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Oskyddade trafikanter i ombyggda korsningar - En undersökning om hur åtgärder som har vidtagits i korsningar har påverkat oskyddade trafikanter i Helsingborg

I denna rapport undersöks hur olika åtgärder påverkar trafiksituationen för oskyddade trafikanter i korsningar. Undersökningen görs främst utifrån de tre aspekterna trafiksäkerhet, framkomlighet och omgivande miljö. Arbetet omfattar sex korsningar i Helsingborg som har byggts om vid olika tidpunkter och där olika åtgärder har vidtagits. För att göra en bedömning av åtgärdernas påverkan på trafiksäThis report examines how different traffic improvement measures affect the traffic situation for vulnerable road users at intersections. The survey is conducted mainly based on the three categories of road safety, accessibility and the surroundings. The work investigates six intersections in Helsingborg that have been rebuilt at different times and where different measures have been taken. To eval

Open Access igår och idag : en rörelse i rörelse

In 2002 the Budapest Open Access Initiative was born, and shortly thereafter in 2003 the Bethesda Statement and the Berlin Declaration followed suit. These three initiatives are frequently viewed as the ground staples of the Open Access movement, and promoted free access to academic journals for everyone with an internet connection. These three initiatives has been studied in this essay, as well a

“Svårare för mig”: En tematisk analys om självomhändertagande hos personer med självskadebeteende

Nyligen har preliminär forskning funnit att personer med självskadebeteende och andra psykiatriska diagnoser verkar ha en lägre funktionsnivå avseende grundläggande självomhändertagande aktiviteter, jämfört med personer med psykiatriska diagnoser men utan självskadebeteende. Anledningarna till detta har dock inte studerats i tidigare forskning. En explorativ kvalitativ forskningsstudie med en kritRecently, preliminary research has suggested that people with deliberate self- harm (DSH) and other psychiatric disorders have a lower functioning regarding fundamental self-care activities, compared to people with psychiatric disorders but without DSH. However, the reasons for this have not been studied in previous research. An explorative qualitative research study with a critical realist approa

Grundvattenbildning i Alnarpsströmmen. Numerisk modellering av grundvattenbildning och akvifersförhållanden.

I Sverige är grundvatten är en av de huvudsakliga källorna för dricksvatten. Grundvattenmagasin kommer att påverkas av klimatförändringar genom förändrad effektiv nederbörd och således grundvattenbildning. Dessa vattenresurser ska finnas kvar för framtida generationer och det är därför av vikt att studera dem samt öka förståelsen kring dem. Sveriges miljömål kring grundvatten nämner ett behov av aIn Sweden groundwater is one of the primary sources for drinking water. Groundwater reservoirs will be affected by climate changes with changes in effective precipitation, which means changes in groundwater recharge. It is therefore of value to study and examine these water resources, so that they remain just that for the generations to come. Sweden’s environmental goals regarding groundwater sugg

A Study of the Theology and Moral Structure of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings

Since its first publishing in 1954, The Lord of the Rings has been read by millions, and it has become the subject of many scholarly studies. However, one of its most famous characters, Gollum, has only been marginally examined. The aim of this essay is to counteract precisely that and examine how Gollum exists within, and in his own way embodies, the theological and moral system of The Lord of th

Classifying Hypernasality for Children with a Cleft Palate using a Convolutional Neural Network

In Sweden, about 150-200 children annually are born with some form of cleft lip and/or palate, making it the most common facial malformation in the country. Treatment often involves one or more surgeries and the speech development is followed up by a speech pathologist from the first year of life. One of the most common speech deviation for children with a cleft palate is hypernasality, which come

Modellering av ångsystem på pappersmassabruk

Följande rapport beskriver hur simuleringsverktyget Simscape, en produkt från företaget Mathworks, använts för att konstruera en modell av en del av ett pappersmassabruk. Modellen som byggts upp är tänkt att efterlikna det (ång)system som förser bruket med den ånga och elektricitet som är nödvändig för att driva alla processer i fabriken. Bruket har under en längre tid haft problem med att en alltThe following thesis describes the construction of a model, made in Simscape, of an existing steam cycle at a pulp mill located in the south of Sweden. The pulp mill has had problems with produced steam being wasted, and the purpose of the model was to trim the regulation of existing components to reduce this surplus of steam. The model was built and extended incrementally, starting with the steam

The informal sector workers in India: a precarious situation

Informal employment in the 21st century is increasingly prevalent across the world and becomes particularly insecure in the Global South. This thesis studies different aspects of the precarious nature of informal sector jobs in a specific district in India. The research is built upon the concept of precarity which refers to instability, vulnerability and the volatile essence of the informal labor

Blue Stragglers from Primordial Binary Evolution

Blue stragglers were first discovered as hotter and more luminous than the turnoff in the globular cluster M3. Their presence is typically explained by the interplay between stellar collisions and mass transfer in binary systems. In this thesis, I study blue stragglers produced from primordial binary evolution. This is done by both reproducing individual blue stragglers, to examine the different f

