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Prepared for the future? Social work students, ontological insecurity and the turning point in Swedish refugee policies

The year 2015 marked a rupture in the post-war development of refugee reception and integration policies in Sweden. This rupture involved both a radical change in refugee policy and practice, and a rupture in the long-held collective self-image of Sweden as a country with generous reception and integration policies (Scarpa & Schierup 2018). This article responds to the question of how social wThe year 2015 marked a rupture in the post-war development of refugee reception and integration policies in Sweden. This rupture involved both a radical change in refugee policy and practice, and a rupture in the long-held collective self-image of Sweden as a country with generous reception and integration policies (Scarpa & Schierup 2018). This article responds to the question of how social w

Investigating the Relationship between Infant Carrying and Postnatal Depression in a German and American Sample

Postnatal depression is a highly prevalent problem, with widespread negative consequences for mother and infant. To understand whether Infant Carrying might be able to protect from or mitigate postnatal depression onset, this online study was conducted using a German and American sample of mothers in the first 6 months postpartum (N = 217). The aim was to gather further knowledge on the relationsh

Assessing the Impact of a Pulley System Enrichment on the Hunting Behaviors of Captive European Wildcats

This study investigates whether a pulley system enrichment can improve the hunting behaviors of European wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris) in captivity. It was carried out in support of the conservation efforts to reintroduce and preserve the endangered Scottish wildcat population. The research was conducted on four European wildcats at Nordens Ark zoo in Sweden. The enrichment device was des

Grounding Embodied Multimodal Interaction : Towards Behaviourally Established Semantic Foundations for Human-Centered AI : The 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Hybrid Intelligence (KR4HI 2022), part of International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (HHAI 2022), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 13-17, 2022

We position recent and emerging research in cognitive vision and perception addressing three key questions: (1) What kind of relational abstraction mechanisms are needed to perform (explainable) grounded inference --e.g., question-answering, qualitative generalisation, hypothetical reasoning-- relevant to embodied multimodal interaction? (2) How can such abstraction mechanisms be founded on behavi

Mating system, female fecundity and sexual selection in wild Cassida viridis beetles

What makes a beetle attractive? My project looks at how green tortoise beetles (Cassida viridis) choose partners, and which physical traits have a higher success in obtaining a mate. I did this by tracking individuals in three wild populations of Skåne, Sweden, and taking photographs of mating beetles. To document differences between the sexes and populations, see how many partners a beetle has,

Capacitive Cancellation in Compact Integrated Multi-GHz Differential Passive Baseband Filters

The anticipated introduction of multi-GHz channel bandwidths in 6G makes integrated passive baseband filters very attractive. This work presents techniques to obtain high stop-band attenuation in a compact 4.7-GHz 5th-order passive baseband filter. A lumped model of the filter inductors is derived, and a capacitive cancellation technique is proposed, along with techniques to reduce inductive coupl

The politics of inflation and revitalisation of wage solidarity in Scandinavia

This article compares the policy and collective bargaining responses in the three Scandinavian countries to the cost-of-living crisis that began in 2021. The countries are known for their coordinated and consensual response to exogenous shocks. However, Scandinavian variants of neoliberal reforms, the 2009 Financial Crisis and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic have challenged the model. The co

Laser Remote Microscopy for Insect Diversity Assessment

Recent insect decline prompts rapid online monitoring solutions with specificity for thousands of coexisting species.I demonstrate how microscopic and nanoscopic features of insects can aid differentiation of species and be retrieved with spectral lidar.

Agency at a distance : learning causal connections

In a series of papers, we have argued that causal cognition has coevolved with the use of various tools. Animals use tools, but only as extensions of their own bodies, while humans use tools that act at a distance in space and time. This means that we must learn new types of causal mappings between causes and effects. The aim of this article is to account for what is required for such learning of

Artificial Intelligence for Climate Change : A Patent Analysis in the Manufacturing Sector

This study analyzes the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for addressing and mitigating climate change in the manufacturing sector and provides an outlook on future developments. The research is grounded in the concept of general-purpose technologies, motivated by a still limited understanding of innovation patterns for this application context. To this end, we focus on gl

Taming hemoglobin chemistry—a new hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier engineered with both decreased rates of nitric oxide scavenging and lipid oxidation

