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Geopolitiken på frammarsch i Höga Nord? En fallstudie om regionalt säkerhetskomplex och säkerhetsstrategier i Arktis

This thesis uses process-tracing to explore the interaction between the Regional Security Complex (RSC) in the Arctic as a case study and the security strategies of both Arctic and non-Arctic states. By employing Regional Security Complex Theory (RSCT), the study provides a comprehensive analysis of how geopolitical changes and environmental factors influence state behavior and security policies i

Att dribbla bort sanningen: Saudiarabiens framställning genom fotbollen

The main thing of this paper is the connection between Saudi Arabia and football, which contributes to the understanding of the political developments in the country. The upcoming football season in Saudi Arabia in 2023 is discursively constructed as a manifestation of a modernization of Saudi Arabia where only oil and Mecka will no longer be associated with the country. In official Saudi Arabian

Oklara spelregler mellan stat och region: En studie om inblandade aktörers syn på ansvarsfördelningen för vaccinationsprocessens kostnader under Covid-19

This study tries to examine the involved stakeholders perspectives on the formal responsibility for the cost of, and the execution of the covid-19 vaccine between the Swedish state and its regions. The involved stakeholders agreed on December 8th 2020 that the state should cover these costs. Three individuals with experience from the agreement from either the Ministry of health and Social Affairs,

Electoral Strategies in Contemporary Hybrid Regimes

National elections have been shown to be beneficial to autocratic ruling coalitions within hybrid regimes, and although the super-election year of 2024 is unfolding, there still is a gap in understanding this topic. Since most research has been quantitatively conducted on elections in hybrid regimes, few have examined the purpose elections serve. To understand the mechanisms underlying this, a qua

Från tal till handling: Betydelsen av kvinnors representation för kvinnofrågors genomslag i kommunpolitiken En jämförande studie av kommunerna Trelleborg och Landskrona

This bachelor thesis investigates how women's representation in municipal councils affects the political agenda in two Swedish municipalities, Trelleborg and Landskrona. Through a qualitative analysis of municipal council minutes from the year 2022, it compares how issues related to women's rights and interests are addressed in these municipalities. The study applies theories from Lena Wän

Nära mumsar ingen banan: En jämförande fallstudie av demokratiseringsprocesser i Centralamerikas bananrepubliker

How do countries become democratic? By employing process tracing this comparative case study strives to test the sufficiency of Jean Grugel’s alternative theoretical framework for explaining democratic transition and consolidation. The framework explains democratization as the result of interacting mechanisms within three different dimensions of society; the state, the civil society and the global

En känsla av att det politiska klimatet för oss längre ifrån varandra

The aim of this thesis is to examine the difference in expression of affective polarization in opinion pieces between traditional media and new media. Specifically through studying articles and posts made by elite actors as through parliament commissioners in the Swedish parliament. This is studied through the political field of immigration as it is a central field in the political dimension of cu

Gräset är alltid grönare - En argumentationsanalys om legalisering av cannabis i Oregon och Pennsylvania

This study examines the debate surrounding propositions of legalization of cannabis in Oregon and Pennsylvania through an argument analysis. The arguments are categorized into health, freedom, and economic perspectives. Analyzing the discourse reveals prevalent individual-focused arguments, such as health risks associated with cannabis use and personal freedom to use cannabis in one's own home

Cracks in the Mosaic: A Comparative Case Study of the State of Consociationalism in Belgium and Switzerland

Fifty-five years have passed since Lijphart’s introduction of the consociational model of democracy, which uses elite cooperation to manage conflict in divided societies. Through a comparative case study of the application of consociationalism in the classic cases of Belgium and Switzerland with a focus on the key characteristics of grand coalition, segmental autonomy, and public passivity, the mo

Sametinget i en värld av relationer: En utvärderingsanalys av Sametinget utifrån ontologiskt självbestämmande

Sametinget, the Sami parliament, was established 1993 as a way to increase the cultural autonomy of the Sami people in Sweden. Through its double sided role as both parliament and official authority, together with being mainly based upon Western political governing structures, criticism has been raised against Sametinget as a limited way of achieving Sami self-determination. According to the theor

