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Ett anständigt liv? - Barn i osäkra boendesituationer

The purpose of this essay was to study how public authorities meet and treat families with underaged children that have problems in their housingsituation, and what consequences this can result in for the children. We have especially focused on how social services can compensate children living in an insecure housingsituation and to examine whether voluntary organizations have any knowledge in the

Elevassistent : en insats för barn i behov av särskilt stöd

The purpose of this essay has been to explore the contribution of pupil assistant to children with need of special support at school. My questions were: - When does the principal of the school consider that special needs exist? - What particularly needs requires getting the support of a pupil assistant? · How is the organisation structured and which are the purposes with the support? - Which metho

Tonåringen i dagens samhällsvård : Problematik förknippad med institutionsvård på SiS-hem, familjehemsplacering och insatser inom öppenvården

The purpose of this paper was to establish what possible set of problems might be associated with three different types of social care available to young people. I chose to study institutionalised care, foster care and home-based intervention. Through interviews with three social workers, my aim was to answer the following questions: - What set of problems related to the teenagers tend to generate

"Man måste trycka på rätt knapp ...ibland orkar man inte" : en studie om några funktionshindrade studenters situation på Lunds universitet

This is a study of disabled student’s situation at the University of Lund. The aim was to examine the situation of disabled students by looking at how some of the educations consider the needs of these students and how they experience their own situation. These were the main issues: Are disabled students social discriminated at the University of Lund? How do disabled students experience other stud

Metadonbehandling - På vems villkor?: en komparativ studie mellan S:t Lars metadonprogram i Lund och Socialpsykiatrisk kliniks metadonbehandling i Roskilde

The purpose with this essay, was to examine if the drugpolitical policy related to the development of the methadon treatment in St: Lars in Lund versus the Socialphsytiatric clinic in Roskilde. We wanted to compare the rehabilitation methods and by that, emphasise possible simularitys and differenses. We choose to work with the following questions: -In what way does the drugpolitical policy effect

Bosniska kvinnor: en studie om åtta bosniska kvinnor på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

This essay deals with eight women, who all left their native country Bosnia because of the war. Before the flight, each individual is a human being with a role and a place in the structure of society. After the flight, she suddenly finds herself in an unknown community, after having lost her land, her culture, family, friends and identity. The purpose of this essay was to try to give a backdrop of

I privat regi : privatisering av sjukvård - möjligheter eller risker?

The purpose of this essay was to illustrate privatisation of health care from various outlooks. I illustrated the effects of privatisation from the perspective of users and employees. At the same time I analysed which possibilities and possible risks, related to privatisation, can be found. The following questions have been the basis of the essay: What is meant by privatisation of health care in S

Etnicitet som ständigt pågående konstruktion : en översikt av forskningen om etnicitet

Ethnicity has become a frequently used concept, not only in the academic world but also in the media and in public debates. The purpose of this paper was to have a closer look at what ethnicity actually is and what it means to people as well as to scientists, ethnicity as a concept and as a phenomenon. Focus was on the more recent research that has been done about what is described as "new et

Ungdomar och brott : om gymnasieungdomars oro och utsatthet för brott i Lund

Criminality is a constant current and distressing phenomenon of the society and we assume that crimes affect and awaken strong emotions, for instance fear and insecurity, in people. We chose to, with the help of quantitative method, investigate senior high school students' harassment of becoming victims of crime and the risk of being exposed to crime. Essential questions at issue run as follow