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An auditory processing advantage enables communication in less complex social settings : Signs of an extreme female brain in children and adolescents being assessed for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Background: The underlying factors of the male predominance in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are largely unknown, although a female advantage in social communication has been pointed out as a potential factor. Recently, attention has been given to ASD as a sensory processing disorder, focusing on the audio-visual temporal processing paramount for the development of communication. In ASD, a devia

Vargkrigardiplomati - En kvalitativ teorikonsumerande fallstudie om Kinas diplomatiska förfarande

To commence, this is a qualitative case study about China and its diplomatic ties to the outside world, particularly Sweden. The thesis examines and illustrates an aggressive and coercive form of diplomacy utilized extensively by Chinese diplomats around the world; called “wolf warrior diplomacy”. Fundamentally, this diplomacy is a comparatively new phenomenon – or so it seems. Popular application

Vad är problemet med etnisk boendesegregation? En poststrukturalistisk policyanalys av Stefan Löfvens (2021) och Ulf Kristerssons (2022) budgetpropositioner

Residential segregation is a geographical expression of inequality. The aim of this thesis is to examine how segregation has been represented as a problem in Swedish politics in recent years. My objects of study are two budget proposals, by Stefan Löfven (S) (2021) and Ulf Kristersson (M) (2022) respectively. I have made a poststructural policy analysis using Carol Bacchis method “What's the p

Kuwait, Irak och Syrien. Vad har lett till en så konfliktdrabbad region?

Arbetet ämnar att förklara och förstå skillnader och likheter i orsakerna till konflikter i regionen Syrien, Irak och Kuwait under de senaste tre decennierna. Genom återkommande faktorer vid alla faktorer generaliseras sedan dessa orsaksförklaringar mer generellt för att kunna appliceras på andra regioner runt om i världen. Arbetet kommer att analysera konflikterna utifrån neoliberal institutional

An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses on the Effect of Medication Interventions Targeting Polypharmacy for Frail Older Adults

Frailty refers to the lack of resilience and a reduction in a person’s ability to recover following a health problem, and it is increasingly becoming a challenging aspect of ageing populations.Many older adults are exposed to polypharmacy; i.e., they continue to be on medications without timely re-evaluation. Medication reviews have proven successful in managing polypharmacy in the general populat

The use of multi-zone modelling for tunnel fires

This paper introduces the use of a multi-zone modelling approach for analysing smoke spread in tunnels. The approach suggested in this paper is based on an existing model, i.e., the Multi-Zone Fire model developed for large spaces. The Multi-Zone Fire model has been adapted and modified for tunnel fire scenarios by including features that consider longitudinal ventilation flow, tunnel gradient and

Large-bias spectroscopy of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in a double quantum dot

We have performed tunnel transport spectroscopy on a quantum dot (QD) molecule proximitized by a superconducting contact. In such a system, the scattering between QD spins and Bogoliubov quasiparticles leads to the formation of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states within the superconducting gap. In this work, we investigate interactions appearing when one- and two-electron spin states in a double-QD ener

SPATA2 restricts OTULIN-dependent LUBAC activity independently of CYLD

SPATA2 mediates the recruitment of CYLD to immune receptor complexes by bridging the interaction of CYLD with the linear ubiquitylation assembly complex (LUBAC) component HOIP. Whether SPATA2 exhibits functions independently of CYLD is unclear. Here, we show that, while Cyld−/− and Spata2−/− mice are viable, double mutants exhibit highly penetrant perinatal lethality, indicating independent functi

Papperslösa och Hannah Arendts reflektion om rätten att ha rättigheter

I kapitlet diskuteras tre tolkningar av Arendt, tolkningar som alla har stöd i Arendts text men som vidareutvecklats på olika sätt av samhällsvetare och filosofer. I den första tolkningen är det bristen på tillgodoseende av mänskliga rättigheter för papperslösa om står i fokus. En viktig anledning till denna brist ligger i kopplingen mellan invandringsreglering och mänskliga rättigheter, att state

Korruption & institutionella arrangemang: En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Island

This essay aims to examine why Sweden and Iceland, two highly developed democratic Nordic countries that appear to be similar in many aspects, have such different levels of corruption. For the past 10 years, Sweden has consistently been ranked higher than Iceland according to Transparency International. Corruption is a multifaceted problem that exists in all countries and has a negative impact on

Hur kan medborgare påverka i samhället? En fallstudie om trafiksäkerheten vid Riggaregatan

Influencing at the municipal level is imperative for Swedish democracy. The purpose of this study is to understand how influencing municipal politicians can be done. This was done by way of investigating if the speed limit outside a preschool in West harbor, Malmö could be affected. Qualitative text analysis of public documents, social media excerpts, an interview with the municipality politician

Rule of Law infringements in Hungary and Poland and the EU institutions safeguarding processes. Between years 2017-2022

What have the EU institutions done to safeguard rule of law values in Poland and Hungary? The goal of this thesis is to examine how Hungary and Poland have acted in ways that contradict EU values of rule of law, as well as what the EU institutions have done to safeguard these principles legislated in the Union's rule of law principle. Using a modified theory of external governance to explain i

Staying together in times of crisis? The Russian invasion of Ukraine and Europeans’ attitudes towards the EU

Are the European people more positive towards the European Union after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022? In light of an increasingly politicized EU, this thesis investigates if the citizens of the EU are more or less positive to the idea of the European Union now afterwards. The study contributes towards research into external shocks on public opinions, and applies its methodology and t