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Manager and Civil Servant: Exploring actors' taken-for-granted assumptions in public administration

Manager och Civil Servant är en utforskning av aktörers förgivet tagna antaganden vilka styr uppfattningar kring hur offentlig förvaltning ska ske i samtida välfärdsstater. Det hävdas att mer än 30 år av pågående och riktade reformer gentemot den offentliga förvaltningen har orsakat dilemman att uppstå. Dessa dilemman har resulterat i en förskjutning av balansen kring några fundamentala pelare inoManager and Civil Servant is an exploration of actors’ taken-for-granted assumptions that govern perceptions concerning how public administration should be undertaken within contemporary welfare states. It is argued that more than 30 years of continuous reforms directed towards public administration have caused dilemmas to arise. These dilemmas have resulted in a shifting of balances regarding the

Tendon autografts for bridging nerve defects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund En skada i en extremitet, som innebär att en perifer nervstam blir avskuren, medför ofta ett betydande handikapp med förlust av muskelkraft och känsel för patienten och därtill stora samhällskostnader, eftersom sådana skador i stor omfattning drabbar den arbetsföra delen av befolkningen. Det bästa behandlingsalternativet vid en sådan skada är att direkt sy ihoA new method, where a tendon segment – a tendon autograft – was used as graft material for peripheral nerve reconstruction, was developed. Defects, 10-15 mm long, in rat sciatic nerves were bridged by various modifications of tendons. A piece of an intact tendon and a tendon, that had been teased into a membrane and then rolled to form a loose “collagen roll”, supported axonal regeneration over a

Hygroscopic Growth of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles and Its Relation to Nucleation Scavenging in Clouds

Aerosol particles in the atmosphere are important in several aspects. Some major aerosol constituents that are deposited in ecosystems are acidic or fertilisers and some minor or trace constituents are toxic. Aerosol particles are also involved in the earth’s radiation balance, both directly by scattering the sunlight and indirectly by influencing the clouds. All these effects are influenced by th

A low-complexity method for distributed clocking on digital ASICs

A low-complexity method using synchronous wrappers is proposed to simplify communication between modules using unsynchronized clocks. To test the method, it is implemented together with a divider and an FFT co-processor. The divider with synchronous wrapper and local clock generator, delivering a 500 MHz clock, is synthesized and verified using post-synthesis simulations for a 0.18 μm 1.8 V CMOS t