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Evaluating the effects of economic sanctions against Burma

Burma is governed by a totalitarian military junta. Western countries are pressuring Burma towards a democratization process by imposing sanctions against the country. The effects of these sanctions are difficult to measure as many factors have to be taken into consideration. As circumvention of the sanctions is invariably being pursued, alternative trade routes and partners are beginning to devel

"Integrating Croatia to the EU" - A Study on Trade Specialisation and FDI-

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the effects of European integration on trade specialisation and FDI in Croatia during 1992-2002. On the basis of trade patterns, revealed comparative advantage are calculated by Balassa’s method. Further the inflow of FDI is examined to analyse if these are to be found in activities with comparative advantages or elsewhere. The analysis shows that exports h

Mobile-service Development within the Mobile Arena Cluster - Case Study of Mobile-service Design Process

The purpose of this case study was to explore the socio-technical contexts of mobile service development within a network, the Mobile Arena Cluster functioning in Malmö, in the South of Sweden. The main research question was: how do the members of the Mobile Arena Cluster develop Mobile services. In order to answer the question, it was necessary to research first the cluster and its contexts. The

Volatility Decomposition - Empirical Patterns of the Idiosyncratic Risk on the Swedish Stock Market

We decompose total stock market volatility into market-, industry- and firm-specific components to empirically explore if and how the level of idiosyncratic volatility has changed over time. The econometric methods of Campbell, Lettau, Malkiel and Xu (2001) are applied to the Swedish stock market 1985 to 2004. We find evidence for an upward trend and show that there is a significant increase in id

Normativa förändringar i informationssamhället : Internet och fildelning

IT har kommit långt ifrån att bara vara en teknikfråga. Informationsteknologin har del i en samhällsförändring som pågår mitt framför våra ögon. Jag är intresserad av något som kan beskrivas som en normativ förändring i samhället, hur beteenden förändras i och med informationsteknologins inträde och utbredning i det vardagliga samhällslivet, och hur människan organiserar sig i något som kan liknas

Ny form för framtiden? Uppfattningar om identiteten hos de nya högskolebiblioteken i Malmö och på Södertörn

There are reasons to believe that recent changes in the Swedish academic library environment create new images of identity. New information technology, changed educational methods and increasing numbers of students in higher education heavily influence the professional basis for librarians. The purpose of this essay is to examine and describe how the images of identity are conceived and expressed

Cursed Exports? Natural Resource Endowment, Trade Policy and the WTO

This study investigates the relationship between natural resource endowments and openness to trade. With the help of regression analysis the study tests for the impact natural resource endowments may have on the probability of countries to be members of the World Trade Organization (WTO), as well as accounting for a the impact on a country’s more general trade regime. Departing from the assumption

Comparing Mean-Variance and CVaR optimal portfolios, assuming bivariate skew-t distributed returns

In this paper we are building portfolios consisting of the S&P 500 index and a T-bond index. The portfolio weights are chosen in such a way that the risk for the portfolio is minimized. To be able to minimize the risk for a portfolio, we first have to specify how to measure the portfolios risk. There are several ways of measuring the risk for a portfolio. In this paper we are investigating how

Kan marknaden sätta kreditbetyg?

Uppsatsen undersökte en alternativ metod att kreditbetygsätta företagsobligationer. Metoden är baserad på en modell skapad av Hall & Miles (1990) och har tillämpats med viss framgång på banksektorn i tidigare studier. Modellen gör antagandet om effektiva kapitalmarknader och använder aktiekursinformation som enda informationskälla. Undersökningen utfördes genom att applicera modellen på 49 slu

Reglera Mera

Uppsatsen undersöker alkoholens pris- och inkomstelasticiteter i Sverige, för att på så vis undersöka om det svenska alkoholmonopolet genom Systembolaget ger den eftersökta effekt på alkoholkonsumtionen i landet, dvs konsumtionsminskning genom prisreglering. För att renodla elasticiteterna så mycket som möjligt studeras i första hand Jämtlands, Västerbottens och Västernorrlands län, detta då Syste

