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Work, Wages and Income : Remuneration and Labor Patterrns in Sweden 1500-1850
Since the earliest economic historical studies wage series have been used to sketch economic development both at the macro and the household level. This dissertation takes advantage of new data from women and men, working in both the countryside and in towns, as well as employed both by the day and on long-term contracts, in order to make an in-depth quantitative look at the relationships between
Sjyst AI och normativ design
När artificiell intelligens blir vardagligt applicerad i samhället – på konsumentmarknader, i sjukvården, trafiken och på digitala plattformar – väcks helt avgörande frågor kring hur ansvar bör fördelas och vilka normer som bör styra. I ljuset av AI som en lärande teknologi som interagerar med människor och sociala strukturer blir det också centralt att förstå vilka normer och värderingar som repr
Modal analysis of resonant and non-resonant optical response in semiconductor nanowire arrays
Nanowire array solar cells have reached efficiencies where it becomes feasible to talk about creating tandem solar cells in order to achieve even higher efficiencies. An example of such a tandem solar cell could be a nanowire array embedded in a membrane and integrated on top of a Si bottom cell. Such a system, however, requires understanding and control of its interaction with light, especially t
Delayed hydride cracking of Zr-2.5%Nb pressure tube material due to partially constrained precipitates
Formation of partially constrained precipitates such as hydride blisters and oxide nodules have been reported on surfaces of Zr-alloy components of pressurised heavy water reactors and is associated with a large increase in volume. Such a change in volume imposes large stresses in the material surrounding the precipitate and may facilitate stable crack growth through delayed hydride cracking. In t
Quality of care for the dying across different levels of palliative care development : A population-based cohort study
BACKGROUND:: There is a lack of knowledge about how the provision and availability of specialized palliative care relates to the quality of dying in hospital and community-based settings. AIM:: We aimed to explore the quality of care during last week of life in relation to different levels of palliative care development. DESIGN:: We investigated access to palliative care in Southern Sweden, where
“He Who Has the Spirits Must Work a Lot” : A Psycho-Anthropological Account of Spirit Possession in the Dominican Republic
In this paper we present a multidisciplinary, developmental analysis of a Dominican Republic Vodou servidor (“Marcos”), from childhood to early adulthood, integrating ethnographic observation, field documentation, and anthropological analysis, with relevant constructs from developmental, personality, and clinical psychology. Marcos transitioned from a child with many problems to a young adult who
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Äldreomsorger i Sverige : Lokala variationer och generella trender
Är olikheter och variation inom äldreomsorgen ett problem?
Konceptbaserade äldreboenden förbryllar
Business model translation—The case of spreading a business model for solar energy
Distributed solar photovoltaic systems are considered an important renewable energy source for meeting renewable energy targets and mitigating climate change. In several markets, emerging firms have established new business models to offer residential customers solar panel systems. In California, the third-party ownership business model has been successfully established during the last decade, and
A review of technology and policy deep decarbonization pathway options for making energy-intensive industry production consistent with the Paris Agreement
The production of commodities by energy-intensive industry is responsible for 1/3 of annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The climate goal of the Paris Agreement, to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels while pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C, requires global GHG emissions reach net-zero and probably
Evaluation and Transient Control of an Advanced Multi-Cylinder Engine Based on Partially Premixed Combustion
Modern transportation requires advanced powertrain systems to reduce the production of greenhouse gas CO2. Partially premixed combustion (PPC) is one of the most promising methods to achieve low emission and low fuel consumption of internal combustion engines. The present paper evaluated the effects of the calibration parameters on the efficiency and emissions of a multi-cylinder engine using PPC
Guided tissue engineering for healing of cancellous and cortical bone using a combination of biomaterial based scaffolding and local bone active molecule delivery
A metaphyseal bone defect due to infection, tumor or fracture leads to loss of cancellous and cortical bone. An animal model separating the cancellous and cortical healing was used with a combination of a macroporous gelatin-calcium sulphate-hydroxyapatite (Gel-CaS-HA) biomaterial as a cancellous defect filler, and a thin collagen membrane (CM) guiding cortical bone regeneration. The membrane was
Affinity to cellulose is a shared property among coiled-coil domains of intermediate filaments and prokaryotic intermediate filament-like proteins
Coiled-coil domains of intermediate filaments (IF) and prokaryotic IF-like proteins enable oligomerisation and filamentation, and no additional function is ascribed to these coiled-coil domains. However, an IF-like protein from Streptomyces reticuli was reported to display cellulose affinity. We demonstrate that cellulose affinity is an intrinsic property of the IF-like proteins FilP and Scy and t
Plikt att kollektivisera?
En del moraliska dilemman och samhällsproblem uppstår ur många sinsemellan orelaterade individuella handlingar eller underlåtelser, samtidigt som problemen bara kan åtgärdas genom kollektiv handling. Vi kritiserar tre sätt att resonera om ostrukturerade gruppers moraliska plikter och ansvar i sådana situationer. Därefter föreslår vi att intuitionen att en sådan grupp kan ha moraliska plikter och v
Genetic determinants of glucose levels in pregnancy : Genetic risk scores analysis and GWAS in the Norwegian STORK cohort
Objective: Hyperglycaemia during pregnancy increases the risk of adverse health outcomes in mother and child, but the genetic aetiology is scarcely studied. Our aims were to (1) assess the overlapping genetic aetiology between the pregnant and non-pregnant population and (2) assess the importance of genome-wide polygenic contributions to glucose traits during pregnancy, by exploring whether geneti