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Aids-mediciner till utvecklingsländer - Internationell handel med patentskyddade läkemedel

Innovation och utveckling är viktigt för en dynamisk samhällsutveckling. Immaterialrättslig ensamrätt gör att individer och företag vågar satsa på nya idéer och under hela 1900-talet har skyddet successivt förstärkts. Lagstiftningsarbete pågår i det enskilda landet, på EG-nivå, men också internationellt. Det finns dock anledning att fråga sig om utvecklingen ibland drivs så hårt att andra väsentli

Robust Frequency-Selective Knowledge-Based Parameter Estimation for NMR Spectroscopy

In many magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) applications, one strives to estimate the parameters describing the signal to allow for more precise knowledge of the analyte. Typically, MRS signals are well modelled as a sum of damped sinusoids that has properties that are partly known a priori. FREEK, a recently proposed subspace-based parameter estimation method allows for inclusion of such prior

Robotics and ISA 88 Batch Control Standard - Opportunities and Challenges

Manufacturing processes can generally be classified as continuous, discrete or batch. An industrially well accepted way of structuring and controlling batch processes is presented in the ISA 88 standard (also known as IEC 61512). In exploring how this standard also could be used for discrete manufacturing processes, especially in robotic applications, different challenges and opportunities are fou

On the spectral efficiency of a sphere

In many cases it is desired to have both high capacity and small antennas in wireless communication systems. Unfortunately, the antenna performance deteriorate when the antennas get electrically small. In this paper fundamental limitations from antenna theory and broadband matching are used to analyze the spectral eciency of an arbitrary antenna inserted inside a sphere.

Morphological and Physiological Adaptations in Cichlid Crystalline Lenses

Vertebrate eyes share a common ancestry as well as the basic design with a pupil, a retina and a lens. The lens is essential for perceiving the details in the world around us and ensures that a sharp image of the surroundings is focused onto the photoreceptors in the retina. Certain lenses have multifocal properties, in short multifocal lenses acts as filters, matching the wavelengths, or colours,