FDI i Vietnam, Policys och dess effekter

Vietnam genomgick i slutit på 1980-talet en ekonomisk reform som kallades Doi Moi. Ett steg i denna reform var att utländska direktinvesteringar (FDI) tilläts komma in i landet, något som tidigare ej var möjligt. FDI inflödet har haft en viktig roll gällande den ekonomiska tillväxten i Vietnam och har fungerat som en byggsten under landets övergång från en planekonomi. Det finns olika faktorer som

En empirisk analys av orderflödet i limitorderboken

Denna uppsats analyserar dynamiken i orderflödet i limitorderboken på Stockholmsbörsen utifrån unika data som gjorts tillgängliga tack vare ett samarbete mellan SIX AB och Lunds Universitet. Studien finner att så väl orderläggning som handel på Stockholmsbörsen uppvisar ett kraftigt autokorrelerat mönster vilket ligger i linje med vad tidigare studier funnit på andra börser. Resultat från tidigare

Leder jämställdhet till ekonomisk tillväxt? - en studie över ekonomiska konsekvenser av ojämlikhet mellan kön

Över hela världen råder ojämlikhet mellan kön vilket förväntas ha konsekvenser för ett lands ekonomiska utveckling. Uppsatsen fokuserar främst på ojämlikhet mellan kön i lön, arbetskraftsdeltagande och utbildningsdeltagande. Syftet med uppsatsen är att se hur ojämlikhet mellan kön påverkar långsiktig ekonomisk tillväxt i låg- och medelinkomstländer. En teoretisk analys gjordes genom att utvidga te

Kulturskolan i integrationens kraftfält

Title: Access to cultural education in a multi-ethnical context. The right to dance and play an instrument, to paint and work with film is taken for granted by many children in Malmoe today. The agenda explicitely phrases the intent of the publicly financed schools of art for children to reflect the multi-ethnic demographics of the city. Public community music schools of today, incorporate classe

Caring for Difference: A Study on Refugee Targeted Health Care

With health care for refugees as the overall theme, this thesis draws its theoretical reference points from several sources. Firstly, health strategies that target "refugees" in order to adjust to the new multicultural Sweden, will be discussed in relation to aspects of welfare. Secondly, I will focus on "cultural understanding" within health care personnel in relation to appea

"Vad då tillgänglighet? Det är ju två låsta världar!": primärvårdens upplevelser av begreppet tillgänglighet i vårdplaneringar inom Blekinge Läns Landsting

Problem/Bakgrund: Med den nationella IT-strategin inom vård och omsorgs uppmaning till ökad tillgänglighet inom vården som bakgrund, har landstinget Blekinge påbörjat ett projekt Syster Gudrun Fullskalelabb för IT i vård och omsorg. Inom projektet prövas informationsteknologiska lösningar som ska göra vårdplanering på distans möjlig. Lösningen påpekar att vårdplaneringen på så sätt ska bli mer til

The Effects of Peer Discussion and Question Format on Realism in Confidence Regarding Children's Testimonies in a Co-witness Situation

This experimental study examined the effect of peer discussion and the effect of question format: free recall, follow-up and focused questions, on children's (age of 9-11 years) memory recall of a witnessed event. The children were randomly assigned in pairs that watched one of two perspectives of a film. Half of the pairs discussed the film and the other half of the pairs had a neutral discus

Kvinnojourerna och myndighetssverige. Kvinnojourernas ställning i det svenska samhället.

The violence against women is an important matter. In Sweden there are several organisations that takes care of the women and children in need. One of the many organizations you can turn to is women's shelter organizations. They are nonprofit organizations. They depend on the contribution of peoples free time and on the government's awareness of the work that the organization do. The soci

Wes Montgomery och hans förhållande till gitarrens greppbräda

Title: Wes Montgomery and his approach to the guitar's fingerboard The purpose of this study is toinvestigate Wes Montgomery's approach to the fingerboard. It is based not only on audio but also on the visual performance. The tablature matches exactly with Montgomery's playing. The study analyzes the way he moved on the fingerboard and presents a theory why he moved in that particular

Kör så det ryker! - En studie om prestationsångest i samband med ensembleundervisning

Title: Go for it! - A study of anxiety in relation to students performing in ensemble class. This study discusses anxiety in relation to students in ensemble performance. The expectations on musicians are extremely high and demanding. They are expected to perform to the maximum of their ability despite both physical and mental pressure. I present in this study the result of the interviews I have