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Your search for "*" yielded 532697 hits

Supranormal differential renal function on MAG3 scan in children with ureteropelvic junction obstruction - Prevalence and pyeloplasty during follow-up

BACKGROUND: Children with suspected ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) may present with a paradoxical ipsilateral supranormal differential renal function (snDRF) on 99mTechnetium mercaptoacetyltriglycine scintigraphy (MAG3 scan). OBJECTIVE: The aim was to investigate the prevalence of snDRF, the risk of pyeloplasty among children with UPJO and snDRF, and to explore the experience of snDRF a

Thrombocytopenia and platelet transfusions in ICU patients : an international inception cohort study (PLOT-ICU)

PURPOSE: Thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 150 × 10 9/L) is common in intensive care unit (ICU) patients and is likely associated with worse outcomes. In this study we present international contemporary data on thrombocytopenia in ICU patients. METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study in adult ICU patients in 52 ICUs across 10 countries. We assessed frequencies of thrombocytopenia, use of

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I Norge ble en ny modell for beregning av nettleie innført 1. juli 2022. Formålet med den nye nettleien er å motivere husholdninger til å fordele strømforbruket jevnere utover døgnet. På tidspunktet hvor den nye nettleien ble planlagt innført var det liten kunnskap om virkninger av slike virkemidler på forbrukere. Flexeffect-prosjektet startet har undersøkt virkninger virkemidler for fleksibel st

Education and Assimilation of Turkish Immigrants in Germany

The thesis reviews research about assimilation and education of Turkish immigrants in Germany. The thesis describes Human Capital theory, multiculture and cultural hegemony and segmented assimilation model. By using descriptive quantitative methods, it shows that Turkish-German community tends to be isolated and exclusive mainly due to their family and father centered social structure which was br

Digital sustainability : Tackling climate change with bits and bytes

Recent studies suggest that firms can reduce their impact on the natural environment through the creative deployment of technologies that create, use, transmit, or source electronic data. While this work on digital sustainability is promising, so far it remained unclear how firms can leverage digital technologies as part of their sustainability management. We address this issue by providing an int

The impact of geometry, intramural friction, and pressure on the antegrade longitudinal motion of the arterial wall : A phantom and finite element study

Longitudinal motion of the carotid arterial wall, as measured with ultrasound, has shown promise as an indicator of vascular health. The underlying mechanisms are however not fully understood. We have found, in in vivo studies, that blood pressure has a strong relation to the antegrade longitudinal displacement in early systole. Further, we have identified that a tapered geometry and the intramura

Association between self-reported alcohol consumption and diastolic dysfunction : a cross-sectional study

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: While alcohol consumption is associated with common risk factors for diastolic dysfunction the independent impact of low levels of alcohol consumption on this condition in a community setting is still unclear.Thus, the aim of this study was to explore this association in a representative population sample employing optimal echocardiographic techniques.DESIGN: Cross-secti

Four governance reforms to strengthen the SDGs : A demanding policy vision can accelerate global sustainable development efforts

In 2015, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly agreed on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 169 targets as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Although the SDGs, which are to be achieved by 2030, are not the first attempt to guide policy actors through global goals, they go far beyond earlier agreements in their detail, comprehensiveness, and ambition. Yet the 2022 SD

“All that glitters is not gold!” : The (Unexplored) Determinants of Equity Crowdfunding

Drawing from the rich literature in behavioural finance and extensive analysis of forum data from a UK equity crowdfunding platform, we present a comprehensive framework that delineates the investment decision-making process of equity crowdfunders. Our framework captures the utilitarian, emotional, and expressive investment motives that drive crowdfunders, their behaviours and actions during and a

COVID-19 demand-induced scarcity effects on nutrition and environment : investigating mitigation strategies for eggs and wheat flour in the United Kingdom

The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to food insecurity in developed countries. Despite adequate levels of agricultural production, consumers experienced demand-induced scarcity. Understanding the effects on nutrition and the environment is limited, yet critical to informing ecologically embedded mitigation strategies. To identify mitigation strategies, we investigated wheat flour and egg ret

Airborne SARS-CoV-2 RNA collected during childbirth and autopsy

Airborne SARS-CoV-2 is considered to play a major role in covid-19 transmission, and several studies have reported its presence in hospital environments, including corridors, patient rooms, cohort rooms and ICUs (Dinoi et al., 2022). The risk of airborne virus have been associated with a number of factors, such as low ventilation, high patient viral load and in some cases, certain medical procedur

Community-based Water Management for Sustainable and Collective Action in Rural Costa Rica

The aim of this study was to deepen the understanding of how community-based water management approaches facilitate sustainable and collective action (SCA) in the context of increasing water insecurity in Costa Rica. Applying a qualitative approach, based on fieldwork in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, including semi-structured interviews and a digital community survey, the study uncovers facilitating fac

Hydrologiska aspekter på de höga europeiska elpriserna i augusti 2022

The electricity prices in Sweden and Europe during 2022 have reached very high levels. The main reason for this being the war in Ukraine, which has led to a decreased availability for gas. During summer, the electricity prices reached extreme levels when meteorological and hydrological factors worsened the situation on the electricity market. The highest daily electricity price on the Nordic marke

Green or Greed? Examining the Nexus Between Sovereign Green Bonds and National Climate Targets

The fight against climate change has reached a critical point, requiring financial flows to align with climate-resilient pathways. This thesis investigates the alignment between sovereign green bonds and national climate targets. It expands the discussion from a corporate to a sovereign perspective, thus acknowledging the impact of sustainability disclosure practices by governments on the rest of

Hojancha´s sustainable water management for water security

This thesis investigates the characteristics of the current water management system of Hojancha, a small canton in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica. The canton of Hojancha in Costa Rica is the subject of this research because there, an effective community-led water management initiative has been put in place. Still, future water stress and conflicts are likely to further develop. Understanding