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Generative learning management : A dual-role model for creativity in organizations

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen var att utveckla en modell för ledarskap som påverkar målorienterad social kreativitet i organisationer. Modellen, på engelska benämnd Generative learning management, har två dimensioner: målstyrning genom tilldelning och decentralisering av beslutsrätten över strategiutveckling för att nå målen i analogi med parallell distribution. I rent praktiA main purpose of this thesis was to develop a model of leadership style named Generative Learning Management (GLM), thought to influence goal-oriented interpersonal creativity in organizations, and to test this model. Creativity is a complex consisting of both novelty and usefulness and it is a general mental ability that is determined by the interplay between different regions in a normally func

Microdialysis and Intensive Care. Clinical and experimental studies.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Med mikrodialys kan man mäta koncentrationen av olika biologiska substanser och läkemedel i extracellulärvätskan (ECF) i ett organ, eller till och med i delar av ett organ. På så vis mäter man mycket lokalt och kan jämföra detta med samma ämnes koncentration i blodet, eller i andra organ. Mikrodialysmetoden bygger på att en kateter med ett biokompatibelt permeabelt membMicrodialysis was used to monitor local concentrations of energy metabolites in different organs, and to study the pharmacokinetics of morphine over the blood-brain barrier in intact and injured brain tissue in conditions treated in the Intensive Care Unit. After major abdominal or thoracoabdominal surgery, postoperative thoracic epidural analgesia resulted in higher glycerol concentrations in th

Contact allergens in p-tert-butylphenol-formaldehyde resin

Popular Abstract in Swedish p-tert-Butylfenol-formaldehydharts (PTBP-F-R) är ett bindemedel som används i vissa limmer och målarfärger. Det har använts sedan 1950-talet och redan från denna tid finns rapporter om allergier. PTBP-F-R ingår i den internationella standardserien av kontaktallergen. Råvaror för framställning av hartset är p-tert-butylfenol och formaldehyd. Det färdiga hartset består avp-tert-Butylphenol-formaldehyde resin (PTBP-F-R) is used as a binder in many adhesive formulations and it consists of a complex mixture of substances, most of which are unknown. The resin has been reported to cause allergic contact dermatitis since the 1950s. The aim of the study was to investigate allergens in p-tert-butylphenol-formaldehyde resin (PTBP-F-R) and to isolate and identify sensitizer

Acute pancreatitis. With special reference to the activation peptide from carboxypeptidase B (CAPAP) as a predictor of severity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Akut pankreatit. Med inriktning på aktiveringspeptiden från karboxypeptidas B (CAPAP) för prognostisering av svårighetsgraden.There is a wide range in the reported annual incidence of acute pancreatitis (AP). A minority of these patients develop a severe disease characterised by a high mortality and morbidity. In order to improve the outcome for patients with an attack of severe AP it is important to identify these patients early in the course of disease. A prediction of severity is especially important for selection of

The future is distributed: a vision of sustainable economies

“The Future is distributed: a vision of sustainable economies” is a collection of case studies on distributed economies, a concept describing sustainable alternatives to the existing business models. The authors of this publication are international Masters students of the Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management Programme at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics

Social Capital and Regional Innovation Systems : Bridging approaches and broadening understanding of knowledge sharing and innovation

This doctoral thesis takes as a starting point that geographical location remains fundamental to gain competitive advantage for some types of firms and activities even though economic activity in general has become more global. The region is seen as the key level in which the innovative capability of firms is shaped, coordinated and governed. This is in line with the regional innovation systems (R

Physical Persons. An Essay on Reconciliatory Physicalism

Physical Persons explores the nature of mind and self, and their relation to the body. It argues that folk-psychological expressions about persons are indeed irreducible and true, however, this can be reconciled with the view that persons are physical beings. Not only is it argued that what we call 'mental properties' are in fact physical properties, but also that what we refer to as 'the self' is