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Effect of Irrigation Fluid Temperature on Recurrence in the Evacuation of Chronic Subdural Hematoma : A Randomized Clinical Trial
Importance: The effect of a physical property of irrigation fluid (at body vs room temperature) on recurrence rate in the evacuation of chronic subdural hematoma (cSDH) needs further study. Objective: To explore whether irrigation fluid temperature has an influence on cSDH recurrence. Design, Setting, and Participants: This was a multicenter randomized clinical trial performed between March 16, 20
Blir den svenska parlamentarismen alltmer presidentiell?
På grund av förändringar i världen, politiska som icke-politiska, förändras politiska system. En sådan förändring kallas presidentialisering och innebär att en process som gör att statsskick blir mer presidentlika med tiden. I forskningen råder det samstämmighet om att presidentialisering är ett faktum, även i Sverige, men studier tolkar vad presidentialisering faktiskt innebär olika. Denna uppsat
Joint Entropy Search for Maximally-Informed Bayesian Optimization
Information-theoretic Bayesian optimization techniques have become popular for optimizing expensive-to-evaluate black-box functions due to their non-myopic qualities. Entropy Search and Predictive Entropy Search both consider the entropy over the optimum in the input space, while the recent Max-value Entropy Search considers the entropy over the optimal value in the output space. We propose Joint
The Case of Sweden - A theory developing mixed methods study on understanding coalition breakdown in Sweden.
In most western parliamentary democracies it is common for opportunistic elections, with increased power as the goal, to take place and it is therefore a popular area of research. Bridging over this subject is the research on coalition bargaining and how parties act when there is a big change in polls, which might trigger opportunistic elections. Sweden, it seems, is not like most parliamentary de
Women’s representation in local governance: A case study on the effects of quota implementation in Colombo, Sri Lanka
A qualitative case study set in Colombo, Sri Lanka focusing on women’s representation in local governance. The essay follows the aftermath of the country’s newly implemented electoral reform, which since 2018 resulted in a mixed- member-proportional electoral system with a gender quota. Throughout an extensive interview process with local politicians and experts alike, six barriers were identified
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The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Nile in Ethiopia has been the subject of controversy since its construction began in 2011. The dam was designed to provide economic development for the Ethiopian people through the production of electricity and increased control over the Nile's freshwater resources. However, downstream countries, particularly Egypt, have opposed the constructio
Parternas organisationsgrad och kollektivavtalens utbredning
Andelen anställda som omfattas av kollektivavtal ligger sedan flera år på omkring 90 procent. Ungefär lika hög är organisationsgraden bland arbetsgivarna om man mäter den som andelen anställda med en arbetsgivare som är med i en arbetsgivarorganisation. Den fackliga organisationsgraden har stabiliserats på närmare 70 procent, men med ökade skillnader mellan tjänstemän och arbetare. Fyra av tio arb
Newly identified form of phenotypic plasticity of cancer : immunogenic mimicry
Cancer plasticity is now a recognized new hallmark of cancer which is due to disturbances of cell differentiation programs. It is manifested not only in various forms like the best-known epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) but also in vasculogenic and megakaryocytic mimicries regulated by EMT-specific or less-specific transcription factors such as HIF1a or STAT1/2. Studies in the past decades
Synthesis of the globotetraose tetrasaccharide and terminal tri- and di-saccharide fragments
The 2-(trimethylsilyl)ethyl (TMSEt) β-glycosides of globotetraose [β-d-GalNAc-(1 → 3)-α-d-Gal-(1 → 4)-β-d-Gal-(1 → 4)-d-Glc] and the terminal trisaccharide, as well as the methyl α-glycoside 1 of the terminal disaccharide, were synthesised by silver trifluoromethanesulfonate-promoted β-glycosylation of suitably protected galactoside, galabioside, and globotrioside alcohols with 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-
Får de verkligen LOV?
This paper examines three cases of backsourcing of elderly-care in Swedish municipalities In all of which the right-wing party Moderaterna has taken the decision to remove the ability for private actors in local elderly-care. Since the moderate party’s ideology in general is in favor of the allowance of private actors in the public sector, the decision to not allow private actors could be describe
Chinese Soft Power through International Educational Exchanges: Chinese Government Scholarships to Cambodian Students
This thesis set out to assess the role of Chinese government scholarship (CGS) scheme as a public diplomacy tool in enhancing Chinese soft power among Cambodian recipients. The objective was realised by employing a deductive qualitative approach with eight in-depth semistructured interviews. Rooted in Joseph Nye’s original concept of soft power with the awareness of the concept’s political nature,
Klämd från fyra håll: En studie om hur förstalinjenschefer navigerar i organisationsförändring
“Ett sätt för frilansare att ha kollegor” : En explorativ intervjustudie om socialt och professionellt utbyte på ett coworking space
Coworking space som kontorslösning är ett växande fenomen. Det är en global trend som erbjuder en lösning på många av de behov som finns på dagens arbetsmarknad till följd av förändringar såsom globalisering och teknologisk förändring. Trots detta är forskning på området mycket begränsad. Därför syftar denna uppsats till att utforska och analysera ett coworking space med avseende på socialt och pr
Fifteen years of customer engagement research : a bibliometric and network analysis
Purpose: In recent years, customer engagement (CE) with brands, which has been shown to yield enhanced firm sales, competitive advantage and stock returns, has risen to occupy a prominent position in brand management research and practice. Correspondingly, scholars have explored CE’s conceptualization, operationalization and its nomological networks as informed by different theoretical perspective
Etnisk inkludering i skilda valsystem – En jämförande studie av Botswana och Namibia
Stater i tredje världen är ofta mångetniska, till följd av kolonial gränsdragning. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur väl Arendt Lijpharts teori om konsensusdemokrati håller för att bygga etniskt konsensus i mångetniska stater. Detta ämne är av stort intresse, då etniska konfliktlinjer kan leda till krig och misär. Detta undersöktes genom att jämföra staterna Botswana respektive Namibia. Vi
Statskapacitetens påverkan på utveckling
Denna studie vill argumentera för statskapacitetens påverkan på politisk utveckling genom att jämföra Nord- och Sydkorea. På grund av supermakterna USA och Sovjetunionens krigföring splittrades Korea till nord- och syd. Länderna var till en början autokratier men med bland annat supermakternas bidrag lyckades Sydkorea utvecklas till en demokrati medan den nordkoreanska regimens makt bara stärktes.
The Effects of Violence on Political Trust in Mali. A Quantitative Analysis of How Levels of Insecurity and Violence, Affects Trust in Different Types of Security Actors.
This thesis generates new theory on how violence affects the levels of political trust toward state and non-state security actors in Mali. The theory that is generated will further be tested through a quantitative regression analysis to be able to answer the overarching research question of: In contexts with high levels of insecurity and violence, under what conditions do populations put their tru
An improved synthesis of 3, 4, 6-tri-0-acetyl-2-azido-2-deoxy- α-d-galactopyranosyl bromide : A key component for synthesis of glycopeptides and glycolipids
Visitors' Destination Brand Engagement's Effect on Co-Creation : An empirical study
The emergence and rise of technology, including social media and online brand communities, have revolutionized consumer-brand interactions, thereby impacting consumer brand engagement and its outcomes. However, though social media-based brand engagement has developed into a key area of interest for brand managers, insight into its tourism-based dynamics and applications remains limited, particular