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Sulfur-Doped Cubic Mesostructured Titania Films for Use as a Solar Photocatalyst

Sulfur-doped titania thin films with cubic mesostructures were prepared by dip coating via the evaporation induced self-assembly route. The effect of sulfur doping on structure, morphology, porosity, optical properties, and photocatalytic activity of the mesoporous films was studied. Compared to undoped titania films, the S-doped films showed better long-range ordering, bigger pore size, higher po

A False Sense of Security? - A Critical Analysis of the Civilian Protection Against Attacks on Nuclear Power Plants in International Armed Conflicts

Mot bakgrund av kriget mellan Ryssland och Ukraina i närheten av kärnkraft-verket i Zaporizjzja frågar sig många hur civilbefolkningar i dag är skyddade mot en potentiell kärnkraftskatastrof orsakad av krig. Syftet med denna upp-sats är således att undersöka vilka bestämmelser som finns för att skydda ci-vila mot militära attacker på kärnkraftverk i internationella väpnade konflikter, samt att undIn light of the warfare between Russia and Ukraine around the nuclear power plant in Zaphorizhzhya, many wonder how civilians today are protected against a potential nuclear disaster caused by war. The aim of this thesis is therefore to investigate which regulations there are to protect civilians against military attacks on nuclear power plants in international armed conflicts, as well as to exami

Targeting of bone morphogenetic protein complexes to heparin/heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans in bioactive conformation

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) are powerful regulators of cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. However, the specific molecular requirements controlling the bioavailability of BMPs in the extracellular matrix (ECM) are not yet fully understood. Our previous work showed that BMPs are targeted to the ECM as growth factor-prodomain (GF-PD) complexes (CPLXs) via

Får det finnas några osäkerheter? - Legalitetsprincipens krav i relation till kriminaliseringen av psykisk misshandel.

Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att utreda om den utformning av kriminaliseringen av psykisk misshandel som föreslås i Ds 2022:18 angående straffansvar för psykiskt våld är förenlig med legalitetsprincipens krav. Den straffrättsliga legalitetsprincipen är en grundläggande princip i svensk rätt som innebär att straff inte kan utdömas utan direkt stöd i lag. Lagen måste även vara bestämd i sin utformThe purpose of the essay has been to investigate whether the design of the criminalization of psychological abuse proposed in Ds 2022:18 regarding criminal responsibility for psychological violence is compatible with the requirements of the principle of legality. The principle of legality in criminal law is a fundamental principle in Swedish law which means that punishment cannot be imposed withou

Graphop mean-field limits and synchronization for the stochastic Kuramoto model

Models of coupled oscillator networks play an important role in describing collective synchronization dynamics in biological and technological systems. The Kuramoto model describes oscillator's phase evolution and explains the transition from incoherent to coherent oscillations under simplifying assumptions, including all-to-all coupling with uniform strength. Real world networks, however, often d

The First Date: an Investor Pitch

Forskningsfråga: Vilka investeringskriterier bedömer investeringsansvariga i riskkapitalbolag i en pitch och hur påverkar informationen i pitchen deras beslutsfattande? Syfte: Att undersöka och kontextualisera vilka investeringskriterier riskkapitalister bedömer i de olika nivåerna av en pitch och analysera effekten av informationen som presenteras i pitchen på deras beslutsfattande. Metod: En kResearch question: What investment criteria in a pitch do managers of venture capital firms assess and how does the information presented in the pitch affect their decision-making? Purpose: To examine and contextualize what investment criteria venture capitalists assess in the different levels of a pitch and analyze the effect of the information presented in the pitch on their decision-making. M

Cultural Adaptation of Interventions and the a Priori Assessment of Intervention Fit : Exploring Measurement Invariance for American and Swedish Youth Leaving Care

Purpose: There is a growing literature on the importance of cultural adaptation of research-supported social work interventions. Few studies have however offered systematic methods for the a priori assessment of intervention fit in a new context. The current study explores the use of measurement invariance analyses to help identify whether key theoretical constructs in an intervention’s theory of

A dose planning study for cardiac and lung dose sparing techniques in left breast cancer radiotherapy : Can free breathing helical tomotherapy be considered as an alternative for deep inspiration breath hold?

Purpose: To investigate the possibility to be able to offer left sided breast cancer patients, not suitable for DIBH, an organ at risk saving treatment. Materials and Methods: Twenty patients receiving radiotherapy for left breast cancer in DIBH were enrolled in the study. Planning CT scans were acquired in the same supine treatment position in FB and DIBH. 3DCRT_DIBH plans were designed and optim

Protocol for optical clearing and imaging of fluorescently labeled ex vivo rat brain slices

Tissue clearing is commonly used for whole-brain imaging but seldom used for brain slices. Here, we present a simple protocol to slice, immunostain, and clear sections of adult rat brains for subsequent high-resolution confocal imaging. The protocol does not require toxic reagents or specialized equipment. We also provide instructions for culturing of rat brain slices free floating on permeable cu

The TESS-Keck Survey. XI. Mass Measurements for Four Transiting Sub-Neptunes Orbiting K Dwarf TOI-1246

Multiplanet systems are valuable arenas for investigating exoplanet architectures and comparing planetary siblings. TOI-1246 is one such system, with a moderately bright K dwarf (V = 11.6, K = 9.9) and four transiting sub-Neptunes identified by TESS with orbital periods of 4.31, 5.90, 18.66, and 37.92 days. We collected 130 radial velocity observations with Keck/HIRES and TNG/HARPS-N to measure pl

A matter of timing : System requirements for repair and their temporal dimensions

Research into repair within the circular economy (CE) typically focuses on technical aspects of design, policy, and markets, and often assumes simplified conditions for the user/owner and the product system to explain the barriers to scaling repair activities. However, factors occurring at pre-use stages of the product's life cycle can significantly influence whether, and to what extent, repair is

In situ quantitative analysis of electrochemical oxide film development on metal surfaces using ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy : Industrial alloys

Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy combined with an electrochemical setup is used to study, in situ, the electrochemical oxide growth on an industrial Ni-Cr-Mo alloy. The native oxide film was characterized in vacuum and in water vapor at 17 mbar, and was found to be 11.4 Å thick and rich in Cr3+. In 0.1 M NaCl electrolyte, anodic growth of the oxide film at potentials up to 700 mV

Neuronal activity patterns in microcircuits of the cerebellar cortical C3 zone during reaching

Abstract: The cerebellum is the largest sensorimotor structure in the brain. A fundamental organizational feature of its cortex is its division into a series of rostrocaudally elongated zones. These are defined by their inputs from specific parts of the inferior olive and Purkinje cell output to specific cerebellar and vestibular nuclei. However, little is known about how patterns of neuronal acti