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Exploring food concepts for the prevention of type 2 diabetes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabetes är en folksjukdom och dess förekomst ökar dramatiskt över hela världen. Typ 2 diabetes, eller åldersdiabetes, är den i särklass vanligaste varianten av diabetes. Typ 2 diabetes är starkt förknippat med övervikt och fetma vilket illustreras av att ca 90 % av alla typ 2 diabetiker är överviktiga. Typ 2 diabetes kan förhindras genom livsstilsförändringar. Många mäThere is currently a dramatic and global increase in obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2D) and associated metabolic disorders. T2D can be delayed or prevented in individuals at risk and identifying and developing new food concepts for the prevention of obesity and T2D is of utmost importance. This thesis describes our work on exploring new food concepts for the prevention of T2D. We have used 3T3-L1 adip

An abundance study of red-giant-branch stars in the Hercules dwarf spheroidal galaxy

Context. Dwarf spheroidal galaxies are some of the most metal-poor, and least luminous objects known. Detailed elemental abundance analysis of stars in these faint objects is key to our understanding of star formation and chemical enrichment in the early universe, and may provide useful information on how larger galaxies form. Aims. Our aim is to provide a determination of [Fe/H] and [Ca/H] for co

The Influence of Hormonal Factors on the Risk of Developing Cervical Cancer and Pre-Cancer: Results from the EPIC Cohort

In addition to HPV, high parity and hormonal contraceptives have been associated with cervical cancer (CC). However, most of the evidence comes from retrospective case-control studies. The aim of this study is to prospectively evaluate associations between hormonal factors and risk of developing cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN3)/carcinoma in situ (CIS) and invasive cervical cancer

Neural Stem Cells - interaction with the brain and prospects for cell replacement therapy for Stroke

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stroke är ett akut neurologiskt tillstånd och den främsta anledningen till funktionsnedsättning hos vuxna. Det finns ingen behandling för effektiv återhämtning. Den vanligaste formen av stroke orsakas av att mellersta storhjärnsartären blockeras vilket gör att man förlorar hjärnceller, till exempel neuroner. Neurala stamceller (NSCs) skulle kunna användas för att återstStroke is an acute neurological condition and the leading cause of disability in adult humans. Treatments for efficient recovery are not available. The most common form of stroke results from the occlusion of the middle cerebral artery, which causes loss of brain parenchyma and many types of neurons as well as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Neural stem cells (NSCs) could potentially be used to d

ADHD symptoms and maturity - a study in primary school children.

Aim: To study if age and non-behavioural measures of biological maturity have any associations with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods: Two hundred fifty-one children 7 to 9 years of age in a Swedish school were screened for ADHD-symptom. ADHD-symptoms were estimated by Conners Abbreviated Questionnaire by both parents and teachers. Motor function, body weight and body height

Calculation of beach change under interacting cross-shore and longshore processes

This paper presents a mathematical approach and numerical model that simulates beach and dune change in response to cross-shore processes of dune growth by wind and dune erosion by storms, and by gradients in longshore sand transport that will alter shoreline position. Sub-aerial transport processes are represented, whereas sub-aqueous transport is neglected. The system is tightly coupled morpholo

Dipolar Order in Molecular Fluids: I. Toward an Understanding

The origin behind the dipolar order in molecular fluids is investigated by using a simple dipolar fluid and Monte Carlo simulation technique. A penalty function is employed to separately manipulate the positional and orientational structure of the fluid. By considering the distance-dependent Kirkwood function G (k), which in turn is related to the dielectric permittivity of the fluid, it is observ

Elastic and proton-dissociative photoproduction of J/psi mesons at HERA

Cross sections for elastic and proton-dissociative photoproduction of J/psi mesons are measured with the H1 detector in positron-proton collisions at HERA. The data were collected at ep centre-of-mass energies root s approximate to 318 GeV and root s approximate to 225 GeV, corresponding to integrated luminosities of L = 130 pb(-1) and L = 10.8 pb(-1), respectively. The cross sections are measured

Delayed umbilical cord clamping at birth has effects on arterial and venous blood gases and lactate concentrations

BJECTIVE: To estimate the influence of delayed umbilical cord clamping at birth on arterial and venous umbilical cord blood gases, bicarbonate (HCO3-), base excess (BE) and lactate in vigorous newborns. SETTING: University hospital. DESIGN: Prospective observational. SAMPLE: Vaginally delivered term newborns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Umbilical cord arterial and venous blood was sampled repeatedly eve

Micro- and nanophase separations in hierarchical self-assembly of strongly amphiphilic block copolymer-based ionic supramolecules

By a selective complexation between different alkyltrimethylammonium amphiphiles (C8, C12 and C16) and three different diblock copolymer systems of poly(styrene)-b-poly(methacrylic acid) at various grafting densities X (X = number of alkyl chains per acidic group of the poly(methacrylic acid) PMAA block), a class of ionic supramolecules are successfully synthesized whose molecular architecture con

Comparative Toxicity of Nanoparticulate CuO and ZnO to Soil Bacterial Communities

The increasing industrial application of metal oxide Engineered Nano-Particles (ENPs) is likely to increase their environmental release to soils. While the potential of metal oxide ENPs as environmental toxicants has been shown, lack of suitable control treatments have compromised the power of many previous assessments. We evaluated the ecotoxicity of ENP (nano) forms of Zn and Cu oxides in two di

Hinders for continued work among persons with fibromyalgia

Background: Work disability is common among women with fibromyalgia (FM). The aim of the study was to investigate what health problems and work-related difficulties lead to hinders for continued work among women with FM. Methods: A qualitative interview study. Twenty-seven gainfully employed women with FM participated in five focus group interviews. Their median age was 52 years, ranging from 33 t

Parallel fiber and climbing fiber responses in rat cerebellar cortical neurons in vivo.

Over the last few years we have seen a rapidly increasing interest in the functions of the inhibitory interneurons of the cerebellar cortex. However, we still have very limited knowledge about their physiological properties in vivo. The present study provides the first description of their spontaneous firing properties and their responses to synaptic inputs under non-anesthetized conditions in the

Wave Damping in Reed: Field Measurements and Mathematical Modeling

Wave damping in vegetation in shallow lakes reduces resuspension and thereby improves the light climate and decreases nutrient recycling. In this study, wave transformation in reed (Phragmites australis) was measured in a shallow lake. Theoretical models of wave height decay, based on linear wave theory, and transformation of the probability density function (PDF), using a wave-by-wave approach, w

Calcium-induced mitochondrial permeability transition in CNS-derived mitochondria - Pharmacological aspects of specificity and toxicity in neuroprotection

Mitochondria are the main site for energy conversion in the cell. Under certain circumstances, such as excess calcium retention or production of reactive oxygen species, a pore forms at contact sites between the outer and the normally impermeable inner mitochondrial membrane. The ensuing osmotic mitochondrial swelling and loss of bioenergetic function is referred to as the mitochondrial permeabili