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Influence of stream turbulence intensity and eddy size of the fluctuating pressure forces on a single tube

This paper presents a systematic investigation of the influence of streamturbulence on the pressure forces on a single tube. Grids were used to producedifferent turbulent flow fields with longitudinal integral scale (eddy size)ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 tube diameters and turbulence intensities ranging from0.1 to 3-2 %. The measurements were carried out at two Reynolds numbers, 2.7 - 10 and U.1-104 ,

Radial velocity confirmation of K2-100b : A young, highly irradiated, and low-density transiting hot Neptune

We present a detailed analysis of HARPS-N radial velocity observations of K2-100, a young and active star in the Praesepe cluster, which hosts a transiting planet with a period of 1.7 d. We model the activity-induced radial velocity variations of the host star with a multidimensional Gaussian Process framework and detect a planetary signal of 10.6 ± 3.0 m s−1, which matches the transit ephemeris,

Comparative Toxicity of Heavy Metals Cd, Pb, and Zn to Three Acrocarpous Moss Species using Chlorophyll Contents

Mosses have often been used for biomonitoring because of their diversity of habitats, structural simplicity, and rapid multiplication rate. This research aimed to study the tolerance of heavy metal in 3 species of terricolous mosses i.e., Barbula consanguinea, Hyophila apiculata, and H. involuta. The gametophores of mosses were immersed at 4 concentrations of each of the heavy metals Cd, Pb, and Z

Spatiotemporal patterns of drug use disorder in Sweden assessed using population-based registries

Background: Drug Use Disorder (DUD) is a major contributor to world-wide morbidity and mortality. The extensive national registers in Sweden provide the basis for a study of spatial and temporal patterns of DUD onset and recurrence in Sweden from 2001–2015. Methods: To identify patterns of DUD over space, time and gender for Swedish individuals aged 15–35, space–time clustering using SaTScan was a

Physiological and genomic insights into abiotic stress of halophilic archaeon Natrinema altunense 4.1R isolated from a saline ecosystem of Tunisian desert

Halophilic archaea are polyextremophiles with the ability to withstand fluctuations in salinity, high levels of ultraviolet radiation, and oxidative stress, allowing them to survive in a wide range of environments and making them an excellent model for astrobiological research. Natrinema altunense 4.1R is a halophilic archaeon isolated from the endorheic saline lake systems, Sebkhas, located in ar

Mindre här men mer där – problemet med läckage av växthusgaser inom jordbruket

Sverige och EU har satt upp ambitiösa mål för att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser. Jordbruket står för en stor del av utsläppen och kraftfulla styrmedel behövs. Samtidigt sker handel med jordbruksprodukter på världsmarknaden, vilket innebär att styrmedel som visserligen minskar utsläppen i Sverige och EU också kan leda till att produktion och utsläpp ökar utanför EU – så kallat utsläppsläckage. H

Fördelar med en global klimatskatt för jordbruket

Jordbruket står för en stor del av de globala utsläppen av växthusgaser och ett globalt klimatavtal skulle minska utsläppen.Ett sådant avtal är emellertid svårt att nå. Vi har undersökt hur utsläppen från jordbruket påverkas av en global klimatskatt i olikautformningar och av en klimatskatt som endast införs i EU. Vi finner att:• En global skatt som är lika hög i alla länder ger en relativt stor u

Nitrifikationshämmare - ett sätt att minska förlusten av kväve från jordbruksmarken?

Nitrifikationshämmare (NI) är ett preparat som kan appliceras i samband med gödselspridning. Syftet är att minska risken för kväveläckage och utsläpp av lustgas från jordbruksmark genom att fördröja kvävets omvandling i marken. Denna studie ger en översikt av forskningsläget för NI. Flera studier visar att NI kan ge stora reduktioner av kväveförluster vid rätt förhållanden.Dock finns kunskapslucko

Genetic variation of the blood coagulation regulator tissue factor pathway inhibitor and venous thromboembolism among middle-aged and older adults: A population-based cohort study

Background: Tissue factor is the main initiator of blood coagulation, and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is the primary inhibitor of the initiation of blood coagulation. The genetic variation of TFPI and the relation to venous thromboembolism (VTE), that is, venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, remains to be clarified. This exome sequencing study aimed to determine the molecular epide

Telemedicine in Swedish primary health care - a web-based survey exploring patient satisfaction

Background: Direct-to-consumer telemedicine (TM), with patients having access to a physician via video or text chat, has gradually been introduced into Swedish primary care during the last two decades. Earlier studies have concluded that patients were generally satisfied with TM and the satisfaction rate was consistently above 80% and comparable with in-person visits. Despite the number of studies

It Takes Two Planets in Resonance to Tango around K2-146

K2-146 is a cool, 0.358M⊙ dwarf that was found to host a mini-Neptune with a 2.67 day period. The planet exhibited strong transit timing variations (TTVs) of greater than 30 minutes, indicative of the presence of an additional object in the system. Here we report the discovery of the previously undetected outer planet in the system, K2-146 c, using additional photometric data. K2-146 c was found t

Digitalisation of Start-Up Business Models

Forskningsfråga: Hur påverkar och utvecklar digitaliseringen startups affärsmodeller? Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur digitalisering påverkar entreprenörskap och hur nystartade företag skapar och utvecklar sina affärsmodeller som svar på digitala förändringar. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ flerfallstudie och data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Empirin består av citResearch Question: How is digitalisation impacting and developing start-ups' business models? Purpose: The study’s purpose is to examine how digitalisation affects entrepreneurship and how start-ups create and develop their business models in response to digital changes. Methodology: The study is a qualitative multiple case study and the data was collected through semi-structured interviews

K2-141 b : A 5- M super-Earth transiting a K7 v star every 6.7 h

We report on the discovery of K2-141 b (EPIC 246393474 b), an ultra-short-period super-Earth on a 6.7 h orbit transiting an active K7 V star based on data from K2 campaign 12. We confirmed the planet's existence and measured its mass with a series of follow-up observations: seeing-limited Muscat imaging, NESSI high-resolution speckle observations, and FIES and HARPS high-precision radial-velocity

K2-137 b : An Earth-sized planet in a 4.3-h orbit around an M-dwarf

We report the discovery in K2's Campaign 10 of a transiting terrestrial planet in an ultrashort- period orbit around an M3-dwarf. K2-137 b completes an orbit in only 4.3 h, the second shortest orbital period of any known planet, just 4 min longer than that of KOI 1843.03, which also orbits an M-dwarf. Using a combination of archival images, adaptive optics imaging, radial velocity measurements, an

Föräldrars upplevelser av vårdpersonalens amningsstöd

Bakgrund: Bröstmjölk är väl dokumenterat som den bästa nutritionen i livets start. Sjunkande statistik redovisas gällande nyfödda som ammas och därför finns behov av att arbeta amningsfrämjande. Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att belysa föräldrars upplevelser av vårdpersonalens amningsstöd efter utskrivning från slutenvården. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes där 18 vetenskapliga