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Property Taxes, Property Prices and Wealth Inequality: The role of recurrent property tax in the interaction between wealth inequality, property prices and homeownership rate with a special focus on Sweden.

This paper examines the effect of the recurrent tax on immovable property on wealth distribution. It also investigates how the wealth distributive effect of property prices is affected by the homeownership rate in a country. Data on the mean to median wealth ratio, tax sizes, property prices, homeownership rate, and economic freedom of 36 OECD member countries over the years 2000-2021 are used to

Leveraging LlaMA 2 for sentiment analysis

This thesis investigates the application of sentiment analysis in predicting stock returns for the companies listed in the OMXS30 index. The recent development of large language models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, has substantially advanced the field of sentiment analysis. This thesis utilizes Meta’s LlaMA 2 LLM for sentiment analysis, while a random forest model is employed to predict monthly stock retu

How much do you need to care about ESG investing in the Nordics?

This research delves into the nuanced relationship between Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations and portfolio performance in the Nordic stock market. Employing the mean-variance method, this study analyzes in-sample (2013-2017) and out-of-sample (2018-2023) periods, comparing high and low-rated E-, S-, G-, and ESG portfolios against the Nordic index OMX40. Findings suggest a

ESG Performance in European Financials, Industrials, and Healthcare Sectors

The integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations in investment decisions is pivotal, driven by global initiatives and a surge in sustainable investment strategies. This study, therefore, examines the relationship between ESG scores and stock returns over the period 2018-2022, focusing on the European financial, healthcare, and industrial sectors to identify potential d

To What Extent Can Risk Indicators Identify a Coming Financial Crisis? Evaluating Indicator Performance On Economic Downturns In The US.

There are several economic variables used by investors to assess the risk of financial downturns. In this paper, we test twelve variables, divided into three categories: macroeconomic-, financial risk-, and sentiment indicators, in a logistic regression model, on in-sample data, with a binary outcome to evaluate their predictive power of economic downturns in the US, including the S&P 500, US

Convex Earnings, Childcare, and the Gender Pay Gap: An Exploratory Study of Canadian College Graduates

In the last ten years labor economists have become increasingly interested in convex earnings structures in the labor market and their impact on the gender pay gap, an approach spearheaded by Claudia Goldin in her 2014 Presidential Address to the American Economic Association. The study has seen widespread acclaim, but very little replication. This study replicates parts of Claudia Goldin’s work,

The Spillover Waves Of Sustainable Finance

The recent increase in popularity of the financial instrument Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) and sustainable investments has pushed financial research in the direction of long-term and viable investing. When researching sustainable finance, factors like Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) are commonly studied to determine whether an investment is considered “sustainable” or not. This paper int

Sveriges Alkoholmonopol Under Covid-19-Pandemin

The population of Europe consumes a relatively large amount of alcohol per capita and countries differ somewhat from each other regarding policy dealing with alcohol consumption. Sweden has an established state monopoly on the sales of alcohol in retail and during the Covid-19 pandemic, retail played a larger part in the sales of alcohol, since bars and restaurants were negatively impacted by rest

Research Protocol for an Observational Health Data Analysis on the Adverse Events of Systemic Treatment in Patients with Metastatic Hormone-sensitive Prostate Cancer : Big Data Analytics Using the PIONEER Platform

Combination therapies in metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC), which include the addition of an androgen receptor signaling inhibitor and/or docetaxel to androgen deprivation therapy, have been a game changer in the management of this disease stage. However, these therapies come with their fair share of toxicities and side effects. The goal of this observational study is to report

What To Do About Conspiracy Theories? : Academic Entanglements in Conflicts Over Truths

Increasingly social activists, journalists and policy makers have expressed concern over the proliferation of conspiracy theories in the public space. There is a growing fear of their impact on social cohesion and democracy, their power to erode trust in state institutions and science. These concerns often come with an expectation that it is the responsibility of academics to engage with conspirac

Under gravstenarna – Begravningsplatsens roll i Svenska kyrkan och statens förändrade relation

This text aims to study the processes that took place between the Church of Sweden and the state between the years 1995-2000, when the Church of Sweden’s parishes continued to be responsible for maintaining cemeteries. Through an empirical research method a committee directive, an official report by the government, a government bill, a report from the constitutional committee and the motions that

Normative Power in the Planetary Organic Crisis

The lead intervention article argues that the new reality of the planetary organic crisis awaits a normative critical social theory of planetary politics, a means of understanding the sharing of relationships within International Relations and an agenda for action in concert found in the normative power approach. The article and subsequent 20th anniversary special issue provide an opportunity to r

Image-based non-invasive assessment of suction blister wounds for clinical safety and efficacy

Recognising the need for objective imaging-based technologies to assess wound healing in clinical studies, the suction blister wound model offers an easily accessible wound model that creates reproducible epidermal wounds that heal without scarring. This study provides a comprehensive methodology for implementing and evaluating photography-based imaging techniques utilising the suction blister wou

Sustainable Developments by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Renewable Energies

Sustainable Developments by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Renewable Energies analyzes the changes in this energy generation shift, including issues of grid stability with variability in renewable energy vs. traditional baseload energy generation. Providing solutions to current critical environmental, economic and social issues, this book comprises various complex nonlinear inter

IoT based sensor operated automatic potion (SOAP) dispenser

Previously, there were physically operated hand dispensers that needed to be contacted every time we needed to apply the sanitizer. Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19, the importance of alcohol-based sanitizers has come up. As there are chances of spreading the viruses through contact surfaces, foot-operated dispensers have been developed to avoid contact between hands and hand dispensers. For th

Inferring lane-level topology of signalised intersections from aerial imagery and OpenStreetMap using deep learning

Artificiell intelligens används för att känna igen detaljerade vägnätverk med hjälp av flygfotografi och data från OpenStreetMap. Modellen kan känna replikera körfiler och deras riktning, men inte alltid hur dessa ansluter vid korsningar. Utmaningen med att skapa detaljerade kartor Att ha tillgång till detaljerade och korrekta digitala kartor över transportnätverk är avgörande för områden som navAccess to detailed network data is often constrained by access-controlled datasets or by extensive manual labour. This study addresses the challenge by proposing a novel approach to extract lane-level road topology graphs at signalised intersections. The aim is to predict intersection topologies directly from aerial imagery and a simplified OpenStreetMap road-level graph using neural networks, bri

Försynens finger

Texten är en essä utifrån nya översättningar av Ciceros De fato och Senecas De providentia, utgivna på Augusti bokförlag. På svenska heter boken Om ödet/Om försynen. Översättare är Lars Nyberg. I essän berättar jag även om den nya teknik som gjort det möjligt att avkoda de förkolnade bokrullarna i Herculaneum.