The clinical utility of hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOC) is limited by adverse heme oxidative chemistry. A variety of tyrosine residues were inserted on the surface of the γ subunit of recombinant fetal hemoglobin to create novel electron transport pathways. This enhanced the ability of the physiological antioxidant ascorbate to reduce ferryl heme and decrease lipid peroxidation. The γL96Y

A parameter ASIP for the quadratic family

Consider the quadratic family Ta(x) = ax(1-x) for x ∈ [0, 1] and mixing Collet-Eckmann (CE) parameters a ∈ (2, 4). For bounded φ, set φ˜a := φ-∫ φ dμa, with μa the unique acim of Ta, and put (σa(φ))2 := ∫ φ˜2a dμa + 2Σ i>0 ∫ phi;˜a(φ˜a o T1a) dμa. For any mixing Misiurewicz parameter a∗, we find a positive measure set Ω∗ of mixing CE parameters, containing a∗ as a Lebesgue density point, such that

Predicting Blood Stream Infections with Tabular Data from Swedish Electronic Health Records

— Infektioner i blodomloppet är en livshotande diagnos som kräver snabb behandling. I mitt examensarbete har jag undersökt hur diagnostiska modeller kan förbättras med hjälp av maskininlärningsbaserade prediktionsmetoder. Det långsiktiga målet är att bidra till utvecklingen av kliniska stödverktyg som kan förkorta svarstider och bidra till en minskad användning av antibiotika. — Infektioner i bloThis thesis explores the application of machine learning techniques to improve the diagnosis of bloodstream infections (BSIs) using tabular data extracted from Swedish electronic health records maintained by Region Skåne. BSIs are associated with high mortality rates, especially when diagnosis and treatment are delayed. Traditional diagnostic methods like blood cultures are time-consuming and can

Global Cell-ID Positioning Using Artificial Neural Networks

Den som har använt GPS under en längre tid med en äldre telefon eller en smart klocka har antagligen märkt att batteriet snabbt tar slut. GPS har dessutom sämre precision om du är inomhus eller i en större stad med höga byggnader. I detta examensarbete så undersöks en alternativ teknik för utomhuspositionering som är mer batterivänlig än GPS. GPS har länge dominerat inom positionering på grund avFor many years, outdoor localization has been dominated by Global Positioning System (GPS) and other GNSS-based methods. While GPS provides global coverage and usually high accuracy, it has its limitations. GPS has lower accuracy in areas with many obstructions, such as buildings or trees, and is power consuming compared to other localization methods. Therefore, GPS may not be the best localizatio

A Comprehensive Resource for Exploring Antiphage Defense : DefenseFinder Webservice,Wiki and Databases

In recent years, a vast number of novel antiphage defense mechanisms were uncovered. To facilitate the exploration of mechanistic, ecological, and evolutionary aspects related to antiphage defense systems, we released DefenseFinder in 2021 (Tesson et al., 2022). De-fenseFinder is a bioinformatic program designed for the systematic identification of known antiphage defense mechanisms. The initial r

Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy versus exercise therapy for degenerative meniscal tears : 10-year follow-up of the OMEX randomised controlled trial

Objective: To evaluate radiographic knee osteoarthritis (OA) progression, development of knee OA, patient-reported outcomes and knee muscle strength at 10-year follow-up after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM) or exercise therapy for degenerative meniscal tears. Methods: Randomised controlled trial including 140 participants, with a degenerative meniscal tear and no or minimal radiographic O

Algae potential resource assessment for the energy and chemistry sectors in France by 2030

To address environmental and climate issues, alternative technologies to fossil resources are sought after, both for the production of fuels and of chemicals. Algae appear as an attractive solution and have applications in the food, feed, energy or chemistry at large. A study funded by ADEME and conducted by ENEA, a consulting firm for energy and sustainable development for the industrial sector,

Enhancing eye tracking for nonhuman primates and other subjects unable to follow instructions : Adaptive calibration and validation of Tobii eye trackers with the Titta toolbox

Accurate eye tracking is crucial for gaze-dependent research, but calibrating eye trackers in subjects who cannot follow instructions, such as human infants and nonhuman primates, presents a challenge. Traditional calibration methods rely on verbal instructions, which are ineffective for these populations. To address this, researchers often use attention-grabbing stimuli in known locations; howeve