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Geoelectrical imaging for site investigation for urban underground infrastructure : a TRUST-project

Unforeseen ground conditions are risk factors often leading to delays and significant additional costs in conjunction with underground infrastructure construction work. There are two main geological hazards that are important to identify, manage, or possibly avoid, for safe and efficient underground construction. The first is unstable rock and the second is large groundwater inflow. The latter exi

Grundvattendagarna 2013

Den här rapporten innehåller en sammanställning av abstracts som ligger till underlag för de presentationer som presenterades på konferensen Grundvattendagarna i Lund den 16–17 oktober 2013. Konferensen anordnades av SGU i samarbete med Geologiska institutionen på Lunds uni-versitet och Länsstyrelsen Skåne. Ett av konferensens syften var att få till en bred uppslutning från olika organisationer, m

Praktisk processreglering (4 uppl.)

Boken, som nu ges ut i en fjärde utvidgad och omarbetad upplaga, vänder sig till personer som är verksamma i industrin och kommer i kontakt med reglerteknik, som operatörer och olika kategorier av ingenjörer. Den är också lämplig att använda i skolor och utbildningar där reglerteknik ingår. Den nya upplagan har kompletterats med problem med lösningar, vilket gör den speciellt användbar för undervi

Bayesian model selection with fractional Brownian motion

We implement Bayesian model selection and parameter estimation for the case of fractional Brownian motion with measurement noise and a constant drift. The approach is tested on artificial trajectories and shown to make estimates that match well with the underlying true parameters, while for model selection the approach has a preference for simple models when the trajectories are finite. The approa

Samhällets frakturbörda kan reduceras med fysisk aktivitet

Om fysisk aktivitet har en roll att spela vid behandlingen av osteoporos utvärderas oftast genom att studera om träning minskar riskfaktorer för uppkomsten av en fraktur, exempelvis om träning ökar benmassan. Emellertid är riskfaktorer bara ersättningsvariabler för den enda egentliga acceptabla effektvariabeln – en fraktur - när träningens effekt skall utvärderas. Det är sålunda först om man kan v

A Case of Pacemaker Endocarditis Caused by Aerococcus urinae

Background: Aerococcus urinae has lately been acknowledged as a cause of infective endocarditis (IE) especially in older males with underlying urinary tract disorders. In this population, cardiac implanted electronical devices (CIED) are not uncommon, but despite the capacity of A. urinae to form biofilm in vitro, no cases of aerococcal CIED infections have been reported to date.Case Presentation:

Aphasic status epilepticus with periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges in a bilingual patient as a presenting sign of "AIDS-toxoplasmosis complex"

We describe an HIV-infected, bilingual patient presenting with Wernicke's aphasia due to partial status epilepticus with periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges, as the first sign of AIDS-toxoplasmosis complex. The localization of the native and secondary language centers in the brain and the possible role of recurrent seizures in the fluctuating course of Wernicke's aphasia in this patient a

Affinity ultrafiltration for protein purification

Purification of a biochemical product from fermentation broths or other complex biological mixtures generally involves a combination of techniques which resolve substances according to differences in their physicochemical properties. These techniques have traditionally been optimized individually rather than as a part of the integrated, continuous process. Moreover, a lot of the development and re

High-resolution Measurement of Contact Ion-pair Structures in Aqueous RbCl Solutions from the Simultaneous Corefinement of their Rb and Cl K-edge XAFS and XRD Spectra

In concentrated solutions of aqueous RbCl, all of the Rb+ and Cl– ions exist as contact ion pairs. This full structural assessment is derived from the refinement of three independent experimental measurements: the Rb and Cl K-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) and the X-ray diffraction spectra (XRD). This simultaneous refinement of the XAFS and XRD data provides high accuracy since each m

Light-induced absorption and holographic recording in Pr:LINbO 3

With ultraviolet illumination, we have found a broad UV-induced absorption in the blue and some involvement of Pr ions in Pr:LiNbO 3 . Transient and stable absorption induced by UV illumination was analyzed at 457, 514, and 633 nm and could be explained by hole trap centers and iron ions. We also studied the effects of UV illumination and boundary conditions during holographic recording in the vi

Nordic research in ophthalmology

PURPOSE: To provide an overview of some of the current activities in eye research in the Nordic countries.METHODS: The presentations at the biannual Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology, held in Tampere, Finland in 2002, were reviewed and the contributions found most noteworthy are included in this article along with a limited discussion of each research field. However, space requirements prevented th

Mutational Landscape in Resected Periampullary Adenocarcinoma: Relationship With Morphology and Clinical Outcome

PURPOSE Periampullary adenocarcinomas encompass a heterogeneous group of tumors with dismal prognosisand limited treatment options. Emerging evidence shows that tumor morphology (ie, intestinal type [I-type] orpancreatobiliary type [PB-type]) is a more relevant prognostic factor than tumor origin. Knowledge is sparse,however, on whether key mutations differ according to morphology.MATERIALS AND ME