importance of thyroglobulin autoantibodies

Blood samples from 141 children and adolescents were used to evaluate differences between commercial kits and radioimmunoassay (RIA) methods for detecting thyroid autoantibodies. Thyroglobulin autoantibodies (Tg-Ab) were analyzed with a hemagglutination kit and a RIA; thyroid peroxidase autoantibodies (TPO-Ab) were measured with a gelagglutination assay and a RIA. The result; of the antibody tests

The influence of virtual human model appearance on visual ergonomics posture evaluation

The objective of this study was to investigate whether the appearance of virtual human models influences observers when judging a working posture. A task in which a manikin is manually assembling a car battery was used in the experiment. In total, 16 different Pictures were presented to the subjects. All pictures had the same background, but included a unique posture and manikin appearance combina

Real-world traffic emission factors of gases and particles measured in a road tunnel in Stockholm, Sweden

Measurements in a road tunnel in Stockholm, Sweden give the real-world traffic emission factors for a number of gaseous and particle pollutants. These include 49 different polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), CO, NOX, benzene, toluene, xylenes, aldehydes, elements and inorganic/organic carbon contained in particles, the sub-micrometer aerosol number size distribution, PM2.5 and PM10. The exhaus

Quantitative assessment of myocardial infarction: On the relationship between anatomy and electrophysiology using MRI and ECG

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid blodbrist till en del av hjärtmuskeln, t.ex. vid ett stopp i ett av hjärtats kranskärl, kommer delar av hjärtmuskeln att vara utsatt för risk att drabbas av infarkt. Hjärtinfarkt definieras som döda hjärtmuskelceller. Det är av stor vikt för en patient med kranskärlssjukdom att man kan skilja de delar av hjärtmuskeln som drabbats av infarkt ifrån de delar som inte dBoth presence and extent of myocardial infarction are important prognostic factors for mortality and quality of life in patients with ischemic heart disease. Thus, it is of great clinical importance to be able to diagnose and characterize myocardial infarction. One way to diagnose myocardial infarction is by using the 12-lead electrocardiogram(ECG). For estimation of infarct size and location from

Dual versus triple therapy in eradication of Helicobacter pylori

Background/Aims: Duodenal ulcers should be treated by eradication of Helicobacter pylori. This study compared the efficacy of a proton pump inhibitor together with one or two antibiotics in eradication therapy, Methodology: 177 patients who were H. pylori positive were randomized to receive 14 days of either: lansoprazole 30mg bd and amoxicillin 1g bd (LA), omeprazole 20mg bd and amoxicillin 1g bd

Characterization of human embryonic stem cell lines by the International Stem Cell Initiative

The International Stem Cell Initiative characterized 59 human embryonic stem cell lines from 17 laboratories worldwide. Despite diverse genotypes and different techniques used for derivation and maintenance, all lines exhibited similar expression patterns for several markers of human embryonic stem cells. They expressed the glycolipid antigens SSEA3 and SSEA4, the keratan sulfate antigens TRA-1-60

Skapande av femininitet : Om kvinnor i missbrukarbehandling

Popular Abstract in SwedishDenna avhandling handlar om kvinnor i missbrukarbehandling och deras beskrivningar av sig själva som kvinnor, den s.k. femininitetsprocessen. Syftet är att beskriva och försöka förstå behandlingens betydelse i kvinnornas femininitetsprocesser och vilken innebörd rusmedel, män, den egna kroppen, moderskap och sexualitet har och har haft däri. Avhandlingen har huvudsakligeThis thesis is about women in drug abuse treatment and their descriptions of themselves as women - their process of becoming feminine. The aim of the thesis is describing and trying to understand the meaning of the treatment in the women's femininity processes and what significance drugs, alcohol, men, the own body, motherhood, and sexuality have and have had in the process. The emphasis is on the

Icodextrin improves the fluid status of peritoneal dialysis patients: Results of a double-blind randomized controlled trial

Worsening fluid balance results in reduced technique and patient survival in peritoneal dialysis. Under these conditions, the glucose polymer icodextrin is known to enhance ultrafiltration in the long dwell. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial was undertaken to compare icodextrin versus 2.27% glucose to establish whether icodextrin improves fluid status. Fifty patients with u

Buda-Lund hydro model and the elliptic flow at RHIC

The ellipsoidally symmetric Buda-Lund hydrodynamic model describes naturally the transverse momentum and the pseudorapidity dependence of the elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions at roots(NN) = 130 and 200 GeV. The result confirms the indication of quark deconfinement in Au+Au collisions at RHIC, obtained from Buda-Lund hydro model fits to combined spectra and HBT radii of BRAHMS, PHOBOS, PHENIX and