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Identifying motivations and barriers to vegetarian diets--An exploratory study on young internationals in Sweden

Our current food system is a significant contributor to anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, land and water use, biodiversity loss among other issues. In order to achieve the sustainability agendas, a shift in the food system is required. With livestock production responsible for up a considerable amount of food system GHG emissions, diets with reduced meat consumption are suggested to be

Media between Media : ‘Making-of’s and the Hidden Faces of Film Adaptation

Comparing source and target media products is the main intermedial method for studying adaptations. The inventory of similarities and differences produced by such an endeavour provides evidence for the processes of transfer and transformation that have happened between the two media. But the finished media products are not the only traces of the process of adaptation. In practices of adaptation th

Visualizing Local Identity : Artistic Expression in the Post-2020 Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s art scene has been subject to relevant changes in recent years due to unprecedented events that characterised the years of 2019 and 2020 (large-scale protests, implementation of the National Security Law, and the Pandemic). These changes have affected the production and self-perception of local artists. In this thesis, a constructionist life story interview is used to investigate how t

Storage Assignment using Nested Annealing and Hamming Distances

The assignment of products to storage locations significantly impacts the efficiency of warehouse operations. We propose a multi-phase optimizer for a Storage Location Assignment Problem (SLAP) where solution quality is based on a distance estimate of future-forecasted order picking. Candidate assignments are first sampled using a Markov Chain accept/reject method. Future-forecasted pick-rounds ar

Bicyclo[3.3.1]nonanes as Scaffolds in Supramolecular Chemistry : From Host-Guest Systems to Hydrogen-Bonded Aggregates

This thesis describes the use of bicyclo[3.3.1]nonane and its heteroanalogue 1,5- diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane as scaffolds in different supramolecular systems. The thesis is divided into two parts, with the first part (chapter 2–4) focusing on the development and applications of a synthetic receptor based on a Tröger’s base motif fused with 18-crown-6 moieties. In chapter 3, NMR titration methodolog

Generation and characterisation of human and non-human primate cerebral organoids for the study of transposable elements

Generering och karakterisering av hjärnorganoider från människa och primater för analys av hoppande gener Människans hjärna har under evolutionen ökat i storlek och har blivit betydligt mycket större än hjärnan hos våra närmaste levande släktingar, schimpanserna. Trots denna drastiska skillnad så delar vi ca 98% av våra proteinkodande DNA sekvenser med schimpanserna. Detta indikerar att förändrinDuring evolution the human brain has increased drastically in size compared to that of other primates. However, little is known about primate brain development as it is difficult to study human and primate brains in the laboratory due to the scarcity of tissues. Yet, it is essential to study primate brains and understand the molecular features leading to the human brain’s unique cognitive function

Den svenska varmhyran: En röd tråd genom kollektivvärmens historia

Varmhyran dominerar i Sverige – men varför? I nästan alla svenska lägenheter ingår uppvärmningskostnaden som en fast del av hyran enligt en modell som ofta kallas för varmhyra. Det sägs ofta att vi i Sverige har en lång tradition av varmhyra – vilket stämmer – och att det är ett system som fungerar väl. Men i ett internationellt perspektiv är varmhyra ovanligt. Inom EU är det främst Sverige och Fi

Association between Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes Following Distal Radial Fractures : A Prospective Cohort Study with 1-Year Follow-up in 366 Patients

Background: Several studies of distal radial fractures have investigated final displacement and its association with clinical outcomes. There is still no consensus on the importance of radiographic outcomes, and published studies have not used the same criteria for acceptable alignment. Previous reports have involved the use of linear or dichotomized analyses.Methods:The present study included 438

