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Your search for "*" yielded 532119 hits

Correlation Between Phenotype and Genotype in Some Clinically Important Blood group Systems

In the past decade, the molecular basis for most of the blood group systems has been investigated intensively. Many blood group genes have been cloned and the polymorphisms of clinically significant blood group systems have been elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular genetic variation found in various phenotypes and in different ethnic populations, to identify new allel

Distal radial fractures - Prognostic radiological factors/classification

Different kind of classifications system for distal radius fractures has been published for almost a century. Very few of these has been validated. AOs classification in its three main group has a good observer agreement and is quiet simple as so. A evidence based Swedish treatment algorithm is proposed and good uniform outcome score (DASH) is demonstrated.

Maternal cardiovascular disease risk in relation to the number of offspring born small for gestational age: national, multi-generational study of 2.7 million births.

Abstract Aim: To investigate the risk of small for gestational age (SGA) births in relation to maternal history of cardiovascular disease (CVD) across two generations and additionally to analyse maternal CVD risk based on number of SGA offspring. Methods: We used register data from 1.4 million women and 2.7 million offspring. The outcome measures were risk of being SGA in relation to maternal tota

Occupational therapists' experience of working with immigrant clients in mental health care.

Abstract Sweden's cultural diversity generates considerable challenges for occupational therapists. The aim of this study was to explore experiences and perceptions of occupational therapists working with immigrant psychiatric clients from the Middle East region. The study included interviews with eight occupational therapists employed in mental health care and working in a variety of settings. Th

Subjective Evaluation as a Tool for Learning from Software Project Success

This paper presents a method for using subjective factors to evaluate project success. The method is based on collection of subjective measures with respect to project characteristics and project success indicators. The paper introduces a new classification scheme for assessing software projects. Further, it is illustrated how the method may be used to predict software success using subjective mea

Bioinformatics services related to diagnosis of primary immunodeficiencies.

Most primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) have overlapping signs and symptoms - presenting a challenge for diagnosis. The information available from the Internet for over 200 PIDs is scattered between numerous services and databases. Patient information has been collected in different patient registries. Several software tools have been developed in order to build the databases, expert systems and ot

Delaktighet med förhinder. Vardagsetiska perspektiv i habilitering.

Social inclusion has become a central value for the country council’s habilitation activities. Habilitation should in this way not only focus on the individual’s development, but also give the individual an opportunity to participate in community life. Hereby has the care gone from controlling the individual to a perspective that is giving the individual possibilities to live an independent life.

Altered consciousness is a many splendored thing

Abstract in UndeterminedContrary to the notion that altering our ordinary state of consciousness necessarily produces delusional beliefs and is generally deleterious, various findings in psychology and other disciplines suggest that 1) the ordinary state of consciousness does not provide an accurate mapping of reality and 2) alterations of consciousness can have various positive functions. Among t

Scandoromani : Remnants of a mixed language

Scandoromani: Remnants of a Mixed Language is the first, comprehensive, international description of the language of the Swedish and Norwegian Romano, also labeled resande/reisende. The language, an official minority language in Sweden and Norway, has a history in Scandinavia going back to the early 16th century. A mixed language of Romani and Scandinavian, it is spoken today by a vanishingly smal

Strength grading of wet Norway spruce side boards for use aslaminations in wet-glued laminated beams

Strength grading of Norway spruce side boards in the wet state was investigated. For a sample of 58 boards of dimensions 25×120×3000 mm3, density and dynamic modulus of elasticity in the axial direction, MOEdyn, were determined in the wet state. The boards were then split into two parts and the procedure of determining MOEdyn was repeated both before and after the boards were dried to a target moi