How to mainstream secondhand consumption - a quantitative case study of a company in the refurbishment products industry

Tänk om du levde i en värld med ett stabilt klimat där fler företag bedrev sin verksamhet utefter cirkulära affärsmodeller. Ett samhälle som anammat mer hållbara konsumtionsbeteenden, skapat fler arbetstillfällen, och äntligen slutat utarma Jordens naturresurser. Vore inte det en härlig tillvaro? Vill vi förverkliga drömmen bör vi ställa oss frågan vad som krävs för att vi ska komma dit. Mer speciThe shortage of Earth’s limited resources is becoming more evident and our planet’s climate system is under immense pressure. To combat these problems, more people investigate the concept of circularity. This study intended to find out what make consumers motivated to buy used items from a professional refurbisher, thereby replacing purchases of brand-new products, and also identifying barriers.

Are Gender Board Quotas Effective? A Synthetic Control Method Analysis of the Italian Case.

The lack of women in leadership positions in the corporate sector is widespread throughout Europe. In this thesis, I study the efficacy of the Italian Gender Board Quota law no. 120/2011 in reducing such disparity in the Italian context. The impact of the policy is analysed with the innovative synthetic control methodology, which creates a no-policy scenario for Italy. By comparing the synthetic c

Development and characterization of an eco-friendly cosmeceutical formulation with optimal performance.

Cosmetic innovations are about finding high performing creative solutions that deliver into the consumer trends. The consumer trend within the cosmetic industry is currently driving a growing demand for more clean, natural skin care products with sustainable credentials. Enhanced delivery to and interaction with the skin can be achieved through knowledge-based design and characterization of delive

The more the merrier? An exploratory study on housing satisfaction and perceived mental health in a Swedish student population

Mycket är känt gällande kopplingar mellan boendemiljöer och psykisk hälsa, men hur det ser ut i en svensk kontext är inte lika utforskat. Högskole- och universitetsstudenter har visat sig vara en sårbar grupp gällande psykisk hälsa, och COVID-19 pandemin har ytterligare belyst behovet av att utforska hur det relaterar till boendemiljöer då studenter spenderat mer tid än tidigare i sina hem. SåledeMuch is known regarding the connections between residential environments and mental health, but less so in a Swedish context. Students in higher education have been found to be a vulnerable group in terms of mental health problems, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasised the need to explore how mental health relates to residential environments, as students have spent more time in their ho

Combined Regularisation Techniques for Artificial Neural Networks

Artificial neural networks are prone to overfitting – the process of learning details specific to a particular training data set. Success in preventing overfitting through combining the L2 and dropout regularisation techniques has led to the combination’s recent popularity. However, with the introduction of each additional regularisation technique to an artificial neural network, there comes new h

Cost drivers in a warehouse line-haulage operation and how to affect them

In the early 21st century, deflationary trends applied pressure on margins in a range of different industries and subsequently cost reductions were required. Improving efficiency in the supply chain was identified as one of the key sources of potential cost savings. Subsequently, a trend towards slimmer supply chains with less stockkeeping emerged. However, due to the covid-19 pandemic supply chai

En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares reflektioner kring kommunal aktivering

The aim of this study was to investigate how social workers reflect on municipal activation for clients who receive financial assistance, and the boundaries the social workers set in regard to the Swedish Public Employment Service. The aim is also to analyze which activation measures are used in the municipality, why they are used and how the social workers use their discretion in decision-making.

”Allt löser sig inte bara genom ett piller” - Det psykosociala arbetet och perspektivets betydelse inom hälso- och sjukvårdens beroendevård

The aim of this study was to examine the significance of psychosocial work and perspective in addiction care within the Swedish healthcare system and what it is that enables or limits healthcare counselors’ psychosocial work in the medical context. The methodology is based on a qualitative approach using eight semi-structured interviews with healthcare counselors working with addiction care in the

Creativity in a Box - Creativity and Routines in a Symphony Orchestra

The purpose of this study is to provide a more profound knowledge of how routines impact creativity when studying a Symphony Orchestra. This includes the exploration of obstacles hindering individuals to be creative as well as enabling factors that enhance creativity within the context of routines. Following an interpretivist tradition, our qualitative study uses an abductive approach to a single

Duger alla i krig? Attityder till försvarsrelaterade könsroller under externt hot

Med bakgrund i den pågående Ukrainakonflikten har denna undersökning intresserat sig av synen på könsroller under ett externt hot. Frågeställningen formulerades till: Hur ser människors attityder mot försvarsrelaterade könsroller ut under ett externt hot? För att göra detta konstruerades en skala för att mäta attityder mot försvarsrelaterade könsroller (AKF). Vidare valdes ett antal prediktorvaria