Den samtida och framtida brassbandskompositionen

Den samtida och framtida brassbandskompositionen" är ett examensarbete som syftar till att, utifrån ett tonsättarperspektiv, undersöka musik som är komponerad för brassbandstävlingar och identifiera de komponenter som behövs i både komposition och instrumentation för att skapa såväl en konstnärlig produkt som tävlingsförutsättningar. För att genomföra detta har författaren Daniel Möllås - tiThe contemporary and future brass band composition" is a thesis which, from a composers point of view, aims to investigate music composed for brass band competitions and to identify the components needed in both composition and instrumentation, in order to create an artistic product as well as conditions for competing. To accomplish this, the author Daniel Möllås - also a composition student

Self-Reported Effects of Diet on Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Healthy Children

OBJECTIVES: Evidence on dietary effects on gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms in healthy children is lacking. Despite this, dietary advice is still common practice in the treatment of children's GI symptoms. The aim was to investigate self-reported dietary effects on GI symptoms in healthy children. METHODS: In this observational cross-sectional study on children, a validated self-reporting questionna

A Dance with Protein Assemblies : Analysis, Structure Prediction, and Design

Protein assemblies are some of the most complex molecular machines in nature. They facilitate many cellular functions, from DNA replication to molecular motion, energy production, and even the production of other proteins. In a series of 3 papers, we analyzed the structure, developed structure prediction tools, and design tools, for different protein assemblies. Many of the studies were centered a

The Presidential Symposium at the International Congress of Neuroethology 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal

In this special issue of articles from leading neuroethologists—all of whom gave outstanding presentations within the Presidential Symposium of the 2022 International Congress of Neuroethology held in Lisbon, Portugal—we learn about the role of cryptochrome molecules in the magnetic sense of animals, how honeybees construct their honeycombs, why fish eyes are built the way they are in species from

Miljöanpassade krav och kriterier i offentliga upphandlingar av anläggningsprojekt

Problemet som studien ska undersöka är hur krav och tilldelningskriterium kopplade till klimat och miljö används och värderas i offentlig upphandling av. De primära frågorna som studien avser att besvara är följande: Vilka krav och tilldelningskriterium ställs idag kopplat till miljö och klimat vid offentlig upphandling av byggprojekt? Hur utvärderas och formuleras krav och tilldelningskriterium kThe problem that the study will investigate is how requirements and award criteria linked to climate and the environment are used and valued in public procurement of civil engineering projects. The primary questions that the study intends to answer are the following: What requirements and award criteria are set today linked to the environment and climate in public procurement of construction proje

Iran’s Shadow Diplomacy: The Unveiling of the Iran Experts Initiative

Leaked emails have revealed the Iran Experts Initiative (IEI), a covert network designed by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s diplomatic unit. Initiated in 2014, the IEI aimed to enhance Iran’s global sway by infiltrating think tanks. These leaks spotlight connections between Iranian experts and the Biden administration, extending the IEI’s influence even to European think tanks. This discovery under

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Lifetime risk of developing breast cancer for Danish women is approx. 9%. Diagnostics are done by mammography, biopsy, and examination. Breast-conserving surgery followed by radiotherapy is standard for treatment of early-stage breast cancer. Studies report unsatisfying outcomes in up to one third of the patients. This review summarises the current surgical techniques. Oncoplastic breast surgery m

Defining a core microbial necrobiome associated with decomposing fungal necromass

Despite growing interest in fungal necromass decomposition due to its importance in soil carbon retention, whether a consistent group of microorganisms is associated with decomposing necromass remains unresolved. Here, we synthesize knowledge on the composition of the bacterial and fungal communities present on decomposing fungal necromass from a variety of fungal species, geographic locations, ha

Nationwide Assessment of Patient Trajectories in Mantle Cell Lymphoma : The Swedish MCL complete Project

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a B-cell malignancy currently considered incurable. Although some patients obtain prolonged remission after first-line chemoimmunotherapy, many will need several treatment lines. Here, we present a nationwide assessment of treatment strategies, time to progression and survival in MCL. All patients diagnosed with MCL 2006-2018 were identified in the Swedish Lymphoma Re