Landsbygdsmedvetenhet - En komparativ fallstudie av ”rural consciousness” i Sverige och USA

This is a thesis about rural consciousness, a theory that rural people see themselves as different than city people, deprived of resources and not represented in politics. Through a qualitative comparative method, a case study based on interviews of locals is conducted on Gotland, Sweden, with inspiration from Katherine J. Cramer’s previous research in Wisconsin, USA from 2016. The results from th

Triangeldrama? Om olika markanvändningsintressen i Jämtlandstriangeln

This paper examines conflicting land use interests in Jämtland, Sweden, focusing on the relationship between reindeer herders, the Swedish Tourist Association and the County Administration Board. The studied area has a long history and tradition of tourism and reindeer herding and both are classified as national interests. However, in recent years, tourism has increased to new levels, leading rein

Beyond Bloodshed Investigating Justice in Rape-Revenge Films

Victims of sexual violence face trauma and systemic hurdles in seeking rectification after the crime, leaving viable justice formations complex and scattered. Adressing the issue of sexual violence, the rape-revenge filmgenre provides a platform for justice and feminist discourse to flourish. Focusing on the the rape-revenge films Promising Young Woman, M.F.A., and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing,

Vi är inte längre där – en svensk liberalism i förändring

This thesis examines how the concept of liberty has changed in the three liberal parties represented in the Swedish parliament. The starting point of the thesis is the former right-wing government Alliance for Sweden, and its election manifesto from the year 2006. The manifesto of 2006 is then compared with the manifestos of the former liberal Alliance-parties from the election of 2022. The partie

Constructing and Deconstructing Nature - On the meaning of "nature" in the Eu and India's climate pledges, through a postcolonial lens

Using a discourse theory and postcolonial approach, this thesis examines how nature is constructed in the EU and India’s Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement. Looking at how nature, a fundamental concept in global environmental politics, is articulated, this thesis adds to our understanding of climate politics in the context of colonialism and the North-South divide. Deconstr

Woman 1, Climate Disaster 0: An analysis of female representations in three contemporary climate fiction films

This thesis takes on the task of analyzing the three contemporary Hollywood films Mad Max: Fury Road, Bird Box and Don’t Look Up in order to explore the existing portrayals of women within the films. The films all belong to the genre of climate fiction, commonly known as “cli-fi”. Using a theoretical framework based on two of ecofeminism’s most influential branches - socialist ecofeminism and cult

Barnets bästa fängelsecell - En kvalitativ komparativ studie om frihetsberövande av barn i Sverige

The aim of this study is to investigate the short term change regarding deprivation of liberty of children in Sweden. There has been media coverage on the subject since adolescents are committing grave crimes in Sweden and the politicians want to change how the children are deprived of their liberty. The study compares legislation from 2023, 2024 and a proposed legislation that could take effect i

“Eller får vi typ visa brösten” :en kvalitativ studie om genusstrukturer i SVT:s ungdomsserier 2018-2024.

I denna studie undersöks hur genusuttryck och genusnormer representeras i fyra valda public-service-producerade ungdomsserier: Bror, Klassen, Kär och Strula under tidsperioden 2018-2024. Frågeställningarna lyder: Hur representeras olika genusuttryck i SVTs ungdomsserier? Finns det några generella mönster och hur presenteras de? Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys a

Facing the Radical-right

Once dominated by mainstream parties, party systems across Western Europe are being challenged by the rise and success of radical right-wing parties. Similar political developments have been observed in Sweden, where the Sweden Democrats have grown from a once marginal political force into a crucial supporting party for the formation of the center-right governing coalition. Studying how the Swedis

"I want to wear pink and tell you how I feel about politics."

This study aims to identify and categorize the political engagement of artist Taylor Swift on Instagram and Twitter/X between 2018 and 2024. By doing this the objective is to determine whether Swift can be classified as a "celebrity politician 2" (CP2) according to John Street’s definition. This definition encompasses celebrities who utilize their platforms to engage politically without